NightHammer's board-to-board with HALOArbiter117

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Showing messages 1-25 of 30 messages. Board-to-board

posted 8 years ago

K thanks, I wonder if we will ever see Solemn Penance again, if it survived the Great Schizm that is.

posted 8 years ago

Hey, was wandering if it's possible that the shipmaster of Solemn Penance,Rhul Salmutee, is the commanding elite seen in H2A terminal. The one commanding the search party for the luminary. He is seen of high rank and speaks as if he has personally met regret.

posted 8 years ago

Hey, was wandering if it's possible that the shipmaster of Solemn Penance,Rhul Salmutee, is the commanding elite seen in H2A terminal. The one commanding the search party for the luminary. He is seen of high rank and speaks as if he has personally met regret.

posted 9 years ago

As Jugus mentioned, the Elite is not really notable to have his own page. There is several other Elites in Halo fiction that have been equally featured as that Elite, but they do not have pages because there just isn't enough information on the Elite to have its own page. We only make pages for unnamed characters/planets/other items when there is a decent amount of info on them.

posted 9 years ago

Dude I'm gonna be offline for a while but I think someone needs to make a page for the spec ops elite in another day at the beach, I think we need it because first off hes the only elite in another day at the beach and also to help compete against halo nation because they have one for him

posted 9 years ago

Dude I'm gonna be offline for a while but I think someone needs to make a page for the spec ops elite in another day at the beach, I think we need it because first off hes the only elite in another day at the beach and also to help compete against halo nation because they have one for him

posted 9 years ago

K thanks though, I have the game and I've been going through and finding Intel to put down on the page

posted 9 years ago

Dude I'm wandering if you or someone can make a page on the osso on a in halo 5 he sound cool but I can't find anything about him

posted 9 years ago

Dude chieftain is revealed, halo wars 2 trailer chieftain is freaking awesome

posted 9 years ago

Dude chieftain is revealed, halo wars 2 trailer chieftain is freaking awesome

posted 9 years ago

If you can think of any brute chieftain during the human covenant war or great schism please tell me.

posted 9 years ago

If you can think of any brute chieftain during the human covenant war or great schism please tell me.

posted 9 years ago

OK so I'm really just wanting to make one about any brute chieftain. I had some ideas but I was gonna let you decide which one. The one the appears in Halo:Landfall, killing an odst before getting blown to bits with a rocket launcher. Or just do my original that beats up Johnson.

posted 9 years ago

ok thats cool. yeah ill check those out

posted 9 years ago

do you think i could get that page back, i Swear this is the only one i will ask for back. you can edit it anytime and any others i make that get deleted i just have to live with

posted 9 years ago

i was trying to say the only reason that brute is my favorite is for those reasons.

posted 9 years ago

that is true, Melchus is very like Tartarus.

posted 9 years ago

the only reason that the brute that challenges chief is because he talks to Truth personally, and i like his death part is an arena match with his pack cheering him on. if i could get the page back, how would i get all the stuff i made already back.

posted 9 years ago

the only reason that the brute that challenges chief is because he talks to Truth personally, and i like his death part is an arena match with his pack cheering him on. if i could get the page back, how would i get all the stuff i made already back.

posted 9 years ago

cool, i wonder if there was a successor to tartarus

posted 9 years ago

question, the war chieftain in the believe trailer is holding the Fist of Rukt right, wonder if he is new Chieftain of the Brutes since tartarus is dead.

posted 9 years ago

doing it now about cheiftan that challenges masterchief at the ark, he is more canon and seen more often. May need your help setting page up when im done if you wouldnt mind skimming through it and fixing things i missed, first page im making on halopedia.

posted 9 years ago

Cool I will. May have to do it tomorrow though. 10:00pm here. Thx

posted 9 years ago

Cool I will. May have to do it tomorrow though. 10:00pm here. Thx