
June 3rd
May 22, 2014

Hi! I'm Mitchell. I'm a long-time Halo fan and I've been one since 2001. While not as excited about the newer stuff, I'm still approaching it with an open mind.
There's not much else to tell. I'm openly Bisexual, and Pro-Choice and the like. Feel free to say hi! I have a userwiki that I'm working on, so feel free to take a look at that for my Tumblr blog and Twitter page.
Steven Universe, Regular Show, Adventure Time, The Amazing World of Gumball, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex I like a little bit of everything, save for any Country Music past the 1990's. Pretty much terrible from there on out. I'm a huge fan of Indie music and EDM. And I'm always a sucker for video game soundtracks. The Lord of the Rings and all relevant books to the series, The Halo series
Likely the joy I received from playing my first ever match of Halo, when I was seven. A Free-For-All Rockets match on Sidewinder. I came in third, beating my mother, and coming after her boyfriend's sons.
Halo 5.
Brian Reed must pay for what he's done.