User:Ian Anthony
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Ian Gibson
Big Stone Gap
November 2, 2010
Mastodon, System of a Down, Static X, POWERMAN 5000, Jonathan Coulton, Scars on Broadway, Andrew W.K. Halo, Half-life, Portal, Team Fortress 2, Borderlands, Left 4 Dead, Dead Rising, Oblivion, Fallout
Listen to me, Covenant. I am Vice Admiral Preston J. Cole commanding the human flagship, Everest. You claim to be the holy and glorious inheritors of the universe? I spit on your so-called holiness. You dare judge us unfit? After I have personally sent more than three hundred of your vainglorious ships to hell? After kicking your collective butts off Harvest - not once - but twice? From where I sit, we are the worthy inheritors. You think otherwise, you can come and try to prove me wrong.
Getting destroyed by Shade turrets...