
Thirsty Grunt

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(Redirected from Thursty grunt)
The thirsty Grunt

"Good thing that food-nipple's waiting for me at the starship 'cause, man, have I worked up a big, grunty thirst![1] (listen)"
— Thirsty Grunt"

The fan-named thirsty Grunt is a special dialogue Grunt in Halo: Combat Evolveds final level, The Maw.


At the escaping sequence in The Maw, after the bridge where you see Foe Hammer get shot down, keep to the right side of the tunnel. You will eventually see a small tunnel at the side of the wall. Go down there and you find a tunnel to your right. Make sure you enter the right entrance. The Unggoy will only spawn if you go in the first entrance to the passage. If you go around to the second entrance, he will not spawn. If you do this properly, you will see many combat forms corpses around one SpecOps Grunt that is still alive. He will stand there until you approach, after which he will look up and initiate his dialogue.

Flipflop during the Battle of Installation 04
The Thirsty Grunt in Halo: Combat Evolved.

After completing his dialogue, he will continue to sit there unless you melee him, at which he reacts like a normal Unggoy. He will not attack you and will simply treat you like an ally. He and the Final Grunt are the only enemy Grunts that never shoot you, while the Cowardly Grunt of Halo 2 is registered as an ally, instead.

He is one of the few enemies in Halo: Combat Evolved who happens to have a fully loaded Plasma Pistol and the only Special Operations Unggoy who has a Plasma Pistol, instead of a Needler or a Zasqi-pattern fuel rod gun. If the player picks up his Plasma Pistol and overcharges it, the green orb of energy will not appear, only the sparks will.

