Editing The Silent Cartographer (Level)

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#REDIRECT [[The Silent Cartographer]]
<center>''Looking for [[The Silent Cartographer|Silent Cartographer]], the map room?''</center>
{{Article Quote|Search for the map room that will lead you to the secrets of [[Halo]].}}
{{Level infobox
|prev=[[The Truth and Reconciliation (Level)]]
|game=[[Halo: Combat Evolved]]
|next=[[Assault on the Control Room]]
|name='''''The Silent Cartographer'''''
|date= [[2552|September 20, 2552]]
|place= On the surface of [[Installation 04]]
|Objective=Find The [[Cartographer]]
*[[Elites]] ([[Minor Elite|Minor]], [[Major Elite|Major]], [[Zealot]], [[Stealth Elite|Stealth]])
*[[Grunts]] ([[Minor Grunt|Minor]], [[Major Grunt|Major]])
*[[Jackals]] ([[Minor Jackal|Minor]], [[Major Jackal|Major]])
The [[Covenant]] believe that '''The Silent Cartographer''' is somewhere under an island, with multiple structures concealing an installation.
The Silent Cartographer is a level in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]] where [[John-117]] leads a platoon of [[UNSC Marines]] in an assault on an island that contains the map room for the [[Installation 04|Halo Installation]]. The marines won't leave the landing zone but can be taken on the Warthog. But when they exit the [[Warthog]] they will run back to the landing zone.
== Weapons ==
=== UNSC ===
*[[M6D Personal Defense Weapon System|Pistol]]
*[[MA5B Individual Combat Weapon System|Assault Rifle]]
*[[M19 SSM Rocket Launcher|Rocket Launcher]]
*[[M41 LAAG|M41 Light Anti-Aircraft Gun]]
*[[Frag Grenade]]
=== Covenant ===
*[[Plasma Pistol]]
*[[Plasma Rifle]]
*[[Energy Sword]] (unusable)
*[[Plasma Grenade]]
== Vehicles ==
=== UNSC ===
*[[Warthog|M12 LRV Warthog]]
*[[Pelican|D77H-TCI Pelican Dropship]] (Undrivable)
=== Covenant ===
*[[Spirit|Spirit Dropship]] (Undrivable)
*[[Active Camouflage]]
== Transcript ==
===The Silent Cartographer===
(''Two [[Pelican]] dropships approach an island, low over the water. You are inside the lead dropship [[Echo 419]]'')
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "The [[Covenant]] believe that what they call "[[The Silent Cartographer]]," is somewhere under this island. The Cartographer is a map room that will lead us to [[Halo]]'s [[Control Room|control center]]. The island has multiple structures and installations. One of them contains the map room."
'''[[Foe Hammer]] (O.S.):''' "We're approaching the LZ. It's gonna be hot. Get set to come out swinging. Touchdown! Hit it, [[Marines]]!"
[[Image:Scrn_037.jpg|thumb|John-117 leads the beach-head assault.]]
'''[[Sergeant Waller]]:''' "GO GO GO!"
'''Sergeant Waller''': "Pile out people, let's move!"
'''[[Marine]]:''' "Pile out!"
(''Once the beach is cleared of [[Covenant]] hostiles'')
'''Marine:''' "Area's secure. All hostiles have been eliminated."
'''Cortana: "Area's secure."
'''Foe Hammer (O.S.):''' "Affirmative. Echo 419 inbound. Somebody order a [[Warthog]]?"
'''Sergeant Waller (O.S.):''' "Hey, I didn't know you made house calls, Foehammer!"
'''Marine (O.S.):''' "Music to my ears, Foehammer!"
'''Foe Hammer (O.S.):''' "You know [[23rd Naval Air Squadron|our motto]]: We Deliver."
(''As the Chief boards the driver seat of [[Warthog]], two Marines occupy the passenger seat and the turret'')
'''Cortana:''' "Okay. Let's move out. Let's go find the map room that will show us the location of Halo's control center."
(''As the team approaches the main building'')
'''Cortana:''' "There, in the cliff wall; I'll bet the Silent Cartographer is somewhere inside that facility." (On [[Heroic]] / [[Legendary]]): "[[Covenant|They]]'re already inside! We need to get in there quick, before they discover the location of Halo's control center!"
'''[[Private First Class Hosky]] (If he's on the Warthog looking at the passing [[Spirit|Covenant Dropship]]):''' "Anyone else see what I see? How are we supposed to get around ''that'', huh?"
(''As the Master Chief shoots his way into the facility'')
'''Cortana:''' "The Covenant are putting up a real fight! The Cartographer must be here. My analysis indicates that the map room should be at the bottom floor of this facility. Let's keep going inside."
''As the Chief sees the open door leading to the shaft...''
'''Cortana:''' "Don't let them lock the doors!"
''After all the Covenant troops in the nearby area have been killed.''
'''Cortana:''' "Interesting. I underestimated the Covenant's understanding of Halo's subsystems. They've locked the doors, and we don't have enough firepower to get through them."
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' "Cortana to [[Captain Keyes]]."
'''Captain Keyes (O.S.):''' "Go ahead, Cortana. Have you found the control center?"
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' "Negative, Captain. The Covenant have impeded our progress. We can't proceed unless we can disable this installation's security system."
[[Image:Forerunnerthingy.jpg|thumb|The Cartographer's Security Facility]]
'''Captain Keyes (O.S.):'''{Slight Pause} "Understood.  We're still en route to the objective. I may be out of contact when we get there. {Pause} Here are your orders. I want you to use any means necessary to force your way into the facility and find Halo's control center. We have to get to the center before the Covenant, and failure, people, is not an option."
'''Foe Hammer (O.S.):''' "Echo 419 to ground teams. I'll stay on station and keep an eye out for Covenant bogies."
'''Sergeant Waller (O.S.):''' "Second squad! Ready to roll, soon as everybody's topside!"
'''Marine (O.S.):''' "LZ looks secure Sir, nothing moving.'
'''Captain Keyes (O.S.):''' "Good luck, people. Keyes out."
'''Cortana:''' "We need to find the security override to get this door open."
''As the Chief approaches the path leading up into the island.''
'''Cortana:''' "It looks like there is a path leading to the interior of the island."
''If the Chief passes the substation, which juts out of the cliffs.''
'''Cortana:''' "Well, there's the entrance to the security substation, but it looks like we'll have to look for another way up."
''(Alternative Dialogue: If the Security Station is entered before going to the auto-locking door to the map room.)''
'''Cortana:''' This isn't the map room. Analyzing... (Pause) This is a security override station for the main facility, located somewhere else on this island. Shut the system down so the Covenant won't be able to lock us out.
''Once the Chief shuts the system down...''
''Once the Chief gets inside the substation and reach the security override, the "Normal" way.''
'''Cortana:''' Use the holo panel to shut down the security system.
'''Cortana:''' "We should now have access to the main facility, let's find the map room."
'''Cortana:''' "Good. That should open the door that leads into the main shaft."
===It's Quiet...===
''As the Chief moves down the hall from the security substation, towards the exit.''
'''Pelican Pilot (O.S.):''' "Mayday, mayday! Dropship [[Bravo 022]] taking enemy fire! Repeat! We are under heavy fire and are losing altitude!"
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' Understood. We're on on our way.
''As the Chief exits the substation.''
'''Cortana:''' "Chief, Bravo 22 was bringing us some [[Rocket Launcher|heavy weapons]]. After I saw we were up against [[Hunter]]s, I thought you could use them. Let's move down the beach. Keep an eye out for any cargo we can salvage."
''As the Chief approaches the now-unlocked door leading to the shaft.''
''Master Chief walks out onto the platform overlooking the shaft and kicks a loose piece of debris down it.''
''As the Chief moves farther down into the facility, into the third of four levels.''
'''Foe Hammer (O.S.):''' "Foehammer to ground teams, you got two enemy dropships coming in fast!"
'''Sergeant Waller (O.S.):''' "Dammit! Okay, people, we got company comin', let's set the table. Engage enemy forces on sight!"
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' "It'll be easier to hold them off from inside the structure. Can you get inside? '
'''Sergeant Waller (O.S.):''' "Negative! They're closin' in too fast, negative! (Pause) Chief! You gotta find the Cartographer! We'll keep 'em busy as long as we can!"
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' "Give 'em hell, Marine."
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' 'We'll be in a tight spot if we don't get out of here before additional reinforcements arrive. Let's find that map."
''When the Chief finally reaches the Cartographer.''
'''Cortana:''' "There. That holo panel should activate the map."
''The Silent Cartographer holo display begins to spin, and the diagram of Halo begins to break into sections.''
'''Cortana:''' Analyzing. Halo's [[Control Room|control center]] is located there. That structure appears to be some sort of temple or shrine, if I've interpreted this correctly. (Pause) Interesting. A shrine is an unlikely place to put such a significant installation.
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' "Cortana to Captain Keyes."
'''Foe Hammer (O.S.):''' "The Captain has dropped out of [[COM|contact]], Cortana. [[Victor 933|His ship]] may be out of range or having equipment problems."
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' "Keep trying. Let me know when you've reestablished contact, and then tell him that the Master Chief and I have determined the location of the control center. We'll be heading there as soon as we're topside."
'''Foe Hammer (O.S.):''' "Affirmative. Foehammer out."
''Once the Chief reaches to the exit of the facility.''
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' "Cortana to Echo 419. The Chief and I are topside, requesting pickup."
'''Foe Hammer (O.S.):''' "Roger. On my way."
''As the Chief boards the Pelican.''
''Echo419 lifts off from the platform and rises quickly, circling the center of the island.''
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' "Let's get moving. Foehammer. Here are coordinates and a flight plan I've worked out."
'''Foe Hammer (O.S.):''' "But, Cortana...these coordinates are underground."
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' "The Covenant did a thorough seismic scan. My analysis shows that Halo is honeycombed with deep tunnels, which circle the whole ring."
''The structure where the first pair of Hunters appeared, lifts up, revealing an underground tunnel; Echo 419 lowers into it as the structure comes back up again.''
'''Foe Hammer (O.S.):''' "I hope your analysis is on-the-money, Cortana. This Pelican won't turn on a dime."
'''Cortana (O.S.):''' "Look on the bright side, Foehammer. The last thing the Covenant will expect is an aerial insertion from underground."
''Echo 419 continues to lower through the structure, the top closes with a bang before everything goes dark.''
== Walkthroughs==
=== Normal Walkthrough ===
As the level begins, just before the entire HUD becomes visible, press Y (or tab if you're playing on PC). That way, you'll switch to your [[M6D Magnum|Pistol]]. Zoom in immediately and snipe any [[Grunts]] you see. (Note: don't worry about burning through most of your ammo and grenades in this first battle, because supplies will become available soon.)
Go at the first [[Elite]], firing until he goes down. If your shield is down, hide behind the [[Covenant]] energy shield. Then, charge forward and throw a [[Fragmentation Grenade|Grenade]] between the two [[Elite|Elites]], and then handle the [[Jackals]] and the [[Elite]] survivors with the [[Assault Rifle|AR]]. Now, if you like handling [[Hunters]] with your [[Assault Rifle|AR]], swap your [[Pistol]] for a [[Covenant]] [[Plasma Pistol]] or [[Plasma Rifle]], or better yet, a [[Needler]].
When [[Foe Hammer]] drops off the [[Warthog]], get into the driver seat, wait for a passenger and a gunner, then get a move on. You should run into a patrol composed of several [[Grunt|Grunts]], two [[Jackal|Jackals]], and an [[Elite]] on a small hill. The [[Marine|Marines]] will gun down the [[Covenant]] for you, so you can ignore this group if you want.
Once you round the bend you should see a [[Spirit|Covenant Dropship]]. Stay away from the ramp as the Spirit will fire at you. Then drive towards the structure right into a group of [[Covenant]]. They will try to jump away, but try to at least splatter one of them., beware of the Major Grunts as they will throw grenades to disable your men, and will cost you some health. The rest will seek shelter in the structure.
If you drive inside the structure, you should splatter many [[Covenant]], but also risk being stuck by [[Plasma Grenade|grenades]], and also, beware of the Major Elites as they will pour plasma onto you.
Eventually, the remaining [[Elite|Elites]] should retreat further down into the structure. Get out of the [[Warthog|'hog]], and go down and gun them down, or melee them, or splatter them. Use the tight quarters to your advantage. You can't miss. Proceed downwards.
A small squad of [[Grunt|Grunts]] and an [[Elite|Elite]] is waiting in ambush on the bottom floor, and a [[Zealot]] is standing with an [[Energy Sword]] behind them. If you're quick, you can throw a [[Plasma Grenade]] at the [[Zealot]], killing him before the door closes. If not, forget about it and concentrate on clearing out the room.
Drive the Warthog to the small ridge, where a Warthog with dead Marines are. Collect some ammo and [[Fragmentation Grenade|Grenades]]. Splatter as many of the Jackals as possible, and avoid being stuck by [[Plasma Grenades|grenades]].
Then go up the hill. You should meet lots of [[Grunt]]s and [[Elite]]s, and combat will drain your shields, but there are rocks nearby that you can hide behind.(And there are also health packs at the bottom of the hill in case you need them.
Go back to the Warthog, and get in. Drive up to the tree. As you can see, you can drive the Warthog past the tree up the ramp.
This will be a little tricky, but if you can do it, it'll pay off. So, back up a little, and try to get a straight shot between the tree and the rock wall to the left. When you're ready, floor it, and slam right between the left cliff and tree. (Some Major Grunts may throw grenades and tip your Warthog over, but there is always a second chance as you pick up a health pack near the overturned Warthog.)
This part is tricky, and it might take a couple tries. Keep flooring it while carefully moving the joystick to the right. You want to curve around the tree, and turn hard to the left at the right moment. If you did it right, the jeep will crawl through, and you'll be home-free.
Note: Make sure the Covenant are neutralized before doing this. Why? Because these AI aren't stupid. When they see you doing this, they'll know neither you, nor the Marines, will be able to shoot them. So, they'll start shooting you, and have fun throwing grenades.
Now if you flip the Warthog in between the tree and cliff, don't bother flipping it right, because you'll just crush your Marines to death and kill them. Instead, hit pause, and restart the checkpoint.
If you managed to get through, congratulations. You just saved yourself a load of trouble. Drive up the slope, until you reach the next area. At the top of the hill, at a large [[Forerunner]] structure, there should be two [[Hunter]]s. Don't panic. As soon as your free from the annoying rocks, FLOOR IT!! Get moving! and fast, before the hunters blow you and the two Marines to hell. Your gunner will immediately open up on the two Hunters, and the passenger will help.
I suggest driving around the perimeter/ring of the structure. So long as you don't stop, the Hunters won't be able to hit you. If your a good driver, veer off and smash into a Hunter. But, after that, keep moving, because the other will want some revenge.
There are are several dead Marines nearby with assault rifles. If you need to reload, or if you need health, don't forget that there are two health packs and plenty of ammo.
Note: Near the Covenant ammo crates are two [[overshields]]. DO NOT PICK THEM UP, unless you're playing in Legendary. You'll need them later.
[[Jackal]] investigators will arrive, and begin shooting charged plasma burst at you. They really like to do that here. Drive the Warthog into them, and let the Marines do the fun work. If you're taking heavy fire, I suggest you bail out and use an M6D to snipe the aliens. Once the area is clear, drive down to the bottom and kill whoever is still alive.
Note: You should leave the overshields alone for this reason, because the Jackals with charged plasma pistols will immediately drain the shields, thus making them a waste.
To the right, you'll see a path. Now be careful. This path is thin and you might fall off. I suggest flooring it through there and getting onto safe ground before the Grunts can toss a grenade, or before you fall off. Once you're under the structure, get out and assist the Marines in clearing the area.
If you're a good driver, go back across the thin pathway, and drive over to the dead Hunters. Get one of the overshields, and return to the structure. If you don't want to risk the Warthog, then just run back.
Once you have the overshield, slowly drive the warthog down the ramp IN REVERSE. The idea is to get your gunner to fire through the doorway, and for good a reason. When your Marine gunner is carefully positioned, get out and enter the room. This crammed with Covenant cargo boxes, which looks spooky enough without the darkness in it. However, this spookiness will only escalate when two [[Hunter|Hunters]] emerge.
When you reach this point, I would suggest having either a M6D and MA5B, or M6D and Plasma Rifle. Whatever you choose, make sure you've got the handgun. If you feel like wasting grenades, then do so. Whatever you do, make sure you back up while firing.
Naturally, there will be two Hunters. Back up so your Marine can assist you in taking them out. Other than that, just do your best, try to dodge the Hunters' attacks, and be careful. If they've destroyed the overshield, run to the warthog, and zoom up the ramp. You can also drive the Warthog down to where the Hunters are and ram them, this is a bit tricky but it's very satisfying. If you feel as though you just scratched the Hunters, then take the time to go back to the last two hunters, and get the last remaining overshield there. If not, then there are a couple overshields just to the right of the ramp as you exit.
When your ready, go back down there. Hopefully, the Hunters haven't blown your gunner away. If they did, get the passenger Marine to take his place. As horrible as it sounds, these Marines ''are'' expendable for you to sacrifice in order for you to survive. So, reverse back down there, and resume fighting.
I don't know how good you are against Hunters, but if you need to keep getting overshields, then do so. When they are finally dead, go get another overshield if you need it. If not, or you don't have anymore, then forget about it. Hopefully, your Marine(s) is/are still there, and have a good covering point. Go past where the Hunters popped out of, and continue on until you get to a control panel, the security override! Deactivate the locked door. You should see a cinematic, which shows the [[Zealot]] emerging from the open door. Looks like a pain-in-the-ass to deal with right? We'll see.
=== Part 2: It's quiet... ===
As you return to the Hunter-room, you'll hear a UNSC pilot as he is going down. He says his Pelican is Bravo 22. Two stealth Elites will immediately came out of nowhere, if you got the Assault Rifle, whack it out and spray bullets around, if you have Marines in the Warthog, you will have a lot easier time finishing them off. 
When you're done, hop into the Warthog and drive up the ramp. You should get a checkpoint. If you look around the structure, you'll see the wreckage of Bravo 22, and some Covenant around it. Now, instead of driving ''all the way back'' down, what you should do next is gonna be cool. When your ready, floor it right off the Structure!!!
Trust me, with the superb suspension in the Warthog jeep, you and the Marines will be fine (provided you land on all four wheels). If not, and either you or the Marines die, just try it again. If you can't make it, then try driving onto the tree branches right under the structure. Whether it's a glitch, or just really strong, the thin trees will hold the Warthog up as it slowly slides down. Quite a short-cut huh?
One thing you'll notice when doing this is the Grunts on the top of the ridge, and the Jackals patrolling below. If your still behind the wheel, and the Marines are still in, '''THEN MOVE IT, ''NOW''!!''' What the ''hell'' are you waiting for?!? The faster you move, the harder it'll be for them to hit you.
(Note: Just in case you decided to ignore me, then let me tell you what to expect as you cowardly walk the long-way back down to the beach:
There should be a Spirit at the site where you killed the first hunters. It'll dispatch several Jackals, who will be a pain in the ass and pin you down. Once you're done with them, you'll have to drive all the way around to Bravo 22.)
Some good supplies were left at the crash site, complements of your late gentlemen comrades. The most important of these is the M19-SSM Rocket Launcher. This is the first time you get to use it, so grab it and fill up on Rockets (9 rockets is Maximum). Grab some Pistol ammo, and a health pack if you need it. Now hop in the 'Hog and get back to the group of Marines where they fought that battle at the beginning of the game. You will most likely have some broken, battered, bleeding, wounded, hurt, and tired Marines on that Warthog by now...if you even have any left. Once your back at the Marine base, get out and get the two Marines out by walking over to their side of the jeep and pressing X. Once they pile out and walk off, get in and get two healthy Marines. Now, go back the Silent Cartographer entrance.
When you get there, you'll notice two Covenant crates on the beach just in front of the structure. Now, if there is still an overshield there, grab it. Keep driving past the structure, until you can't see it. Closely look at the cliff wall. You should see a black hole in the side. Drive into it. Keep driving through the tunnel, until you reach a left turn. Now, get ready for some action.
Floor it through the rest of the tunnel, and pop out of the exit, right into a Covenant Hunter. This element of surprise won't last long, so use it well. Whatever you do, DO NOT STOP. Stopping is like suicide-by-cop here, because the Hunters will blast the S@#$ out of you. Your Marines should be able to take them down. If your good at driving a Warthog, try to run one over...it's deeply satisfying. You can also force the hunters to jump off and die, and if trying to run one over, pin them between your Warthog...and a wall.
Now, if the idiot Jackals off to the side (where you first came from at the beginning of the game) haven't shot at you yet, floor it over there and slam into them. Once they're dead, drive into the structure, down the ramp. You see another ramp that's thinner. Just force the 'Hog down there. The tires will rub the side, and it'll be slow, but you can do it. Once you're down there, maneuver the Warthog around a bit until the gunner is facing the door. Back him up so that he has a clear field of fire. Now, get out, and go through the door.
=== Part 3: Shafted ===
Just for kicks, take a right. Nothing will grab ya.....or will it?
You'll walk over to a long ledge that's like a spade. The game will take control as you:
Watch a cinematic. The Master Chief, MA5B in hand, walks over to the edge and kicks a small bolt or rock over the edge. He leans over and peers down, expecting to hear a clink as the object hits the ground...but it never does. We see a HUGE cavernous area and no floor.
Note: If your playing on easy mode, or have an overshield, and wish to shave a LOT of time off, then take a running jump, and leap off the spade-ledge. If you do it right, you'll land about 3-4 floors down, ruin your overshield, and shave off about 10 minutes of time. However, you'll have a lot more enemies to face on the way up (because you never killed the ones on the way down. So it's them ''plus'' the reinforcements.
But let's not do that. Go back to the door. Don't worry, that energy-sword wielding Zealot elite won't show up, yet. keep going, past the door, and move down the hall to find an [[Elite]] tapping on his purple box machine. Probably playing X-box on company time! Do his boss a favor and snap his lazy spine with a melee attack. You can hear an eerie hum from the machine as you walk next to it. There's three grunts on the upper level, two awake and one snoring; three grunts on the lower level, two patrolling and one asleep, an Elite, and two grunts on a ledge above him. With that knowledge you have a couple options.
You can simply pick them off one by one from the doorway, but the Elite could prove a bit of a challenge. You could try and catch them all in a couple of rocket blasts.
From the purple box, take a right turn. Head about halfway up the ramp and crouch. You should see a couple of grunts patrolling. Wait for both of them to come to about your position and turn around. Then, once they're both headed the other way, crouch-walk up the ramp, sneak up on them and hit both of them in the back. I'd recommend the pistol melee, as it's faster.
If you stayed crouched through all of this, you are probably still hidden to the rest of the [[Covenant]] squad. Just remember, if they see you, haul back to the doorway and use cover to kill them all. Less classy, but also more alive.
Now for the ground level. Head back down the ramp, remembering to crouch. Go through the little door-not the big, open gate, but the tiny little one next to the ramp. Walk just through it and crouch. The grunt are patrolling around the central structure. Wait until they are both facing away from you, then quickly run out and hit the grunt in back. Then duck behind the central structure so that the other grunt doesn't see you. The sleeping grunt should be right there. Melee him and head back to the door.
When the last grunt is headed away from you again, sneak up on him and assassinate him too. Then, head around back up to where the first three grunts are, and look above the elite. There are two grunts there, neither of whom can see you. Plug them in the head, one bullet each. You'll want to do this very quickly, as the other grunt will panic and run away if he's left for too long.
There are three Jackals in the hall ahead. Drop a [[Plasma Grenade]] into their midst and wait for the screams to stop. Corridor cleared. Down below, however, is a room with two Hunters and numerous jackals. The room has an outer ring, with the Jackals, and an inner ring with the Hunters. Near the place where you come in, there is a tiny corridor from the outer ring to the inner ring.
This corridor can be very handy. The Hunters won't shoot into it, and the Jackals won't go in there. Sometimes they don't even see you there. In fact, you can sometimes lure each and every Jackal into its entrance and then melee them with your [[Pistol|M6D]].
Follow the path down to a empty space. Take a few seconds to have a look around, check cover, etc. Also, know the two doors. The one on the left leads to an [[Active Camouflage]], which you shouldn't take yet.
The one on the right leads down to another hallway. There are three oblivious [[Grunt|Grunts]] at the end. Headshot them all. The next room has six [[Grunt|Grunts]] and an [[Elite]]. Get as many headshots on the [[Grunt|Grunts]] as you can, then let the rest flee down the shaft.
Drop the Rocket Launcher for a second and grab a [[Needler]]. Send shots down after the grunts until they're all dead.
If you jumped, congratulations. Wise choice. Next comes the [[Silent Cartographer]] itself, along with an overshield and two Elites. Rockets work well here, but standard gunplay doesn't—these guys are careful, and they cover each other well.
It's all too easy to be overwhelmed by one while you take on the other. Explosives are your friend, anyway. Once they're dead, move in, grab the overshield, and turn on the [[Silent Cartographer|Cartographer]].
Whew. Now that's over with, it's time to get back to [[Echo 419]]. Turn around, head back over the two [[Elite|Elites]] (who are now dead) and head straight up the ramp. This should take you to the [[Active Camouflage]] room, where the [[Jackal|Jackals]] have taken up residence.
Dislodge them with some bullets, but for the sake of saving ammo, melee them if you want. Jackals always were a waste of ammo. Now, by jumping at the corner just right, you can get the active camouflage from the upper level. Cool. Now, time to make use of your invisibility. Run quickly out of this room and under the catwalk in the next room.
On the ledge leading up, however, is a pack of five grunts and an elite. Since the [[pistol]] isn't that effective in this situation, grab a [[plasma pistol]] and kill them.
You're in no hurry, and there are five [[plasma pistol|plasma pistols]] lying around.  But one or two should do the trick just as well. Once all six [[Covenant]] are dead, get the [[Pistol|M6D]] back and head up the ramp.
The next room up has, again, three Jackals, four Grunts and an [[Elite]]. The [[Jackal|Jackals]] are on the upper level, with the [[Grunt|Grunts]] and [[Elite]] down below.
Just keep going up through the levels until you get to the original underground level. The one where you killed those Grunts and one Elite. Be quick and take most of the Covenant forces by surprise. They'll never know what hit 'em. Now, time for the Zealot.
Go back to the idiot Elite who was playing X-box when you whacked him, and go down the hall. Switch to Plasma grenades. I suggest you have a either a Plasma Rifle or MA5b AR. Now once you're at the corner, get ready.
When you turn, you'll see the Energy-Sword Elite standing there. The Marine on the LAAG isn't firing at him, yet. This is kind of funny because it's as if they were waiting for you to join the party. Toss a grenade on the Zealot, and run back down the hall. The Marine on the LAAG will open up, and rip him apart as he explodes. Return to the Warthog. Hop in and drive to the surface. Once you get there you'll see a Spirit drop off several Ossoona elites. Kill them with the Marines' help, and get on the Pelican once it arrives.
== Speed Run Walkthrough ==
As soon as you begin, go the opposite way around the island, until you reach the Warthog. Flip it over and get in it. Drive forward, and go to where the Covenant Dropship is dropping off the Jackals. Kill them and grab the Overshield. It is easier to kill the Hunters if you go to the wrecked pelican somewhere on the island and get the rocket launcher, just look around on the ground and you will find it.
Now drive up the ramp, the same direction you were going in the Warthog. Turn around to go into the structure. Drive through, and turn right, down the ramp, and left. It's hard for the Warthog to get through this passage, but it's possible. Slow down near the end, and turn into the door. Don't worry about killing the Covenant there, just ram the Warthog through the door. If you do it fast enough, you can get the Warthog stuck, and the door won't close.
Now get out, and turn right. You'll go to the Shafted platform. If you are facing out, like a diving board, stand on the bottom-right corner. Walk straight off at an angle. You'll land on the very corner of where you can activate the map. Make sure to grab the Overshield, it is helpful because your health is so low.
Activate the map room and then advance up like in the guide above. Some ways into the path back to the surface, it is possible to [[Grenade Jump|grenade jump]] to an [[Active Camouflage]] in a room with Jackals on an elevated platform, which can be used to bypass a large number of enemies, including at least one pair of Hunters. When you get into the Warthog at the end, make sure not to try to drive it out--you can't. Walk outside and get aboard the dropship.
== Trivia ==
*Bungie's code name for this mission was B-30.
*It is possible to save at least 4 of the [[Marines]] (besides the two you take with you in your Warthog) by transporting them away from the beach with the two other Warthogs you encounter. But if you somehow get all of the surviving [[Marines]] inside of the structure, they will '''all''' die for no particular reason.
*On Easy and Normal difficulties, you sit next to [[Sergeant Stacker (Halo: Combat Evolved)|Sergeant Stacker]] on [[Echo 419]]; however, on Heroic and Legendary difficulties, you sit next to an Asian Marine.
*This level was featured in the Halo PC demo, Mac demo, and Xbox demo.
*[[Bungie]] stated that the Silent Cartographer was sort of a sandbox where they just threw a lot of things in to have tested, like lighting, graphics, new weapons or vehicles. It was never intended to be a level for players to play in, until it later became a memorable, official level.
*When you enter the facility where the [[Silent Cartographer]] is located, it is actually possible to jump off the platform that hangs over the abyss and land on the bottom floor where the silent cartographer is found. However, this can only be done if you have an overshield.
*You can get the Marines in the structure, but for them to be alive you need to get them ''in'' the Cartographer installation.
*You also can get the Marines and the Warthog in the security sub-station, but when you return, you will notice the Warthog turned down and only one marine alive.
*The original objective of this mission was to assassinate a [[Prophet]] who was trying to find the Silent Cartographer.
*It is possible to kill the [[Elite]] [[Zealot]] guarding the cartographer before you actually open the door.
*If you kill the Zealot behind the door,  a second one will replace him after the cutscene of the following objective.
*There is a hidden tunnel in the cliff wall that leads to the top of the structure that contains the Silent Cartographer.
*The [[Huragok|Engineer]] is hidden in the map's code, and can be spawned with the help of Halo Mapping Tools. Apparently, the [[Huragok|Engineers]] were supposed to be on this level, but were removed from gameplay, but not the map's code.
*The Marines you left on the surface are not even mentioned as you return for extraction, and Foehammer does not inform you of their status, even if they are KIA.
*When playing co-operative, player one sits in the second Pelican, while player two is in the first Pelican.
*At the crashed Warthog there is sometimes 4 dead marines, 1 more than the Hog can carry.
== Glitches ==
*In two of the four hunter areas, there is a steep ledge. One, where you enter the Cartographer facility after deactivating the security override. The [[Hunter]]s will be standing at the place Echo-419 picks you up at the end. Facing the Hunters, back pedal almost to the edge of the ledge. Then, get one to lunge at you. If you time it right, you can sidestep and it's own momentum will send it tumbling down below. On the 3 higher difficulties this will not kill it. BEWARE: It will immediately walk up the hill and back to the area it is supposed to be. This also works with the last Hunter pair of the level. Run past them right to the large drop next to the slope, and repeat what you did before. In the two higher difficulties, this will not kill it, and you can peer at it as it stumbles around, confused, not able to get up to where it is supposed to be. Do not peer too long though, as it will fire it's rod gun straight up, killing you quite easily.
*If you enter the security terminal without killing off the [[Grunt]]s and [[Elite]]s first. They will be toast and blood will be spurted all over when you come out. The same works for the Cartographer, and if you get out fast enough, the normal Elites and Grunts you left behind will die spontaneously while shooting you right as the stealth ones spawn.
*It is possible to pick up two, probably three, of the [[overshields]]. Simply run through them as fast as you can.
*If you hang around the Pelicans when you are first dropped off, they will not move. On the lower difficulty you can wait for your marines to wipe out the Covenant and a second Foehammer will fly in to give you the warthog. Note: Foehammer is supposed to be flying the dropship Master Chief came in on.
*You can go through the whole level by going in reverse. When you get dropped off, go backwards until you reach the path into the security override. You can go through about mid through, a marine will say "LZ clear", kill everything, and activate the panel. Cortana will say " Chief, this isn't the map room" The cinematic will start and then Cortana will say " good, now the Covenant won't be able to lock us out." Then go outside, get the warthog and rockets. Go to where you were dropped off and the pelicans will leave and start battling. You can bring the warthog in and get the marines in turrets. Then the Warthog Foehammer drops off will be there. The Hunters will be there and nobody will be in the installation.
*When you get into a warthog, drive into the water and you will keep going down until you fly off a cliff. You can get back up the cliff but it is so very easy to get lost as you go deeper. Eventually your warthog may explode for unknown reasons and on your motion sensor red dots will go past. Then you will be attacked. Once there was a tentacle for flood. Or a plasma blast that killed marines.
*When the cutscene is over and you land, if you walk over to the other [[Pelican]], [[Bravo 022]], it will say "[[Echo 419|E419]]" as well as yours.
*On your first attempt to enter the Cartographer, if you let one [[Grunt]] live, it will run up the stairs and kneel on a ramp. Even if you shoot it, it will stay in that position.
*When you inspect the crashed [[Bravo 022]] after you deactivate the security system, it will say "[[Victor 933|V933]]" instead of "[[Bravo 022|B022]]"
*If you bring two [[Marine|Marines]] with you on the [[Warthog]] on the second attempt to enter the Cartographer and leave them outside the shaft, they will survive the [[Covenant]] [[Spirit|dropships]]' onslaught, although the others won't (There will still be only 2 survivors even if you force all of them into the shaft).
*After the Covenant lock the door when you first attempt to enter the building, you can kill the [[Zealot]] elite by shooting through the little glass window. (With the assault rifle at least. Other weapons probably work, too. The needler does not.) If you don't take an absurdly long time opening the door again, the Zealot will come out of the door and walk over his own dead body.  You can also [[stick]] him before the doors close.
*At the end of the level, when you have to get in the [[Pelican]], press X like it says to get in, and then press it again, and you should jump back out. The cutscene will then start, but with the Pelican leaving you behind on the platform.
*When the Marine says area secure, if you are at the hill pass, you will notice the Pelican dropship which drops the Warthog flying into the Hunter Area and then it will disappear.
*The [[Spirit]] Dropship will appear at the Silent Cartographer entrance and the marines will be saying "Whoa". After this if you follow it down, it will disappear.
*There is a flipped Warthog on the beach, but if you go into the installation it disappears. You can find a Rocket Launcher near it.
*On the trial version for PC, if you stick yourself and then get into the pelican at the end, the screen will say "Loading... done" as normal, and then when the grenade goes off,the screen goes black, then goes to a third-person view behind the pelican flying past the tree, then a first person view where the chief would be standing, then fades out to black, then fades in as normal to the cinematic where Sarge tells you to buy the full version. The easiest way to stick yourself is to use the covenant storage containers as a surface to bounce the grenade off.
*It is also possible (in the demo and in full game) to drive the Warthog into the installation. When you open the door where the [[Zealot]] is, the marines in the Warthog will shoot at the Zealot, allowing you to sneak up on it if they do not finish it off first.
*Your can skip one third of the level. When you walk over to the ledge when you enter the Cartographer, you will trigger the cutscene, there, you should be able to over look the lowest level where leads directly to the map room. There is an Overshield near the Covenant boxes, jump over the edge and you should be able to get the overshield without losing your shield and health. It's a tricky jump as players will often fall to their doom if you could retrieve the Overshield.
*It is possible,(but very difficult)if you drive the warthog in to the building to jam the security doors open and then by leaving the warthog you end up inside the passage and can go straight to the silent cartographer, bypassing the hunters etc. if you do this Cortana will continue to talk as if you had not.
*To do this glitch you have to be in co-operative mode. First get you and your teammate into the warthog and drive as far into the water as possible, until you reach an invisible wall. Get your teammate out of the warthog and get him to stand in front of the wall, then slowly push him, and he will go through, free to explore the wide open sea....
*"teleport" to do this you will need to get the warthog in to the area with the first pair of hunters,kill them and where there are two overshields drive the warthog up to the fallen over crate/box. having done that get out of the Warthog and try not to pick up the overshields or it might not work but any way stand at the corner made by the Warthog and fallen over crate/box then jump over the crate/box and you should "teleport"! when you "teleport" you will (hopefully) land on a beam then crouch jump to one of the corners and from there to the floor! then you can deactivate the security lock then when you go outside you have to go back in and deactivate the lock again. but its fun!?!(this does not work on co-op)
*At the start on the level STAY with te Pelicans, let the Marines kill all the Covenant, when there done they will go to wherethe hog is dropped off at, when they are there go over to them, then foe hammer will drop off the hog while the other two ships are still there.
*After you deactivate the security lock, when you go to the Silent Cartographer, walk inside the first entrance (the entrance is outdoors). A steep ramp going into the structure is on your right. If there are any characters (marines, elites) above this ramp, as you exit the structure after activating the Silent Cartographer, you will hear them die for no reason (scream...). This also happens if you leave the warthog on top. However, if you drive the warthog down the ramp and leave it at the bottom of the first ramp, they will not die. Do this, and the gunner Marine can help you fight the invisi-Elites at the end of the level (although because they are invisi, the Marines can't help much).
== Related Links ==
*[[Warthog Jump]]
*[[Death Island]]
[[Category:Halo 1 Campaign]]

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