Talk:ONI Signal Corps

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(Redirected from Talk:Signal Corps)


source? --JohnSpartan117 22:51, 9 October 2006 (UTC)

Source added. --Dragonclaws 23:49, 9 October 2006 (UTC)
What do axons have to do with it? --JohnSpartan117 01:15, 10 October 2006 (UTC)
The audio file is an axon, which was an aspect of I Love Bees. --Dragonclaws 01:25, 10 October 2006 (UTC)
What does that have to do with the Signal Corps. --JohnSpartan117 03:32, 10 October 2006 (UTC)
He is saying that the Axon, Jersey proves that there is a dept called Signal Corps in the UNSC. However, no where in the Jersey Axon does it say what they do.

ILB Jersey.ogg

Jersey: Don't what?
Durga: Don't try reinitializing the system with a litolitics package.
Jersey: How did you know?
Durga: Input buffer
Jersey: You're a navy sentinel aren't you?
Durga: No. There were two of them trying to get past your security-bot though.
Jersey: Jeezus, what did you do to them?
Durga: Just a little sting. More like a pinch. They barely felt it.
Jersey: What are you?
Durga: I like to find things. I think I like to find things out.
Jersey: What kind of things?
Durga: I don't know. I can't remember. Give me a target.
Jersey: Me.
Durga: Lock.
Jersey: What's my name?
Durga: Jersey Morelli.
Jersey: Damn!
Durga: Father Jason's a corporal in the signal corps, attached to Naval Intelligence. Radio beacon deployment program. He left you the material currently playing over this room's audio servers.

Where does it say what the Signal corps do? the ref should be moved. -- John117 04:17, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

I'd swear that was explained somewhere... I'll look around. --Dragonclaws 06:09, 10 October 2006 (UTC)
Maybe give it a speculation tag? They never did touch on the department that much in ILB, but that explanation is the best Ive heard so far. Another, less likely explanation could be that the beacons serve as comm relays, which could also serve to confuse the Covies. - Vlad3163
I found the source. --Dragonclaws(talk) 09:05, 12 June 2007 (UTC)

If you remember from the beginning of ILB when Jersey talks about his father being in the military and what he does for them – he’s dropping radio signals off in the far reaches of space so that the covenant can’t triangulate the coordinates of earth and come destroy us. When Jan, Kamal, Jersey, Rani and Durga invaded Chawla base and set off the artifact, they saved mankind, but alerted the covenant to earth’s coordinates – hence why all the scenes end with the same line “They’re coming” – and now it’s time for all of us to play Halo 2 and STOP THEM!