Editing Shield World (level)

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{{disambig header|the level|[[Forerunner]] construction|Shield world}}
{{Title|Shield World}}
{{Level infobox
{{Level infobox
|prev=[[The Flood (Level)|The Flood]]
|prev=''[[The Flood (level)|The Flood]]''
|next=[[Cleansing (level)|Cleansing]]
|name='''''Shield World'''''
|image=[[File:HW-10 Shield World.jpg|300px]]
|game=''[[Halo Wars]]''
|game=''[[Halo Wars]]''
|player=[[Player_character#Real-Time_Strategy|UNSC ''Spirit of Fire'']]
|name=Shield World
|date=[[2531#February|February 23, 2531]]
|place=[[Trove]], [[Korinth Prior system]]
|objective=*Clear Evacuation Flight Paths
*Get Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Platoon to the Landing Zone
|place=[[Shield World (Halo Wars)|Unnamed Shield World]]
|Objective=Rescue Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie teams
*Place Gremlins at Pylon (4)
|enemies=various flood forms
*Kill 350 Flood Swarms
{{Article quote|Spirit of Fire is being drawn against her will in to the belly of a hostile planet. Ground force deployed to the planet's surface will be abandoned if the Spirit of Fire doesn't act quickly…}}
'''''Shield World''''' is the tenth level of [[Halo Wars]] <ref>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qId2FJ5RPho</ref>. The level is set on the [[Shield World (Halo Wars)|same planet]] as the previous mission, against [[Flood|the Flood]]. The main mission is to rescue three different teams by killing all the flood in the way between the [[Station|firebase]] and the units. Team Alpha reward you with a [[Grizzly|Grizzly tank]], Team Bravo reward you with an [[Elephant]], and team Charlie will reward you with three [[SPARTAN-II Program|Spartans]]. you can rescue them in any order but when you try to rescue the last group the [[Dropship 77-Troop Carrier|pelican]] takes damage and is ordered to break off. The remaining units say they'll make their way to the base to be picked up there. The normal time limit is 18 minutes, but a side mission which gives you access to the special [[Gremlin]] unit that involves placing Gremlins in different corners of the map will buy you more time (About 22 minutes for all four of them.)

'''''Shield World''''' is the tenth [[campaign]] level of ''[[Halo Wars]]''.  
* Clear Evacuation Flight Paths.
* Get Charlie Platoon to the Landing Zone.

Rescuing [[Alpha Platoon]] will reward the player with a [[M850 Grizzly|Grizzly tank]], [[Bravo Platoon]] rewards the player with an [[Elephant]], and [[Charlie Platoon]] will reward them with three [[SPARTAN-II Program|Spartans]] of the [[Red Team]]. The normal time limit is 18 minutes, but a side mission, which gives the player access to the special [[XRP12 Gremlin|Gremlin]] unit involves placing Gremlins to disable pylons generating the field that pulls the ''Spirit of Fire'' inside the structure. The pylons are located in different corners of the map will buy the player more time (about 22 minutes for all four of them).

If the player shut down every pylon in the level with Gremlins, they will be rewarded with "[[The Procrastinator]]" [[achievement]] and 5 [[Gamerscore]].
You begin with a Station, a marine and flamethrower units, a pair of Scorpion tanks and hornet VTOLs. Begin by building one supply pad and one reactor, upgrade that supply pad and build a second supply pad. Send a squad to the right side of the base and you will find a claimable reactor, once you claim it, upgrade to a fortress, build a vehicle depot, build one more supply pad and upgrade any supply pad that has not been improved yet.

Once you have this done, Serina should tell you about the pylon and send you a free Gremlin, place the Gremlin near the pylon next to the claimed reactor, the EMP should give you an extra 4 minutes.  
At the [[Apex Site]], the [[Prophet of Regret]] examines Professor [[Ellen Anders]] with amusement, noting how frail she appears and how little of a threat Anders appears to pose. Regret is further amused by Anders' demands to know why she is being held prisoner, but they are interrupted by a [[Sangheili]] with news that the {{UNSCShip|Spirit of Fire}} is approaching the entrance portal to [[Trove|the]] [[shield world]]. The enraged [[Ripa 'Moramee|Arbiter]] orders the [[Hierarch]] returned to ''[[High Charity]]'' and for the human ship to be intercepted and destroyed.

The ''Spirit of Fire'' holds station above an ocean that [[Serina]] tells Captain [[James Cutter]] is where Anders' transponder signal is coming from. As Serina runs a scan of the location, she suddenly begins muttering about "docking" and "cleansing" before announcing that Cutter won't like what's coming. The ocean splits down the middle, revealing an entrance tunnel that [[Sentinel]]s emerge from, scanning the ship. The ship begins to be pulled towards the tunnel with Serina unable to stop it and with people still on the planet. Cutter orders Serina to hold station for as long as she can and to recall their people on the surface.
Upgrade the Scorpion to Canister Shell and the Wolverine to Volley. Then build turrets if you haven't yet. Once Canister shell and Volley have been upgraded, improve your reactor to 4 energy levels and upgrade the Wolverine to two launchers. Build 2 scorpions and as many wolverines as possible. Set their rally point near Charlie's position. When you have all Scorpions and Wolverines there, cryo bomb the left side and have your scorpions attack the left side and your Wolverines the right.

The ''Spirit of Fire'' constructs a [[firebase]] near where [[Alpha Platoon|Alpha]], [[Bravo Platoon|Bravo]] and [[Charlie Platoon|Charlie]] platoons are pinned down by massive [[Flood]] forces, [[Red Team|Spartan Red Team]] trapped alongside Charlie platoon. With limited time until the ''Spirit of Fire'' gets pulled into the tunnel, Serina directs the ground forces to use [[XRP12 Gremlin|Gremlins]] on pylons in the area which disrupt the Forerunner tractor beam and buy her more time, though the Gremlin's EMP can't stop the tractor beam forever and can only slow it down. Despite heavy resistance, ground forces manage to clear the way for [[Pelican]]s landed at the firebase to pick up Alpha and Bravo platoons.
Once all the launchers are taken care of, have you units focus on the outer areas. There are a lot of flood launchers in this level. Once Charlie has been rescued, the Spartans will stay and help.

After UNSC ground forces clear the way for Charlie platoon and Red Team, a surge of Flood forces the evacuation Pelican back to the firebase. With no other choice and with their base under heavy Flood attack as well, Charlie platoon and the other UNSC ground forces make their way on foot back to the firebase where they are extracted by Pelican to the ''Spirit of Fire'' just in the nick of time, leaving the abandoned firebase to be overrun by the Flood forces.
Heal any damaged units and replace any if needed. Send your forces to Bravo's position and cryo bomb it before your forces arrive, otherwise they will be frozen as well. The wolverine's volley ability can dispose of the launchers quickly. Once the site has been cleared, you will be told that you will have to take Bravo to the base on foot. Select all units and rally them at the base. To make the Elephant go slightly faster, have a spartan commandeer it. Once the Elephant goes near the signal circle, Forge will welcome you back and the mission ends.

NOTE: If you just need to complete the mission, you do NOT have to rescue Alpha platoon. Only Bravo and Charlie need to be rescued!
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8H1h0f7m-s '''{''Open Sesame Part 2''}''']

''Scene pans upwards to the [[Apex Site]], with a [[Dextro Xur-pattern Spirit|Spirit dropship]] departing. [[Ellen Anders]] is imprisoned in a Forerunner [[Stasis field#Forerunner|stasis field device]]. The [[Prophet of Regret]] and the [[Ripa 'Moramee|Arbiter]] approach her.''
===Optional Objectives===

*'''Prophet of Regret''': "This is her?"
*Place Gremlin at Pylon (4).
* Kill 350 Swarms (This will unlock the level's skull).

*'''Ripa 'Moramee''': "Yes, [[Hierarchs|Hierarch]]. This is the one I observed."
The skull is located east of you base past the First Tower to a Plateau with covered with Flood Eggs it is in the center you can only get it by air. The black box is next to Bravo Platoon (the middle unit that needs to be rescued).

*'''Prophet of Regret''': "Such a frail thing. You would hardly think them a threat."
*'''Professor Ellen Anders''': "I demand to know why I'm being held!"
*'''Ripa 'Moramee''': ''(laughs)'' "Demand?"
''A [[Sangheili Zealot]] approaches the Arbiter.''
*'''Sangheili Zealot''': "Arbiter, a human ship has arrived and is closing in on the entrance portal-"
''The Arbiter strikes the Zealot in anger, sending him flying across the platform.''
*'''Ripa 'Moramee''': "Get the Hierarch to ''[[High Charity]]''! Intercept that human ship and destroy it at once!"
''The Arbiter walks off. Regret departs with his [[Sangheili Honor Guardsman|Honor Guards]]. Fades to black.''
''Fades in to the {{UNSCShip|Spirit of Fire}}'s location, over an ocean. Cuts to the bridge. Sergeant [[John Forge]] and [[Captain (Navy)|Captain]] [[James Gregory Cutter]] look out into the ocean.''
*'''Sergeant John Forge''': "Nothing but ocean."
*'''Captain James Gregory Cutter''': "Are you sure this is it, Serina?"
*'''[[Serina]]''': "Fairly sure. Initiating a deep scan... Docking, Cleansing...? That's not right. Captain, you are not going to like this."
''The ocean below suddenly splits in two. The ''Spirit of Fire'' shakes and begins to descend. Cutter looks back.''
*'''Cutter''': "Serina!"
*'''Forge''': "Captain, we've got company!"
[[File:HW1.png|thumb|300px|Cutter and Forge looking out the window.]]
''Forge points out to the hole in the middle of ocean. Several [[Aggressor Sentinel]]s approach the ''Spirit of Fire'', and fly around it for a moment. The ''Spirit of Fire'' is drawn into a docking and decontamination mechanism within the planet. The ship's position is tilted. Cutter and Forge climb their way to the back of the bridge.''
*'''Cutter''': "All hands, engage! Serina, I've got troops out there still! Get them back on board now!"
*'''Serina''': "Captain, I can only hold this position a few minutes at the most."
*'''Cutter''': "''Now'', Serina!"
*'''Serina''': "Recalling surface squads, so we can all die together. Aye, sir!"
''Cuts to black.''

'''{''In-Game Cutscene''}'''
''Cutscene opens on the Apex, a Spirit dropship, drops off its passengers and departs. Anders is seen in some kind of stasis beam, Regret and the Arbiter approach her.''

''Scene pans from a Forerunner pylon firing a beam to groups of Marines around a [[M850 Grizzly|Grizzly tank]] firing at a group of Flood infection forms in front of them.''
'''Regret''': This is her?

*'''Serina''': "Three platoons inbound. Designating them [[Alpha Platoon|Alpha]], [[Bravo Platoon|Bravo]], and [[Charlie Platoon|Charlie]]."
'''Arbiter''': Yes, Hierarch this is the one I observed.

*'''Cutter''': "Red Team?"
'''Regret''':(with false concern) Such a frail thing. You would hardly think them a threat.

''The area beyond the Flood infection forms is revealed to be occupied by numerous Flood structures and biomass. Large numbers of Flood swarms fly above that area.''
'''Anders''': I demand to know why I'm being held!

*'''Serina''': "They're with Charlie, sir. Ah, that could be a problem."
'''Arbiter''': (laughing) Demand?

*'''Cutter''': "We can't evac those trapped marines until the air is clear. Let's be about it, people."
'''Zealot''': Arbiter, a Human ship has arrived and is closing in on the entrance portal-

''Behind that Flood-infested area is a UNSC [[firebase]] being assembled, while being defended by two Scorpions, two Hornets, and several Marines. Three Pelican dropships land and hold their positions next to the base.''
''The Arbiter strikes the Zealot, sending him flying across the platform''

'''Arbiter''': Get the Hierarch to High Charity! Intercept that human ship and destroy it at once!

''Flood swarms and bomber forms assault the base, but are eliminated by the UNSC forces defending it. The countdown timer starts: 17:17.''  
''The Arbiter walks off, Regret departs with his Honor Guards. Cutscene fades to the Spirit of Fire's location, over an ocean.''

*'''Cutter''': "Serina, see if you can buy us more time. Sergeant, break through that line for our Pelicans."
'''Forge''': Nothing but ocean.

''A horde of Flood swarms attack the Marines from Alpha Platoon.''
'''Cutter''': Are you sure this is it, Serina?

*'''Alpha Platoon Marine (COM)''': "This is Alpha Platoon. We've got hostile contacts! ''Lots'' of hostile contacts!"
'''Serina''': Fairly sure, initiating a deep scan. Docking, Cleansing? That's not right. Captain, you are not going to like this.

''The Flood swarms approach Bravo Platoon's position.''
''The ocean below suddenly splits in two''

*'''Bravo Platoon Marine (COM)''': "This is Bravo Platoon. Sarge, would you kindly get off your ass and save ours?"
'''Cutter''': Serina...

''The Flood swarms begin to descend on Red Team and Charlie Platoon.''
'''Forge''': Captain, we've got company!

*'''Jerome-092 (COM)''': "This is Spartan-092 with Charlie Platoon. They are hammering our position!"
''Several Sentinels approach the Spirit of Fire, and fly around it for a moment, the Spirit of Fire is drawn into a docking and decontamination mechanism within the planet.''

'''Cutter''': All hands engage! Serina, I've got troops out there still! Get them back on board now!

''The UNSC forces explore the area, discovering a large tower deploying a large beam.''
'''Serina''': Captain, I can only hold this position a few minutes at the most.

*'''Serina''': "Captain, those pylons down there are generating the field we're in."
'''Cutter''': Now Serina!

*'''Cutter''': "Can we shut them down?"
'''Serina''': Recalling surface squads, so we can all die together, aye, sir!

*'''Serina''': "Way ahead of you, sir. Forge, I'm sending you a new toy, a [[XRP12 Gremlin|Gremlin]]. Drive it over to that pylon."
''Cutscene ends, level begins''

''A Gremlin is deployed by a Pelican, and arrives next to the pylon.''
'''Serina''': Three platoons inbound, designating them: Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie.

*'''Forge (COM)''': "Gremlin in position, [[Electromagnetic pulse|EMP]] in three, two, one..."
'''Cutter''': Red Team?

''The Gremlin fires an EMP burst, and the pylon shuts down. The time left in the timer has increased.''
'''Serina''': They're with Charlie sir, ahhh, that could be a problem.

*'''Serina''': "Recalculating speed of descent, carry the four, and... we just might make it!"
''Flying Flood forms are seen engaging the Marines''

''The Gremlin remains next to the pylon, firing an EMP burst whenever the pylon reactivates.''
'''Cutter''': We can't evac those trapped Marines, until the air is clear, let's be about it people.
''From this point on, if the UNSC forces come across another pylon:''

*'''Serina''': "Pylon sighted, marking on your display."
'''Cutter''': Serina, see if you can buy us more time, Sergeant, break through that line for our Pelicans.

''A Pelican arrives at the base and deploys a Gremlin. Once the Gremlin arrives at the pylon:''
''Mission starts''

*'''Forge (COM)''': "Gremlin in position, EMP in three, two, one..."
'''Alpha''': This is Alpha platoon, we've got hostile contacts, lots of hostile contacts.

''The Gremlin(s) will then fire a burst of EMP, shutting down the pylon(s) whenever they reactivate, though each only increase the time (by 5 minutes) left in the timer once.''
'''Serina''': Captain, those pylons down there, are generating the field we're in.

'''Cutter''': Can we shut them down?
''If base turrets have yet to be constructed:''

*'''Marine #1 (COM)''': "Maybe we should get some turrets up!"
'''Serina''': Way ahead of you sir, Forge, I'm sending you a new toy, a [[Gremlin]], drive it over to that pylon.

''If the base takes heavy damage:''
''Gremlin arrives''

*'''Marine #1 (COM)''': "''Spirit'', evac force is requesting a [[Heal and Repair|repair]] on the base."
'''Forge''': Gremlin in position, EMP in 3..2..1.

''If the timer reaches 04:00:''
''Gremlin fires EMP, the pylon is shut down.''

*'''Serina''': "We're running out of time."
'''Serina''': Recalculating speed of descent, carry the four, and we just might make it!

'''Alpha''': This is Alpha platoon, we're being overrun!

''If Alpha Platoon suffers heavy casualties:''
''Forge destroys the first group of Flood buildings''

*'''Alpha Platoon Marine (COM)''': "This is Alpha Platoon, we can't hold our position much longer!"
'''Forge''': All clear! Evac flight start your run.

''If Alpha Platoon’s Grizzly is nearly destroyed:''
'''Evac Flight''': Platoon recovered, returning en route to the Spirit.

*'''Alpha Platoon Marine (COM)''': "This is Alpha Platoon, we're being overrun!"
'''Alpha''': Hey thanks for that Seregeant, need a Grizzly?

''If Bravo Platoon's Elephant is destroyed:''
''Alpha's Grizzly tank stays behind and becomes useable''

*'''Bravo Platoon Marine (COM)''': "I'm too pretty to go like this!"
'''Bravo''': This is Bravo. Sarge, could you kindly get off your ass and save ours?

''If Charlie Platoon suffers heavy casualties:''
''If Bravo's Elephant is destroyed''

*'''Jerome-092 (COM)''': "Sergeant Forge, this is Charlie! We can't take much more of this!"
'''Bravo''': I'm too pretty to die...

''Forge destroys a second group of Flood builidings''
''Eventually, the UNSC forces destroy the first/second group of Flood structures.''

*'''Forge (COM)''': "All clear! Evac flight, start your run."
'''Forge''': All clear! Evac flight start your run.

''One of the Pelicans next to the UNSC base heads to the rescued Platoon's position and extract all the surviving Marines.''
'''Evac Flight''': Platoon recovered, returning en route to the Spirit.

*'''Pelican pilot #1/#2 (COM)''': "Platoon recovered, returning en route to the ''Spirit''."
'''Bravo''': About time, I won't forget this.

''Bravo platoon's Elephant stays behind and becomes useable''
''If Alpha Platoon is one of the first two platoons to be rescued, Alpha Platoon's Grizzly stays behind and is now under the player's control:''

*'''Alpha Platoon Marine (COM)''': "Hey, thanks for that, Sergeant. Need a Grizzly?"
''Forge's troops come across another pylon''

''If Bravo Platoon is one of the first two platoons to be rescued, Bravo Platoon's [[M312 Elephant|Elephant]] stays behind and is now under the player's control:''
'''Serina''': Pylon sighted, marking on your display.

*'''Bravo Platoon Marine (COM)''': "About time, I won't forget this."
'''Forge''': Gremlin in position, EMP in 3..2..1

''If Charlie is one of the first two platoons to be rescued, Red Team stays behind and is now under the player's control:''
''Second pylon is shut down''

*'''Jerome-092 (COM)''': "This is Red Team. We're staying dirt-side to give you a hand, sergeant!"
''Forge and his troops destroy a third group of Flood buildings''

'''Forge''': All clear! Evac flight start your run.

''Finally, the UNSC forces destroy the third group of Flood buildings.''
''If charlie is not the last platoon rescued''

*'''Forge (COM)''': "All clear! Evac flight, start your run."
'''Spartan''': This is Red team. We'll stay behind and give you guys a hand.

'''{''In-Game Cutscene''}'''
''Cutscene begins, a flying Flood form approaches a Pelican''

''The Pelican flies towards the canyon, but is intercepted by a large group of Flood swarms.''
'''Serina''': Aerial hostiles on an intercept course, Evac flight, abort, repeat Evac flight abort! Abort!

*'''Serina''': "Aerial hostiles on an intercept course. Evac Flight, abort! Repeat: Evac Flight, abort! Abort!"
''Evac Flight is engaged by flying Flood forms, and quickly flees off screen''
[[Image: Shieldworld_map.png|thumb|right|250px|A map of the level.]]
''If Bravo is the last platoon''

''The Pelican quickly turns around and flees.''
'''Bravo platoon''': We could try coming in.

''If Charlie is the last platoon''

''The Pelican holds its position in front of the UNSC firebase. Flood forms begin to assault the firebase.''
'''Spartan''': This is Charlie platoon, we'll come in on our own, keep those engines hot!
''If Alpha is the last platoon:''

*'''Alpha Platoon Marine (COM)''': " This is Alpha Platoon. We are on our way, save us a seat!"
'''Serina''': We're running out of time! (when countdown gets to 4 minutes)

''If Bravo is the last platoon:''
'''Marine''': Spirit, Evac Force is requesting a repair on the base.

*'''Bravo Platoon Marine (COM)''': " This is Bravo Platoon. We can hoof it, if we have to."
'''Forge''': Welcome back, all ground forces present and accounted for Captain.

''If Charlie is the last platoon:''
''Level ends''

*'''Jerome-092 (COM)''': "This is Charlie Platoon/ We'll come in on our own. Keep those engines hot!"
'''Cutter''': Good work, Serina, final evac from surface from planet surface inbound, prep air locks.
''The last platoon arrives at the base.''

*'''Forge (COM)''': "Welcome back. All ground forces present and accounted for, Captain."
'''{''In-game Cutscene''}'''
''The last Pelican flies away from the base as the base turrets struggle to fend off the large number of swarming Flood forms.''
*'''Cutter''': "Good work, Serina. Final evac from surface from planet surface inbound, prep airlocks."
''Level ends.''
===Easter eggs===
* The [[Halo Wars skulls#Catch|Catch skull]] accessible after killing 350 Flood swarms, and can be found on the island in the southeast section of the map, which is only reachable by air units.
* The [[Black Boxes|Black Box]] in this level is located behind Bravo Platoon.
* The name of the beginning cutscene, "Open Sesame Part 2", is a reference to [[Relic Approach|the first time "open sesame" was said in ''Halo Wars'']], which is muttered by John Forge when he saw the Covenant opening the [[Relic]] on [[Harvest]].
* This is the first of the two levels in campaign in which Forge is not present in gameplay, the other being the last level, ''[[Escape (Halo Wars level)|Escape]]''. This is likely explained by narratively Forge being onboard the ''Spirit'' as depicted in the opening cutscene. Despite Forge's absence on the ground, in-game characters still referred the ground commander as "Forge" or "Sergeant".
File:Shieldworld map.png|A map of the level.
File:Restrainor.png|Anders being held at the Apex Site.
File:ShieldWorldOpening.png|{{UNSCShip|Spirit of Fire}} is pulled into an opening on the shield world.
File:HW GremlinDisablesPylon.png|A Gremlin disables a plyon.
{{Succession box
|before = ''[[The Flood (level)|The Flood]]''
|title = ''Halo Wars'' campaign missions
|years = '''''The Flood'''''
|after = ''[[Cleansing]]''

[[Category:Halo Wars Campaign]]

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