Editing Gravemind (Level)

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#REDIRECT [[Gravemind (level)]]
{{Cleanup}}{{Era|H2}}{{Level infobox
|prev=[[Quarantine Zone (Level)|''Quarantine Zone'']]
|next=[[Uprising (Level)|''Uprising'']]
|game=[[Halo 2]]
|player=[[Master Chief]]
|date= [[2552|October, 2552]]
|place=Inside ''[[High Charity]]''
*Locate the Prophet of Truth and the Index
*Rescue the Marines being held in the detention-block
*Follow the Prophet of Truth to the far tower
*Stop the Prophet of Truth from boarding his Phantom
*[[Elite]]s ([[Minor Elite|Minor]], [[Major Elite|Major]], [[Ultra Elite|Ultra]], [[Stealth Elite|Stealth]], [[Ranger Elite|Ranger]], [[SpecOps Elite|SpecOps]], [[Zealot]], [[Honor Guard Elite|Honor Guard]], [[Councilor]], [[Honor Guard Councilor]])
*[[Brutes]] ([[Minor Brute|Minor]], [[Major Brute|Major]], [[Brute Captain|Captain]], [[Brute Honor Guard|Honor Guard]])
*[[Grunt]]s ([[Minor Grunt|Minor]], [[Major Grunt|Major]], [[Ultra Grunt|Ultra]], [[Gunner Grunt|Gunner]])
*[[Jackals]] ([[Minor Jackal|Minor]], [[Major Jackal|Major]], [[Sniper Jackal|Sniper]])
<center>''Looking for [[Gravemind]] the character?''</center>
'''Gravemind''' is a [[Halo 2]] campaign level. The [[Gravemind]] teleports the [[Master Chief]] to [[High Charity]]. The [[Prophet of Truth]] has the [[Index]], and you must get to him before he leaves. As you you travel through High Charity, the [[Covenant]] begin their civil war. You will move through battles between the [[Elites]], [[Grunts]], and [[Hunters]] versus the [[Brutes]], [[Jackals]] and [[Drones]].
Strangely enough, apart from the opening cut scene, there is no contact with the titular character or his [[Flood]] minions. Also of note, is that the word "Gravemind" is not mentioned until two levels later in [[High Charity (Level)|High Charity]]. This is also the level where the Energy Sword appears most often, and is one of only three missions were there are absolutely no [[Human]] weapons.(The others being The Arbiter and The Oracle)
== Summary ==
[[Council Chamber]] -> [[Holding Chambers]] -> [[Valley of Tears A]] -> [[Hanging Gardens A]] -> [[Mid Tower]] ->[[Hanging Gardens B]] -> [[Valley of Tears B]] -> [[Mausoleum of the Arbiter]]
== Usable Weapons ==
*[[Brute Plasma Rifle]]
*[[Brute Shot]]
*[[Energy Sword]]
*[[Fuel Rod Cannon]]
*[[Plasma Cannon]]
*[[Plasma Pistol]]
*[[Plasma Rifle]]
*[[Shielded Plasma Cannon]]
== Transcript ==
=== Chapter 1: Inside Job ===
<youtube width="300" height="300">9Q9s7NNo-_A</youtube><br><br>
''{[[Master Chief]] begins to wake up, we see a red circle of lights on the ceiling of some underground area. We see that he's being held by a tentacle and brought towards a massive creature ([[Gravemind]]).}''
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "What ... is that?"
''{The [[Master Chief]] is held in front of [[Gravemind]]'s head. The head being one giant mouth made from separate parts, similar to an [[Elite]]'s}''
'''[[Gravemind]]:''' "I? I am a monument to all your sins."
[[Image:Gravemind holding Arbiter.jpg|150px|right]]
[[Image:Gravemind, MC, Arbiter.jpg|150px|right]]
''{As [[Gravemind]] talks, he breathes out vapors found in [[Flood]] infestations. Two tentacles bring a struggling Arbiter.}''
'''[[Master Chief]]:''' "Relax. I'd rather not piss this thing off."
'''[[Arbiter]]:''' "Demon!"
''{the [[Gravemind]] makes loud huffing sounds, indicates the [[Master Chief]]}''
'''[[Gravemind]]:''' "This one is machine and nerve, and has its mind concluded." ''{a tentacle wraps around [[Master Chief]]'s head, then indicates the [[Arbiter]]}'' "This one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded."''{turns the [[Arbiter]] upside down}''
'''[[Arbiter]]:''' "Kill me or release me, [[Flood|parasite]]. But do not waste my time with talk!"
'''[[Gravemind]]:''' "There is much talk. And I have listened. Through rock, and metal, and time. Now I shall talk, and you shall listen."
''{he raises two tentacles, one wrapped around a [[2401 Penitent Tangent|red Monitor]], the other merged with a half-[[Flood]] [[Prophet of Regret]]}''
'''[[Monitor]]:''' "Greetings. I am [[2401 Penitent Tangent]]. I am the [[Monitor]] of [[Installation 05]]."
'''[[Prophet of Regret]]:''' "And I am the [[Prophet of Regret]], Councilor most high, Hierarchy of the [[Covenant]]!"
'''[[2401 Penitent Tangent]]:''' "A [[Reclaimer]]? Here? At last. We have much to do. This facility must be activated if we are to control this outbreak."
'''[[Prophet of Regret]]:''' "Stay where you are! Nothing can be done until my sermon is complete!"
'''[[2401 Penitent Tangent]]:''' "Not true. This installation has a successful utilization record of 1.2 trillion simulated and one actual. It is ready to fire on demand."
'''[[Prophet of Regret]]:''' "Of all the objects our Lords left behind, there are none so worthless as these [[Oracle|Oracles]]! They know ''nothing'' of the [[Great Journey]]!"
'''[[2401 Penitent Tangent]]:''' "And you know nothing about containment! You have demonstrated a complete disregard to even the most basic protocols!"
'''[[Gravemind]]:''' "This one's containment ... " ''{gives a disgusted huff}'' "And this one's '[[Great Journey]]' are the same." ''{he lowers the tentacles, [[Prophet of Regret|Regret]] shrieks in fear}'' "Your [[Prophets]] have promised you freedom from a doomed existence, but you will find no salvation on this [[Halo|ring]]. Those who built this place knew what they wrought. Do not mistake their intent, or all will perish as they did before ... "
''(At this moment, the Arbiter stops struggling against the tentacles)''
'''[[Master Chief]]:''' "This thing is right. [[Halo]] is a weapon. Your [[Prophets]] are making a big mistake."
'''[[Arbiter]]:''' "Your ignorance already destroyed one of the sacred rings, demon. It shall not harm another."
'''[[Gravemind]]:''' "If you will not hear the truth, then I will show it to you. There is still time to stop the key from turning, but first it must be found." ''{indicates each in turn}'' "You will search one likely spot, and you will search another. Fate had us meet as foes, but this ring will make us brothers!"
''{[[Master Chief]] and the [[Arbiter]] disappear in teleportation rings. Fade to black, fade in on [[High Charity]].}''
''{A swarm of [[Covenant]] ships attack each other. Fade in on the walkway outside the Council Chamber, [[Honor Guard Brute]]s guard the gates from rioters.}''
'''[[Prophet of Truth]] (voice over):''' "We are all of us, gravely concerned."
''{Cut to Council Chamber. A line of [[Honor Guard Brute]]s stand at attention. A cameraman [[Grunt]] focuses a holographic camera on [[Prophet of Truth]] as he delivers his propaganda, while the [[Prophet of Mercy]] watches from aside.}''
[[Image:Truth with Index.jpg|150px|right]]
'''[[Prophet of Truth]]:''' "The release of the [[Flood|parasite]] was unexpected, unfortunate. But, there is no need to panic. In truth, this is a time to rejoice. A moment that all the [[Covenant]] should savor." ''{raises the [[Index]]}'' "For the [[Index|Sacred Icon]] has been found. With it, our path is clear, our entry into the Divine Beyond guaranteed! The [[Great Journey]] is nigh ... " ''{the [[Grunt]] notices the [[Master Chief]] teleporting in behind him}'' " ... and nothing, not even the [[Flood]], can stop it."
'''[[Master Chief]]:''' "Boo."
''{the [[Grunt]] yelps, throws up his [[Needler]] and runs, the [[Master Chief]] catches the [[Needler]], aims it at the [[Prophets]]. Two [[Brute Honor Guard]]s shield [[Truth]] with their [[Honor Guard Pike|pike]]s.}''
'''[[Prophet of Truth]]:''' "Kill the demon!"
''{the [[Prophets]] and some [[Brute|Brutes]] escape through a gravlift, leaving two [[Brute|Brutes]]}''
=== Gameplay ===
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "[[Brute|Brutes]]! The faster you can kill these [[Brute|Brutes]], the better." ''{[[Master Chief]] kills one [[Brute]]}'' "They don't have shield generators, but take them out before ... it's berserking!"
''{[[Master Chief]] kills all [[Covenant]] in the room}''
'''[[Tartarus]] (loudspeaker):''' "The demon has infiltrated the Council chamber?! Protect the [[Hierarchs]]! Seal the exits."
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "Oh, I don't think so."
''{After the [[Master Chief]] fends off the attackers}''
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "Put me down on one of the pedestals near the door."
''{[[Master Chief]] does so, [[Cortana]]'s hologram appears}''
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "That [[Prophet]] ... [[Prophet of Truth|Truth]], he has the [[Index]]. You've got to take it from him. Let me get these doors. Go! It will be easier to track [[Prophet of Truth]] if I stay in the network. Don't worry. You can pick me up later."
''{[[Master Chief]] fights his way to the ledge where the [[Arbiter]] was tortured}''
'''[[Cortana]] (O.S.):''' "Watch out for the [[Captain]], it's got a [[Brute Shot]]!" (Note that the Brute Captain with the brute shot first shows up in the council chamber on Legendary)
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "[[Prophet of Truth|Truth]] is moving through the lower levels of the tower. I'll reverse this gravlift. Drop down, try to cut him off." ''{if [[Master Chief]] pauses}'' "It's safe, really. Just step in."
''{If you continue to stall}''
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "After that stunt on the Cairo, I know you're not afraid of heights."
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "Fine, I won't watch. Meet you at the bottom, okay?"
'''[[Tartarus]] (loudspeaker):''' "Reinforce all approaches to the holding pens. Slay the demon on sight!"
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "They're beefing up their patrols. Stay sharp."
'''[[Cortana]] (O.S.):''' "Wait a minute! I'm reading [[Marine]] IFF transponders. The signals are originating somewhere below your position."
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "There's another lift in the next room."
''{When the [[Master Chief]] reaches the lift}''
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "Here, [[Master Chief|Chief]]. Jump in"
''{[[Master Chief]] takes a gravlift down}''
'''[[Cortana]] (O.S.):''' "There are two groups of [[Marine|Marines]] in this detention block. I'll zero their locations. You neutralize the guards. ... Quietly."
''{[[Master Chief]] frees the [[Marine|Marines]]}''
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "Listen up, [[Marine|Marines]]! The [[Master Chief|Chief]]'s hunting a [[Prophet]], and you're gonna help him kill it."
'''[[Marine]]:''' "Affirmative!"
'''[[Marine]]:''' No sense sticking around here!
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "That's all the [[Marine|Marines]], [[Master Chief|Chief]]. Good work."
'''[[Cortana]] (O.S.):''' "We'll get out of here the same way we came in--the central gravlift. ... Hostile reinforcements coming down the lift!"
''{[[Master Chief]] kills the reinforcements}''
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "The lift is clear. Step on in."
'''[[Prophet of Truth]] (loudspeaker):''' "Fear not, my brothers! The [[Index|Sacred Icon]] is secure. It was [[Tartarus]] and his [[Brute|Brutes]] who took the [[Index|Icon]] from the [[Flood]], and for that they have our thanks."
'''[[Cortana]] (O.S.):''' "Excellent! [[Prophet of Truth|Truth]] is broadcasting on the move. It'll make him much easier to track."
'''[[Prophet of Truth]] (loudspeaker):''' "The [[Elite|Elites]] have failed to protect the [[Prophet|Prophets]], and in doing so, have put all our lives at risk. Let no warrior forget his oath, 'Thou, in faith, shall keep us safe, whilst we find the Path.'"
'''[[Cortana]] (O.S.):''' "I've got a fix on [[Prophet of Truth|Truth]], just outside this tower, [[Master Chief|Chief]]. There's an exit nearby. Hurry."
'''[[Prophet of Truth]] (loudspeaker):''' "With my blessing, the [[Brute|Brutes]] now lead our fleets! They ask for your allegiance, and you shall give it."
'''[[Cortana]] (O.S.):''' "You wouldn't believe the number of kill-systems the [[Covenant]] are throwing down around me. Not to worry, it's pretty sloppy stuff. I guess they never expected a hostile intelligence to penetrate their networks from the inside."
'''[[Cortana]] (O.S.):''' "The [[Covenant]] just destroyed two of their own ships. And I'm hearing reports of small arms fire throughout their fleet."
'''[[Prophet of Truth]] (loudspeaker):''' "Creatures of the [[Covenant]]! The path is broad, and we shall walk it side by side."
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "Slipspace rupture. It's '[[In Amber Clad]]'!" ''{'[[In Amber Clad]]' flies by overhead}''
'''[[Prophet of Truth]] (loudspeaker):''' "Be glad! A reward for all your toil and all your sacrifices in the year at hand."
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "Hailing ... No response. She's crashed into another tower ahead of our position. I'll keep trying to make contact, but I'm not registering any human vital signs."
'''[[Prophet of Truth]] (loudspeaker):''' "At this moment, the Council is gathered on [[Halo]], to see the [[Index|Icon]] safely placed."
'''[[Tartarus]] (loudspeaker):''' "Rise, my brothers! Cast down the [[Elite|Elites]]!"
'''[[Prophet of Truth]] (loudspeaker):''' "There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"
'''[[Tartarus]] (loudspeaker):''' "Once the towers are clear, we'll drive them from the lower district."
'''[[Prophet of Truth]] (loudspeaker):''' "I have listened to the [[Oracle]], and confirmed our deepest hope. The [[Great Journey]] begins with [[Halo]]."
'''[[Tartarus]] (loudspeaker):''' "The [[Elite|Elites]] are falling back to the [[Mausoleum]]. Fools! Their [[Arbiter]] can do nothing for them now."
'''[[Prophet of Truth]] (loudspeaker):''' "Who would doubt the [[Prophets]]? What have they foretold that has not come to pass?"
'''[[Cortana]] (O.S.):''' "If we're going to catch [[Truth]], we'll need to take a shortcut, straight through the [[Mausoleum]]. Look on the bright side, for now, they seem much more interested in killing each other."
''{[[Master Chief]] approaches the large fight in the [[Mausoleum]]}''
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "You might consider sitting this one out."
{Once the battle begins, where you watch [[Brute]] [[Captain|Captains]] and [[Ultra Elite|Ultra Elites]] duke it out, you'll hear the instrumental version of Breaking Benjamin's "[[Blow Me Away]]"}
''{after the room is cleared}''
'''[[Cortana]]:''' "Hang on! I'm picking up two more transponders. It's the [[Commander]] and [[Johnson]]! They're closing on [[Prophet of Truth|Truth]]'s position, [[Master Chief|Chief]]. They'll need your help. This way, [[Master Chief|Chief]]."
'''[[Cortana]] (O.S.):''' "...This isn't good. I’m getting confirmed reports of [[Flood]] leaving '[[In Amber Clad|In Amber Clad's]]' wreckage. Let's get the [[Index]] and find a way out of here. Before things get really ugly."
=== Second Cinematic ===
<youtube width="300" height="300">4mjleIO7JUk</youtube><br><br>
''{[[Tartarus]] and his [[Brute|Brutes]] take [[Keyes]], [[Johnson]] and [[343 Guilty Spark]] toward a platform where the [[Prophets]] of [[Prophet of Truth|Truth]] and [[Prophet of Mercy|Mercy]] wait with three [[Phantom|Phantoms]]}''
'''[[Tartarus]]:''' "Split them up. One in each [[Phantom]]."
''{Three [[Brute|Brutes]] do so. [[Miranda Keyes]] notices '[[In Amber Clad]]' in the tower before being pushed into the [[Phantom]]. The two [[Phantom|Phantoms]] take off. [[Tartarus]] kneels before the [[Prophet|Prophets]].}''
'''[[Prophet of Truth]]:''' "The hopes of all the [[Covenant]] rest on your shoulders, [[Chieftain]]."
''{[[Prophet of Truth]] hands [[Tartarus]] the [[Index]]}''
'''[[Tartarus]]:''' "My faith is strong. I will not fail."
''{[[Infection Form|Infection Forms]] spring up and rush them. The [[Brute|Brutes]] get ready. They manage to crush most of them, but one gets through and lodges itself to [[Prophet of Mercy|Mercy's]] throat, knocking him off his throne}''
'''[[Prophet of Mercy]]:''' ''(Screams in agony)''
''{[[Tartarus]] moves to kill the [[Flood]]}''
'''[[Prophet of Truth]]:''' "Let him be. The [[Great Journey]] waits for no one, brother. Not even you."
''{[[Prophet of Truth]] boards the [[Phantom]], the [[Honor Guard Brute|Honor Guard Brutes]] follow immediately, but [[Tartarus]] pauses at the dying [[Prophet of Mercy]]. He looks at the [[Index]] and turns away from [[Prophet of Mercy]].}''
== Trivia ==
*The [[Anger Skull]] is found on this level.
[[Category:Halo 2 Campaign]]

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