Editing Escharum/Quotes

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=''[[Halo: Shadows of Reach]]''=
=''[[Halo: Shadows of Reach]]''=
*"Call [[Menachite Forerunner crystal|it]] what you will. It belongs to Atriox and the Banished now." ''(Escharum talking to [[Castor]] about the recovery of the Forerunner crystal shards from the ''[[Anodyne Spirit]]''.)''
*"Call [[Menachite Forerunner crystal|it]] what you will. It belongs to Atriox and the Banished now." ''(Escharum talking to [[Castor]] about the recovery of the Forerunner crystal shards from the ''[[Anodyne Spirit]]''.)''
*"Pray Atriox punishes your defiance now. If we ever meet again, I will peel the flesh from your bones with my own hands." ''(to Castor)''

=''[[Halo Infinite]]''=
=''[[Halo Infinite]]''=

==[[Warship Gbraakon]]==
==[[Warship Gbraakon]]==
*"Remember his example. We do not bow our heads. We do not kneel before false idols. We stand together! Fight together! Lay down our lives to protect our creed! Atriox showed us the way! Together... we are invincible! We are the Banished!"
*"A Spartan? No. Something better. The Master Chief returns. We thought you dead. Tossed into the void, yet here you stand. Humans call you their savor. The Covenant... Demon. The Banished? Prey. ''(chuckles)'' Destroy this craft if you must. It matters not. The Banished will hunt you down. Pursue you wherever you run."
*"Atriox! His actions inspire us! No more Prophets! No more lies. We stand together. Brothers to the end. We are his will. We are his legacy! We are the Banished!"
*"Do you think this disruption will be enough? Victory is already ours. So, run, Spartan. We will meet on the battlefield."
*"The hour approaches. Soon the Banished will stand victorious. Atriox... hear these words. Even from beyond this life, your will is served. Your forces occupy the Ring. Within hours, it will be under our control. [[Humanity]] will cower before your legacy. They will burn. Their brazen defiance will be all but a memory."
*"A Spartan? No. Something better. The Master Chief returns. We thought you dead. Tossed into the void, yet here you stand. Humans call you their savor. The Covenant... Demon. The Banished? Prey. ''(chuckles)'' Destroy this craft if you must. It matters not. The Banished will hunt you down. Pursue you wherever you run." (Escharum's first encounter with the Master Chief)
*"Do you think this disruption will be enough? Victory is already ours. So, run, Spartan. We will meet on the battlefield." (Escharum addressing the Master Chief during Warship Gbraakon's destruction)

==[[Foundation (Halo Infinite)|Foundation]]==
==[[Foundation (Halo Infinite)|Foundation]]==
*"No. I feel... invigorated."
*"Do you question my leadership? Atriox's vision?
*"The Banished will never bow to anyone again! Not the [[Covenant]]. Not the [[San'Shyuum|Prophets]]. Not [[Harbinger|her]]." (Escharum during his argument with [[Tremonius]])
*"This Ring will be operational."
*"Then you will have your revenge."
*"[[Blademaster]]...follow the Spartan, from a distance. I want to know everything about him. (Escharum instructing [[Jega 'Rdomnai]] to spy on John-117)

==[[Outpost Tremonius]]==
==[[Outpost Tremonius]]==
*" So...[[Tremonius]] has fallen. A victim of the Master Chief's might. Do not fool yourself. He was not the best of the Banished. Not by any measure. (growls) It occurs to me that we have not been introduced. I, of course, know of you, Spartan. Your legend. The fear you inspire is admirable. The hope you stir in the hearts of your kind... misplaced. I want you to know my name too. To know my legend. How else will you beg me for mercy? I am Escharum. [[War_Chief|War Chief]] of the Banished. This is my world now. And you have little time remaining in it."

==[[Pelican Down (Halo Infinite level)|Pelican Down]]==
==[[Pelican Down (Halo Infinite level)|Pelican Down]]==
*"The [[UNSC]] lost this war months ago. Your people are broken. Scattered. Hunted. Defeated. By me. I wish I could tell you it was difficult. But it wasn't. We are one step ahead! Always! The Ring is already until our control! Soon, the Auditorium as well. The Harbinger and the Banished share the same goal! We fight together to honor the will of Atriox! But, without challenge, I grew... weary. Lost. Alone. But here you now stand. This is my last fight. A true test of legends! Our story will outlive us both. Set a fire in your heart, Spartan! Bare you fangs! Fight hard. Die well."
*"How many [[Spartans]] remain? Do you even know? There would have been 50 at [[Laconia Station]], maybe more. Such a loss. Do you feel it in your heart? Does it leave a hole? Atriox was my finest recruit. He understood sacrifice and when one is necessary. I honor his memory each day. When our enemy rises, we meet their challenge. It is why I created the [[Hand of Atriox]]. I found the best. The cruelest. The most effiecnt killers in the universe... and taught them how to be better. My Spartan Killers are coming for you. It is your time to rise."
*"Nothing is lost."
*"No. Odds will not break him."
*"What is it?
*"Is it a weakness? Something to exploit?"
*"Done. Atriox believed you to be valuable. Prove him correct."
*"I need something of you, old friend."
*"Bring me the Master Chief. Alive."
==[[Repository (Halo Infinite level)|Repository]]==
==[[Repository (Halo Infinite level)|Repository]]==
*"Your plan has failed... As have you, Harbinger."
*"And that is enough?"
*"Find out."
*"I am losing patience with her. Please, tell me your mission was a success."
*"Are you sure?"
*"Keep him alive. But have your fun. You have earned it."
*"Do I have your attention, Spartan? Do I?! You feel his pain. Each twist of my blade hurts you as much as him. He will not die by my hand, but he will suffer until you stand before me. For the Banished, victory is our shared cry. A refusal to cower, to bend. Our weaknesses beaten from us. Banished. It makes us strong! Your humanity makes you weak. Vulnerable. Defeatable. Our time together is ending. I await our final fight."

==[[House of Reckoning]]==
==[[House of Reckoning]]==
*"I thought perhaps that I had misjudged you. That you would allow your cohort to die for... the greater good. I pity you that I was correct. The [[House of Reckoning (location)|House of Reckoning]]. Such an appropriate name. Many of your kind have entered this arena. None have left. Come. Look upon my work. Understand why we won."
*"It is no accident that the Banished were able to win so decisively. Arm yourself, Master Chief. Scavenge this battlefield. Know that each item you find is a remnant of their sacrifice and a testament to our strength!"
*"Your [[Created]]. The false god Cortana destroyed my world. My home! But she could not kill the fire that burns in the heart of the Banished. It made us stronger! Can you say the same?"
*"Do you recall the [[Siege of Palghanar]]? One settlement held out against my forces for nineteen days. They fought well. To the end. But their fate was sealed from the start."
*"This was never about ceremony but about observing choice. Reactions. Fear. Gather what you need, Spartan. A storm approaches beyond these walls. Each misstep you make is the ammunition I need to dismantle your spirit. Prepare yourself for the end!"
*"This world. Looping. Repeating... forever. Is it a symbol of life or a cruel joke by the [[Forerunners]]?"
*"You were there when we struck the [[UNSC Infinity|Infinity]]. The first dreadnought came from the side. In the chaos that followed, you hardly had time to notice the other three bear down upon you. Do you know how long it took us to neutralize your greatest ship? Four minutes. In four minutes, the Infinity, mankind's finest achievement, became a memory."
*"The end approaches... But first... a last surprise."
*"Blademaster. Show him why I chose you!"
*"He wanted to kill your friend. But I promised him a sweeter kill. Or a warrior's death."
*"Whatever the outcome, know this: the Banished control this Ring. We came for war. A thousand legions occupy this world. The [[Silent Auditorium|Auditorium]] will give up its secrets. Your interference is just... an irritation. Fleeting."
*"I told you that I would not kill him."
*"No... you will try."
*"He knows I'm here. This was never a trap. It is a test of mettle. Our battle ends here."
*"Bear witness! Our story will become legend. Told by those that survive you."
*"Spartan! Fight me!"
*"Nothing... nothing ends. My death will inspire a thousand others... Tell them... I died well."

===Boss Fight===
===Boss Fight===
Line 68: Line 32:
*''[Coughing]'' "You...wretched...thing!"
*''[Coughing]'' "You...wretched...thing!"
*''[Furious roar]''
*''[Furious roar]''
*''[Low menacing chuckle]''
*''[Menacing laughter]''
*''[Menacing laughter]''
*''[Sniff]'' "Spartan... I'm near."
*''[Sniff]'' "Spartan... I'm near."
*"A battle worthy of remembrance." ''(if he kills the player)''
*"A human in a suit! Nothing more!"
*"A human in a suit! Nothing more!"
*"A pest to be stomped! Nothing more!"
*"A pest to be stomped! Nothing more!"
*"And so it begins."
*"Are you afraid, Spartan?"
*"As I suspected, nothing but a man." ''(if he kills the player)''
*"Atriox... This is your victory." ''(if he kills the player)''
*"Bare your teeth, Spartan! Let us finish it!"
*"Bare your teeth, Spartan! Let us finish it!"
*"Come on! Fight harder!" ''(taking damage)''
*"Come on! Fight harder!" ''(taking damage)''
*"Damn you, Spartan!"
*"Do not disappoint me, Spartan."
*"Do not disappoint me, Spartan."
*"Do you feel it? Darkness approaches."
*"Do you feel it? Darkness approaches."
Line 87: Line 44:
*"Does it hurt, Spartan?" ''(attacking)''
*"Does it hurt, Spartan?" ''(attacking)''
*"Fire! Blood! Glory is at hand!"
*"Fire! Blood! Glory is at hand!"
*"For [[Atriox]]! For the [[Banished]]!"
*"For Atriox! For the Banished!"
*"Go on! Attack! Everything you have!"
*"Go on! Attack! Everything you have!"
*"Hold still!"
*"Hold still!"
*"Hope dies with you, Spartan." ''(if he kills the player)''
*"Hold still, coward!"
*"Hold still, coward!"
*"Humanity's fate is sealed." ''(if he kills the player)''
*"Humanity's last hope dies with you. Unless you act!"
*"Humanity's last hope dies with you. Unless you act!"
*"I am not dead yet, Spartan!"
*"I am not dead yet, Spartan!"
*"I do not need armor - I am not like YOU!" ''(taking damage)''
*"I do not need armor - I am not like YOU!"
*"I do this for Atriox. And for his Banished."
*"I do this for Atriox. And for his Banished."
*"I promise you, Spartan - this device is quite functional." ''(shield is activated)''
*"I promise you, Spartan - this device is quite functional."
*"I scarcely felt that." ''(taking damage)''
*"I scarcely felt that." ''(taking damage)''
*"I survived the [[Covenant]] - I will survive YOU!"
*"I survived the [[Covenant]] - I will survive YOU!"
*"I will break you!"
*"I will break you!"
*"I will bury you alongside your [[Fernando Esparza|pathetic friend]]!"
*"I will bury you alongside your [[Fernando Esparza|pathetic friend]]!"
*"I will claim the Master Chief as my greatest trophy!"
*"I will fight until my last breath!"
*"I will grant you a warrior's death!"
*"I will grant you a warrior's death!"
*"I will NOT relent!"
*"I will NOT relent!"
Line 111: Line 64:
*"I'll crush you flat!"
*"I'll crush you flat!"
*"I'll have your head for this!" ''(taking damage)''
*"I'll have your head for this!" ''(taking damage)''
*"I'll kill you where you stand!"
*"In the name of Atriox!"
*"In the name of Atriox!"
*"It is too late to beg."
*"Is that all you can do, Spartan?" ''(taking damage)''
*"Is that all you can do, Spartan?" ''(taking damage)''
*"Is this all you are capable of?" ''(taking damage)''
*"Is this all you are capable of?" ''(taking damage)''
*"It is too late to beg."
*"It will do you no good." ''(taking damage)''
*"It will do you no good." ''(taking damage)''
*"Let us see what you truly are!"
*"Let us see what you truly are!"
Line 140: Line 92:
*"Show me what you can do!"
*"Show me what you can do!"
*"Show me your courage, filth!"
*"Show me your courage, filth!"
*"Stand and fight!"
*"Strike me down, and the Banished will rise!"
*"That's it. Cut through [[Fernando Esparza|him]]. It's your only path to victory."
*"That's it. Cut through [[Fernando Esparza|him]]. It's your only path to victory."
*"The Banished will never yield!"
*"The Banished will never yield!"
*"The [[Covenant]] is dead. Soon humanity will join them!"
*"The Covenant is dead. Soon humanity will join them!"
*"The future of the Banished is secured." ''(if he kills the player)''
*"The hope of humanity dies with!"
*"The hope of humanity dies with you!"
*"The [[Prophets]] could not stop us. [[Cortana]] could not stop us. You will not stop us."
*"The [[San'Shyuum|Prophets]] could not stop us. [[Cortana]] could not stop us. [[John-117|You]] will not stop us."
*"The Spartans are dead! And soon you will join them!"
*"The Spartans are dead! And soon you will join them!"
*"This battle will be remembered in song."
*"This battle will be remembered in song."
*"This is no place for weakness!"
*"This is no place for weakness!"
*"This is the power of the Banished!"
*"This Ring belongs to the Banished."
*"This Ring belongs to the Banished."
*"This Ring is our home. You are an invader."
*"This Ring is our home. You are an invader."
Line 158: Line 106:
*"Why do you refuse to die?!"
*"Why do you refuse to die?!"
*"Yes! Come CLOSE!" ''(if the player grapples onto Escharum to melee attack him)''
*"You are but a tool of the Forerunners!"
*"Yes! Strike!" ''(taking damage)''
*"You and ALL the humans will BURN!"
*"You are alone. And you will perish alone."
*"You are but a tool of the [[Forerunner]]s!"
*"You are hopeless, Spartan!"
*"You cannot escape!"
*"You cannot escape!"
*"You cower behind your weapon!"
*"You cower behind your weapon!"
*"You have my respect." ''(if he kills the player)''
*"You know what you must do. Now DO IT!"
*"You know what you must do. Now DO IT!"
*"You think this will save your friend? He'll die - like you!"
*"You think this will save your friend? He'll die - like you!"
*"You were a fool to come [[House of Reckoning (location)|here]]!"
*"You were a fool to come here!"
*"You will be broken!"
*"You will be broken!"
*"You will be ground into the dust of [[Installation 07|this world]]!"
*"You will be ground into the dust of this world!"
*"You will die a magnificent death!"
*"You will die a magnificent death!"
*"You will not win! You cannot win!"
*"You will not win! You cannot win!"
*"[[MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor (GEN3)|Your armor]] will be my greatest trophy!"
*"Your armor will be my greatest trophy!"
*"Your corpse will be my prize!"
*"Your corpse will be my prize!"
*"Your death approaches. Submit!"
*"Your death approaches. Submit!"
*"Your hesitation bellies your weakness."
*"Your last breath will be drawn, pained, at my FEET!"
*"Your last breath will be drawn, pained, at my FEET!"
*"Your legend ends today, human!"
*"Your legend ends today, human!"
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=''[[Halo: The Third Life]]''=
*"Atriox sees you for what you are and what you could be. For the fury that fuels your desire for freedom is ''his'' fury too. We shall do great things together—hunt powerful prey and plunder ancient treasures. You shall be paid in blood and sport and spoils. And you shall never bow again.”

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