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==Single-Player Quotes==
==''[[Halo 3: ODST]]''==
"You know the music, time to dance." -When telling his squad to suit up.
====[[Prepare To Drop|Prepare to Drop]]====
*"You know the music, time to dance." - When telling [[Alpha-Nine|his squad]] to suit up, on board the {{UNSCShip|Say My Name}}.
*"Pods, now." - After [[Kojo Agu|Romeo]] comments on [[Veronica Dare|Dare]].
*"This many years into the war? Who isn't?" - To Dare, who asked about his squads "replacements".
*"To me. And they're not gonna like what they hear." - Annoyed, after Dare's comment that his men follow orders.
*"Come on, Veronica! What could be more important than [[Solemn Penance|that carrier]]?" - To Dare.
*"Second to last, right next to mine." -When showing Dare to her [[drop pod|pod]].
*"''Ms''. [[Office of Naval Intelligence|Naval intelligence]], our new boss. So check your mouths, find your chairs... ''(shoves a Sniper rifle to Romeo)'' and get ''set'' for a combat drop!" - [[Edward Buck|Buck]] to [[Kojo Agu|Romeo]] when Romeo asked for Dare's name.
*Speech to ODSTs before drop depending on Difficulty:
**"[[Orbital Drop Shock Trooper|Troopers]]! We are green, and very, very mean!" - On [[Easy]] and [[Normal]].
**"Pucker up, [[UNSC Marine Corps|Marines]]! I sure as hell ain't hosing out your pods!" - On [[Heroic]].
**"We are droppin' into Hell, troopers! Time to grow a pair!" - On [[Legendary]].
*"Hey Romeo, remember when I told you to shut your mouth? Consider that a standing order." - To Romeo during the HEV drop.
*"Stabilize then pop your chutes! We're going in hard!" - To the squad, after being hit by the EMP blast created by the [[CAS-class assault carrier|assault carrier]]'s [[Slipstream space|slipspace rupture]].

====[[Tayari Plaza]]====
"Pods, now." -After [[Romeo]] comments on [[Dare]].
*"Ah! Works great." - Sarcastically to Dare, after falling off his upside-down pod.
*"Did I...do something wrong? Because the only thing I regret about you and me? Not knowing you were a spook when we first met. I would have been a lot less charming." - To Dare.
*"That was years ago, Veronica! I'm ''(grunt)'' a little ''(grunt)'' fuzzy ''(grunt)'' on the... ''(takes out his stuck [[MA5C Individual Combat Weapon System|Assault Rifle]] from his pod)''... details." - To Dare, who stated that they both agreed to end the argument about her job.
*"Must have met a lot of other saps since then. Why pick me for this safari?" - To Dare, complaining his involvement in her mission.
*"I remember not getting an answer..." - To Dare, who mentioned his question to her years ago.
*"I said stay put! I'm on my way!" - To Dare, after sighting a [[Kez'katu-pattern Phantom|Phantom]] flying overhead.
*"I appreciate the concern." - To Dare, who tells him about the Covenant-infested area.
*"See any more come down?" - To a Marine, who commented his luckiness of not getting killed by the drop.
*"What the hell happened here?" - After seeing multiple dead [[Sangheili|Elites]] and [[Jiralhanae|Brutes]] inside a building.
*"Veronica, what's with all the dead Elites?" - To Dare, after sighting more dead Elites and Brutes in the streets of [[New Mombasa]].
*"It's like a [[Great Schism|family feud]], like they were killed by Brutes. Is there something I should know?" - To Dare, who wants him to explain his question thoroughly.
*"Huh, some things never change." - After Dare said the answer to his question mentioned above is classified.
*"Got a little Jackal problem!" - To Dare, after meeting a few [[Kig-yar|Jackals]] on his way to help Dare.
*"Gotta get through this door. Should be a switch around here somewhere." - If the player lingers around the locked door.
*"Almost there! What's wrong?" - To Dare, who urgently asks for his location.
*"Whoa! Hang on, I'll be right there!" - To Dare, who begins her "will".
*"Damn it, no! Veronica? Talk to me! Don't move! I'm coming, you hear?" - To Dare, who loses contact with him.
*"[[Mgalekgolo|Hunters]]?! No, I do not have time for this! Turn around you bastards, let me shoot you in the back." - After sighting a pair of Hunters heading his way.
*"There's her pod, now I just need to find a way down..." - Upon reaching [[Tayari Plaza (location)|Tayari Plaza]], which is Dare's crash site.
*"Arrgh! I'm here...I got ya..." - When attempting to open Dare's stuck pod, which is later found empty.
*"Aw, nuts." - After seeing an [[Huragok|Engineer]] approaching him.
*"What the heck was that? You ever seen one before?" - To Romeo, who killed the Engineer.
*"Hey, Romeo! You got your ears on?" - To Romeo after he does not respond to him.
*"Oh, I get it. Permission to speak, smart ass." - To Romeo after he does not respond to his previous question.
*"Yeah, maybe. You hear from Mickey, Dutch?" - In response to Romeo's comment that the Engineer must have killed Dare.
*"We need to get above this crap, link up with the bee-net, one of our [[F-99 Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle|drones]] must have seen where they hit." - After being acknowledge that Romeo heard nothing from rest of the squad.
*"No... never. Doesn't matter. All I care about now is gettin' my men out of this city. Even you." - Answer to Romeo's question that are they abandoning Dare's mission.
====[[ONI Alpha Site]]====
*"Glad you boys are safe and sound." - To [[Michael Crespo|Mickey]] and [[Taylor H. Miles|Dutch]], who finally receive contact with him on board a Police-variant [[D77-TC Pelican|Pelican]].
*"Long as you're offerin'. We're in the [[NMPD headquarters|Police HQ]]." - To Dutch, who inquires their need of transport.
*"Alright, meet you up top!" - After an NMPD Officer's confirmation on their ride to the Police HQ.
====[[NMPD HQ]]====
*"Hey [[The Rookie|Rookie]]. You out there? Respond. That's an order!" - When activating his comm as he and Romeo descending the stairs leading to a launch pad, attempting to reach the then-fainted Rookie.
*"Oh, give up, huh? What if it were you down there?" - To Romeo, who suggests him to give up on reaching The Rookie.
*"Oh, you're a piece of work, Romeo." - After Romeo's cold response to his question above.
*"[[Type-26 Ground Support Aircraft|Banshees]] on your six!" - To Mickey and Dutch's Pelican, which is landing on the launch pad.
*"Hit the deck!" - To Romeo, as the Banshees fires their [[Class-2 Projectile cannon|Fuel Rod Cannon]].
*"Alive or dead, we're pulling them out! You hear me?" - To Romeo, after losing contact with Mickey and Dutch.
*"Make some noise. I got your back." - As he and Romeo enter the Covenant-guarded Police Headquarters.
*"Back inside! Let's find that Pelican!" - Once inside the interior of the HQ.
*"Now we get to kill them." - Response to Romeo's questions about the Covenant they evaded on their way to the launch pad.
*"Do you ever get tired of bitching, Romeo?" -In response to Romeo complaining about having to use the stairs.
*"Point taken." -Replying to Romeo's comment.
*"They haven't seen us. Pick a target, take it out." - To Romeo, once they reach the first courtyard.
*"That did it! Shoot and scoot!" - Once Romeo takes out his first target.
*"Romeo! Phantom landing on the pad!" - To Romeo, pointing out the drop ship.
*"C'mon, Romeo! Push through these doors!" - To Romeo, after the firefight in the courtyard.
*"[[Kig-yar Sniper|Jackals with Carbines]] up top. Watch yourself!" - To Romeo, upon entering the second courtyard.
*"C'mon, Romeo. We gotta kill those Jackals." - If the player stalls with fighting the Jackals.
*"Stay put Dutch. We'll come to you." - After establishing contact with Dutch.
*"Grab some ammo, Romeo. These boys won't need it." - Entering a room littered with ammo and dead Police Officers.
*"Sniper. Up high. Make your first shot count." - To Romeo, upon entering the third courtyard.
*"More of 'em! Romeo, get to work!" - Once Romeo takes out the first target.
*"[[Jump Pack Jiralhanae|Jet Pack Brutes]]! Don't let 'em get behind us!" - As he and Romeo make their way deeper into the courtyard.
*"Keep pressing, we gotta get to that crash site!" - To Romeo, as they nearer the crash site.
*"Affirmative. We're almost there." - To Mickey, who stated their makeshift bridge made up with cranes and metal bars.
*"What? You afraid of heights? Get going." - To Romeo, who becomes scared when the "bridge" is merely a metal bar.
*"C'mon Romeo, follow me." - If the player stalls in front of the metal bar.
*"Let's get the hell off this thing!" - As two Banshees fly over and shakes the metal bar.
*"What's our situation?" - To Mickey, upon reaching the crash site.
*"Pick a turret, Romeo! Conserve your ammo. This is gonna get hot!" - To Romeo, as a Phantoms draw nearer to the crash site.
*"Phantom coming in left!" - To the group, defending the area.
*"Hostiles on the lower levels! Clear 'em out!" - When [[Covenant Empire|Covenant]] troops occupy the lower floor of the constructing building.
*"Phantom! Dead ahead!" - Alerting the group after more fighting.
*"Step back! Take 'em down!" - Leading the group in the intense fight.
*"Pour it on boys, we're almost through this!" - As the end of the firefight draws closer.
*"Look out! [[Jiralhanae Chieftain|Chieftain]]!" - When the final Phantom approaches the crash site.
*"Scatter!" - When Brute Chieftain drops and kills an NMPD Officer.
*"Get. This. Thing. Off. Of. Me." - While underneath the dead Brute Chieftain.
*"How bad?" - To the injured Romeo.
*"It's alright. I know another way." - To the squad, after Dutch's gesture that their only transport out of the city, the Pelican, is no longer working.

====[[Kikowani Station]]====
"Second to last, right next to mine." -When showing Dare to her [[Drop Pod|pod]].
*"We're almost there." - As the ODSTs draw close to the [[Kikowani Station (location)|Kikowanit train Station]].
*"He's got a punctured lung, can't breathe." - Answering Dutch's question on Romeo's injury.
*"Trains ran underground up to the old city, we're gonna find one of the tunnels, walk on outta here." - Explaining his plan out of the city.
*"Was planning on it, but, now that you're feeling better..." - Humorously, answering Romeo's question about carrying him the whole way.
*"Get the door!" - To Dutch, as a Phantom suddenly flies overhead.
*"Wait here. We're gonna steal that ride. It's landing, now's our chance! Mickey! You're with me!" - To the squad, after realizing the train tunnels are flooded.
*"Well, let's see what you remember trooper, move!" - To Mickey, who states that it's been years that he had run a simulation on piloting.
*"They're between us and that Phantom, what do you think?" - Answer to Mickey's question regarding to kill the Engineers or not.
*"Go, Mickey. Up the lift, kill the pilots." - To Mickey, underneath the Phantom.
*"OK, I'll grab a Banshee, you go get Dutch and Romeo." - After Mickey's confirmation on the Phantom's status.
*"A whole lot of Covenant, scattering around the Slipspace crater. I wonder what they're looking for." - Buck's answer to Mickey's question. Only available if the player flies upward to the top of the train station.
*"That's the way we're headed, take 'em out!" - After Romeo alerting Banshees exiting the doors leading their way out.
*"I'll head through on foot, see if I can find a work around inside the tunnel." - To the squad, when the door in front of them is jammed.
*"Troopers, I got bad news." - To his squad, after sighting a [[Deutoros-pattern Scarab|Scarab]].
*"We got a Scarab, right by our exit." - To the squad, explaining the situation.
*"Keep her steady Mickey. ''(to Romeo)'' You doin' okay?" - Upon entering the Phantom, after escaping the city.
*"Mickey, turn around! Find a safe place to set us down!" - After realizing Dare's mission to the undergrounds of the city.
*"I lost something! ''(whispering to himself)'' Now I know where to find her." - Answer to Mickey's question regarding why the need to turn back into the city.
====[[Data Hive]]====
*"Veronica? Where the hell are you?" - After hearing Dare's surprise shout of his name in the [[Superintendent]]'s [[New Mombasa Data Center|Data Center]].
*"Whatever you say, just come on!" - To Dare, who tells him not to shoot ''anything pink''.
*"Rookie? I could use a hand over here. Come on!" - When the three meet up outside the Data Center.
*"About this uh, asset. Feel free to fill me in whenever." - After meeting [[Vergil]].
*"Whoops.. Easy does as it, Rookie" - When spotting Yanme'e sleeps at ceiling.
*"Door's locked. Damn!" - During the escape out of the Data Center.
*"I've seen hundreds of these things today! Why is this one so important?" - During Vergil's attempt to open the locked door mentioned above.
*"No! Well... maybe one or... two!" -During conversation with Dare, who asked him if he had killed any [[Huragok|Engineers]].
*"Well, how was I supposed to know?" -After being scolded after the above statement.
*"Elevator. Come on." - To the other three, moments away from leaving the underground.

====[[Coastal Highway]]====
"[[Veronica Dare|''Ms''. Naval intelligence]], our new boss. So check your mouths, find your chairs... ''[tosses a [[Sniper rifle]] into Romeo]'' and get set for a combat drop." -[[Buck]] to Romeo when Romeo asked for her name.
*"Whew! Lord, that thing stinks. Kinda reminds me of my—" - Upon entering the elevator, cut off when being punched by Dare.
*"What was that for?" -After being punched by Dare.
*"What mission? You dropped off the grid! My squad was scattered—" - After Dare's explanation to his question, that he "abandoned the mission." Cut off when Dare kisses him.
*"You did good Rookie, no doubt. But we're not out of this yet." - To the Rookie, when the elevator stops.
*"Captain, how about you hang back? Let us clear a path." - Upon exiting the building that holds the elevator.
*"Flank the [[Covenant watchtower|watchtower]], Trooper! Take it out!" - to The Rookie, in the streets of New Mombasa.
*"Waterfront Highway! Fastest way out of the city." - Answering Dare's question regarding where they are heading to.
*"Can't [[huragok|that thing]] move any faster?" - As the four move down the streets.
*"Want me to give it a little push?" - Jokingly, after Dare's response to his previous quote.
*"Follow me, trooper. Double time!" - If the player stalls in the streets.
*"This way, should be an elevator right through here." - Outside a building in New Mombasa.
*"Sit tight. We'll need the alien to power on the switch." - Upon the team's arrival at an elevator.
*"Okay, we're all set. Hit it, Rookie." - To the Rookie, after Vergil re-activated the elevator.
*"They started showing up right before I went underground." - Answer to Dare's question regarding the arrival of the Covenant Cruisers to the city.
*"Oh, I'm sorry, I was a little busy. Making sure perfume ''(points to Vergil)'' over here didn't take a round and blow us all up!" - Response to Dare's complaint about not telling her about the cruisers.
*"Yeah? Well...here I am!" - Angrily, when Dare claimed that she thought she would never see Buck again.
*"I stole a Phantom. Yes. Thank you. I hid it in the shipyards down the highway. ''(Looks toward nearby [[M12 Force Application Vehicle|Warthog]])'' But I only have room for two, so...that thing's gonna have to sit on your lap." - Answer to Dare's question regarding their exit.
*"Take my advice, Rookie. You ever fall for a woman? Make sure she's got balls." -Buck to Rookie, after Dare boards a NMWD truck, and out of earshot.
*"Take the wheel, Rookie. I'll ride shotgun." - To the Rookie, beside a Warthog.
*"Get in the driver seat, trooper. We gotta roll!" - If the player waits around the Warthog.
*"Listen Marine, we ain't going anywhere until ''you'' drive us there!" - If the player continues to wait around the Warthog.
*"It's too far to walk, Rookie. Get in the Warthog!" - If the player walks instead of driving the Warthog.
*"What are you, crazy? Stop moving around, and drive this 'hog!" - If the player continues to walk away.
*"Hey, uh, Captain? Pick a lane." - To Dare,
*"You got to be kidding me!" - When the truck smashes through the cars in the highway.
*"Hey, hold up! It's a [[M12G1 Light Anti-Armor Vehicle|Gauss Hog]]. Let's change vehicles. Same deal, trooper: You drive, I shoot." - When the four come across a Gauss Canon-mounted Warthog.
*"Concentrate on driving. I got this."- To the Rookie, as he gets on to the [[M68 Asynchronous Linear-Induction Motor|M68 Gauss Cannon]].
*"I see it. Must've dropped out one of the cruisers. Just keep driving, it hasn't spotted us." - When Dare alerts about a Scarab on the highway.
*"There weren't that many Covenant last night!" - When Dare asks how did he make down the highway the night before with all the Covenant troops in it.
*"Captain's right, trooper. We're gonna need that tank." - If the player stalls near the [[M808B Main Battle Tank|Scorpion]] tank after Dare's request on taking the armored vehicle instead of the Warthog.
*"Assault Carrier! Ten o'clock high! Look at the size of that thing!" - As an assault carrier comes into view.
*"But the dig site's on the other side of the city!" - When the carrier mentioned above begins charging its [[Energy projector|Energy Projector]].
*"Damn it, no! They're gonna burn this city and then glass the whole planet! Covenant bastards! It's just like [[Fall of Reach|Reach]] all over again!" - When the carrier begins [[glassing]] the city.
*"Mickey, you read me? Change of plans. You're coming to us." - To Mickey, as they continue down the highway.
*"There's no other way. Covenant just wasted the highway. We're gonna keep rolling as far as we can. Get airborne, fly the Phantom to my beacon." - To Mickey, who debates that the "sky is kind of crowded".
*"And whatever you do... Stay clear of that carrier." - To Mickey, who confirms Buck's request.
*"Veronica! Talk to me!" -After a Scarab fires its main canon at the truck.
*"Screw the alien, what about you?" - After Dare reports that Vergil is okay.
*"Take the next off-ramp, trooper. I see a building, north side of the highway. We'll hole up there, wait for evac." - After sighting the Public Entrance to [[Uplift Nature Reserve]].
*"Out of the vehicle, trooper! Let's move!" - Once the vehicle reaches the ramp.
*"Our vehicle won't fit through that. We're on foot from here!" - If the player stalls inside the vehicle.
*"Veronica, wait here. Rookie, let's secure that building!" - As they draw closer to the entrance.
*"Mickey, what's your ETA?" - Once the area is clear of Covenant patrol.
*"Hostile Phantoms, coming in!" - As Phantoms begins their assault at the building.
*"That's not good!" - After Dare alerts about the [[Zurdo-pattern Wraith|Wraiths]] on the highway firing at the building.
*"Just nice to know they really do listen. C'mon, let's get out of this city." - After Dare complimented that "for replacements [the squad] make one hell of a team."
*"Come on Rookie, get in the Phantom." - If the player stalls and not approaches the ally Phantom.
*"What are you waiting for, trooper? Phantom! Now!" - If the player continues to stall.
*"Long as it don't get hit!" - Answer to Dutch's question about the safety of the Engineer's presence.
*"What can I say...? It was a hell of a night." - to Rookie and Dutch, putting a conclusion on the ground battle.
*"Easy does it." - As he and Rookie pulls Romeo from the Phantom's [[Plasma turret|Plasma Turret]].
*"Give him some meds, would ya?" - To the Rookie, after Romeo expressing his frustration on returning the city.
*"It's important. It knows things." - To Romeo, thinking Romeo was frustrated at Vergil.
*"Mickey? I'm sending you a very special co-pilot." - To Mickey, after Romeo explanation he "wasn't talking about the alien".
*"It won't bite. And unlike you, it knows what to tell those cruisers to keep 'em off our tail." - To Mickey, who didn't want Vergil with him in the cockpit.
*"What about you? What about us?" - After Dare said that "[the Covenant] have found what they're looking for".
*"Whoa! Stand down, stand down!" - To the alerted squad, after [[Avery Junior Johnson|Avery Johnson]] tosses his lighter at Vergil.

====Gameplay Quotes====
"[[ODST|Troopers]]! We are green, and very, very mean!" -Just before the drop on [[Easy]] and [[Normal]].
*"Don't look at me Rookie, cover the Captain!" - To the Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
*"That look may work with the chicks, but not with me." - To the Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
*"The last person who looked at me like that was the Captain and I asked her to marry me, so... you know." - To Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
*"I understand that in the military we aren't supposed to ask, but I think I don't have to with you." - To Rookie if he continues to stare at him (reference to the US military's former "[[Wikipedia:Don't ask, don't tell|Don't ask, don't tell" policy]]).
*"Look, I'm not saying anything has to happen, but maybe later we just hold each other in our underwear or something, but now we have a job to do!" - To either the Rookie or Romeo if he stares at him.
*"Don't let that damn turret fire one more round!"
*"This is Sparta!" -[[Halo 2 skulls#I Would Have Been Your Daddy|IWHBYD Skull]] at various points in [[campaign]] and Firefight, a reference to both ''300'', the [[SPARTAN-II Program|SPARTAN]] and [[SPARTAN-III Program|III]] programs.
*"Don't make me do something manly and impulsive now." -IWHBYD Skull. This is a reference to Nathan Fillion's character Malcolm Reynolds from ''Firefly'' who insists that "Barging onto a companion's shuttle is both manly and impulsive".
*"This is your 8 A.M. wake up call!"
*"You know, with that helmet on... I can't tell... if you're staring at me... or not." -When stared at. IWHBYD possibly required.
*"Go through 'em like a one stoplight town." -After all enemies in the area are dead.
*"Thank you for the shiny, pretty gun." -If the player gives Buck a more powerful and bigger weapon, "shiny" possibly being a Firefly reference
*"You do know this is a better gun?" -If the player gives Buck a more powerful weapon. IWHBYD required.
*"You do realize that this is a better gun?" -If the player gives Buck a more powerful weapon.
*"Whoop-dee-doo!" -When the vehicle Buck is in is launched by an explosive. IWHBYD possibly required
*"That was 800 yards with a bent scope!" -IWHBYD Skull required. When you no scope a headshot in [[NMPD HQ]].'' Firefly'' reference.
*"Hey, watch it. New vehicles don't just fall out of the sky." -IWHBYD skull possibly required. When you repeatedly roll your Warthog on [[Coastal Highway]].
*"You take the turret. I haven't been able to hit anything all day." -If the player replaces Buck in the Warthog turret on Coastal Highway.
*"You take the turret. You're better at it anyway." -If the player mans the Warthog turret on Coastal Highway.
*"You know, they ''are'' more fun to fight than [[Sangheili|Elites]]." -referring to [[Jiralhanae|Brutes]] on NMPD HQ.
*"Yep" - When Rookie trade weapons with Buck.
*"I'll take gunner, dude." - When Buck want to ride as gunner.
*"Put me in range." - When Buck mounts the gunner seat. Sometimes he continues straight from the previous line, which often happens on Coastal Highways.
*"I call shotgun. You have to do it in sight of the vehicle." - When Buck approaches to ride in the passenger seat.

===Firefight quotes===
"Pucker up, [[UNSC Marine|Marines]]! I sure as hell ain't hosing out your pods!" Just before the drop on [[Heroic]].
*"Heat in the pipe! That's what she said!" - Rocket Launcher
*"Let me turret, you suck at it."
*"Bam, said the lady." - This is a phrase voice actor Nathan Fillion is trying to promote, with the meaning of a general exclamation. It also makes an appearance in his TV show ''Castle''.
*"Boom, headshot." - Refrence to Doug from Pure Pwnage
*"Ooh, the back of your head." - Assassination/Melee kill, Red vs. Blue reference.
*"Sit-down!" - Assassination/Melee kill
*"Aaand, a headshot!"
*"Gimmie a sec, aaaaannnnd OK." -When reloading.
*"Changing mags!" - Same as above
*"Swapping out mags!" - Same as above
*"Let me turret, you suck at it. Don't get mad, we all know it."
*"Felt good, sounded better."-Rare to be said
*"Smile, you son of a bitch!" - This is a reference to ''Jaws''.
*"Whoops, dropped your brain!"
*"Nice catch! With your face."
*"That was messy."
*"Made you blink!"
*"You must be the stupidest [[Jiralhanae|apes]] in the whole damn 'verse!" - ''Firefly'' reference. ''Firefly'' characters refer to the universe as the 'verse.
*"Hey I got a special delivery from kick your ass express!"
*"Putting the [[m9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade|pineapple]] in there!"
*"Catch!" - When throwing a grenade
*"Smell the glove!" - Same as above
*"Stuck 'em!" - When sticking an enemy with a grenade.
*"Another stick!" - Same as above
*"Low on Amm-o!" - Upon reloading last magazine
*"Last mag!" - Same as above
*"On my last maaag!" - Same as above
*"Running low!" - Same as above
*"I thought you guys were supposed to be shiny?" - ''Firefly'' reference.
*"I was expecting some ''actual'' resistance!"
*"I came all the way from orbit just to kick your ass!"
*"That all you've got?"
*"Here's that violent and unnatural death you ordered!"
*"Pow! Another one!" - After scoring a headshot.
*"Ouch! I don't care who you are, that's gotta hurt." - Same as above

==''[[Halo: Reach]]''==
"We are droppin' into Hell, troopers! Time to grow a pair!" Just before the drop on [[Legendary]].
====[[New Alexandria]]====
*"Command: this is Gunnery Sergeant Buck, 11th ODST, over." - Requesting emergency support.
*"My guys got caught in a firefight in the [[Nomolos Tower]], roof collapsed. I gotta get over there and get them out." - Explanation to [[Lieutenant Commander]] [[Catherine-B320]] on his request on air support.
**Alternatively: "Need escort on a classified op. Send someone who can fly a tight formation." - Mission variant
**Alternatively: "Phantom's got one of my squads pinned. I need to take it out and evac my troopers." - Mission variant
*"Thanks for the assist, Spartan... I'll see you in hell." - To [[SPARTAN-B312]], after completing the emergency mission.

===Firefight Voice===
"Hey Romeo, remember when I told you to shut your mouth? Consider that a standing order." Buck to Romeo during the HEV drop.
*"You in there? Respond. That's an order." - When previewing his voice in the [[The Armory|Armory]]
*"Yeah, well... Here I am." - When previewing his voice in the Armory (quote from ''[[Halo 3: ODST]]'s'' [[Coastal Highway]])
*"[[Covenant Empire|Covies]] won't know what hit them." - When previewing his voice in the Armory
*"In one ear, out the other." - Headshot
*"Right betwixt the eye sockets." - Headshot
*"Here's one for your face!" - Headshot
*"Nice catch, with your face." - Headshot
*"Oh! Did you see that? Right in his face!" - Headshot
*"Kaboom! Whoa, I almost feel bad about that. - Headshot
*"Di-rect hit!" - Headshot
*"Bingo! ...Was his name-o." -Headshot
*"Frag out." - Said when throwing a grenade (Can be a [[M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade|Fragmentation Grenade]] or [[Anskum-pattern Anskum-pattern plasma grenade|Plasma Grenade]])
*"See you in hell, Covie!" - When throwing a grenade
*"See you in hell, Covie! Keep the place warm for me!" - Same as above
*"Say my name!" - When throwing a grenade; reference to a ship Veronica Dare served on.
*"That's for being ugly!" - When throwing a grenade
*"I'm right on target!" - When throwing a grenade
*“Watch this!” - When throwing a grenade
*"Here's one for you!"- When throwing a grenade
*"Here's one for you stupid!"- When throwing a grenade
*"I aim to misbehave." - When meleeing (''Serenity'' reference)
*"Oh, you still up? Sit down!" - When meleeing
*"Awww, kitty got wet!" - When meleeing
*"Boop!" - When meleeing
*"Don't you turn your back on me!" - When meleeing
*"Almost mussed my hair." - When meleeing
*"Say hi to your mother for me." - When meleeing
*"It looks like I'm taking a break, really I'm just reloading." - When reloading.
*"Cover me please, I am reloading". - When reloading.
*"Changing mags! If anyone's got a spare, I wouldn't say no." - When reloading.
*"Last mag!" - Upon reloading to last magazine
*"Runnin' low!" - Same as above
*"Low on ammo! If you got any, I wouldn't say no." - Same as above
*"Ooo running low! Bad news!" - Same as above
*"Bad news: my last mag!" - Same as above
*"Cover me, I'm out!" - Same as above
*"Last mag's in the bag.  - Same as above
*"Oh good! No more bullets." - Upon reloading to last magazine, regardless of ammunition
*"(solemnly)Reloading." - Upon reloading to last magazine
*"Violence is definitely ensuing." (''Serenity'' reference)
*"Tango down!"
*"Yeah, eat it!"
*"Ha ha ha ha ha! Man, I'm gettin' good."
*"(softly)Nice to meet ya." - Assassinating an enemy
*"(softly)I love killing you guys up close." - Assassinating an enemy
*"Yeah, that's the way!"
*"Got one!"
*"That's how we do it!"
*"That one's for you!"
*"Like that, ya bastard?!"
*"Ha ha ha ha, got plenty more!"
*"Popped one!"
*"Oh, you want a piece of me?"
*"Take it, jackhole!" - Randomly during combat, regardless of enemy type
*"Bam, said the lady!" - Also used in ''Halo 3: ODST''; a catchphrase of Nathan Fillion, popularized by his TV show ''Castle''.
*"Do yourself a favor and just die." - Randomly during combat.
*"You dead yet? Circle your calendar 'cause today's the day!" - Randomly during combat
*"I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna make it hurt." - When wounding an enemy
*"Bet you felt that!" - When wounding an enemy
*"Hey fellas, watch this. This is gonna be good." - When getting in the driver's seat of a vehicle.
*"When I'm driving, ''I'' work the radio!" - Same as above
*"Hey hey! My dad had one of these! It's how he died." - When hijacking an enemy vehicle.
*"Shiny!" - When equipping a Spartan Laser. A reference from ''Firefly''.
*"Laser up!" - When equipping a Spartan Laser
*"Let's go cook some bugs!" - Same as above
*"I'm on death ray duty!" - Same as above
*"If you see red, duck!"- Same as above
*"Heat in the Pipe!" - When equipping a Rocket Launcher
*"Hot and Heavy!" - When equipping a Rocket Launcher
*"Heavy Guns up!" - When equipping a Heavy ordnance weapon
*"Plasma!" - When equipping a Plasma Launcher
*"Time to break something!" - Same as above
*"Plasma Launcher up and running!" - Same as above
*"Oh I'm getting ''all'' charged up!" - Same as above
*"I am green and very, very mean!" - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun (Reference to a similar quote from the opening cutscene of ''Halo 3: ODST'')
*"I'm putting the 'B' back in subtle." - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
*"I'm tend to more subtle, but..." - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
*"Big... yellow... thing- Ready!" - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
*"Big green radiation gun up and runnin' right next to my face!" - When equipping a Fuel Rod Gun
*"Hey, less of this, more shooty" - When stared at
*"Stow that stare and return fire!" - When stared at.
*"That's great! That's great, sweet-cheeks! Enemies over there!" - When stared at.
*"So here's us, on the raggedy edge." - Firefly/Serenity reference, said when stared at.
*"Hey, you want a match? Your breath and my socks." - When stared at.
*"One day I see myself with a military woman." - When stared at.
*"That's why you don't mess with an ODST! Hooyah!"
*"I got you, keep her steady." - When mounting a vehicle turret
*"I'm Stuck!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Get it off! Grab it! Grab it! Grab it!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Ahhh! Ahhhh! AHHHH! - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*"Get Away!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“NOOOO!”- When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Grenade!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*"Get Clear! Get Clear!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Ahhh! AhhhHHH!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*"Ah! It burns! It burns! It burns!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Get it off! Get it off! Get it off me! - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Is there something on me?!” (2 variants) - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“What’s that noise-OH MY GOD!” - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“Hey what smells like barbeque-OH MY GOD!!" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*“What’s that hissing sound?” - When stuck with a plasma grenade

==''[[Halo: New Blood]]''==
"Hey Romeo, have you got your ears on?" -Buck to Romeo after he does not respond to him.
*"But there's a reason I'm in charge of Alpha-Nine. 'Cause I never give up, goddammit. Call me the man with the plan." - Buck, referring to his persistence
"Oh, I see. Permission to speak, smartass." -Buck to Romeo after he does not respond to his previous question.
==''[[Halo 5: Guardians]]''==
"Do you ever get tired of bitching Romeo?" -In response to Romeo complaining about having to use the stairs.
===''[[Halo 5: Guardians E3 2015 Campaign Demo]]''===
"Point taken." -Replying to Romeo's comment.
*"Not just another target, you know?" - To [[Jameson Locke]] about their mission to hunt down [[Blue Team]]
*"Every other Spartan, every soldier; when they hear about this, they're gonna hate us. You know that, right?" - Again, to Locke about their mission
"Get this thing off of me." -While underneath a dead [[Brute Chieftain]].
"No! Well... maybe one or... two!" -During conversation with Dare, who asked him if he had killed any [[Huragok|Engineers]].
"Well how was I supposed to know?" -After being scolded after the above statement.
"What was that for?" -After being punched by Dare.
"Take my advice, [[The Rookie|Rookie]]. You ever fall for a woman? Make sure she's got balls." -Buck to Rookie, after Dare boards a NMWD truck, and out of earshot.
"Whoa stand down." -After [[Avery Johnson]] tosses his lighter at [[Vergil]].
"Don't look at me Rookie, cover the [[Dare|Captain]]!" -Buck to Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
"That look may work with the chicks, but not with me." -Buck to Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
"The last person who looked at me like that was the Captain and I asked her to marry me, so... you know." -Buck to Rookie if he stares at him for a few moments.
"I understand that in the Military we aren't supposed to ask, but I think I don't have to with you." -Buck to Rookie if he continues to stare at him (reference to the US Military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on relationships).
"Look, I'm not saying anything has to happen, but maybe later we just hold each other in our underwear or something, but now we have a job to do!" -Buck to either the Rookie or Romeo if he stares at him.
"You ever get tired of bitching, Romeo?" -To Romeo.
"Don't let that damn [[Turret]] fire one more round!"
"This is Sparta!" -[[IWHBYD Skull]] at various points in [[Campaign]].
"Don't make me do something manly and impulsive." -IWHBYD Skull. This is a reference to Nathan Fillion's character Malcolm Reynolds from ''Firefly'' who insists that "Barging onto a companion's shuttle is both manly and impulsive".
"This is your 8 A.M. wake up call!"
"You know, with that helmet on... I can't tell... if you're staring at me... or not." -When stared at. IWHBYD possibly required.
"Go through 'em like a one stoplight town." -After all enemies in the area are dead. IWHBYD possibly required
"Thank you for the shiny, pretty gun." -If the player gives Buck a more powerful and bigger weapon
"You do know this is a better gun?"  -If the player gives Buck a more powerful weapon.  IWHBYD required.
"Whoop-dee-doo!" -When the vehicle Buck is in is launched by an explosive. IWHBYD possibly required
"That was 800 yards with a bent scope!" -IWHBYD Skull required.  When you no scope a headshot in [[NMPD HQ (Level)|NMPD HQ]].''Firefly'' reference.
"Hey watch it. New vehicles don't just fall out of the sky." -IWHBYD skull possibly required.  When you repeatedly roll your Warthog on [[Coastal Highway (Level)|Coastal Highway]].
"You take the turret.  I haven't been able to hit anything all day."  -If you replace Buck in the Warthog turret on Coastal Highway.
"You take the turret. You're better at it anyway."  -If you hop in the [[Warthog]] turret on Coastal Highway.

"You know, they ''are'' more fun to fight than [[Sangheili|Elites]]" -IWHBYD skull may be required on NMPD HQ.
*"Locke, you sure the Chief came this way?"
*"You think the Chief's already on board?" - When the [[Guardian Custode|Guardian]] on [[Sunaion]] rises into view.
*"Yeah, safe in sound…inside a crumbling building." - To Locke, after escaping the Guardian.
*"Do you think it's [[Promethean]]?" - Moments before [[Fireteam Osiris|Osiris]] is engaged by Prometheans.
*"You got it! …Phaeton down!" - To Locke, when Locke commands him to destroy the [[Phaeton]].
*"Soldiers!" - When being engaged by [[Armiger Soldier]]s.
*"Soldier Captain's on deck!"

===Gameplay (final release)===
==Firefight Quotes==
====Attacking and spotting enemies====
"Heat in the pipe! That's what she said!" - Rocket Launcher
* "Engaging!"
* "Opening fire!"
* "Hostile spotted, on the ledge."
* "Confirmed hit."
* "Grenade out!" - when tossing a grenade.
* "Nade out." - when tossing a grenade.
* "Coming through." - when doing a Spartan Charge.
* "Pardon me!" - when doing a Spartan Charge.
* "Targeting a Grunt!" - when damaging a Grunt.
* "Let's get this over with, Grunt!" - when damaging a Grunt.
* "Drawing down on the Jackal!" - when damaging a Jackal.
* "Targeting the Elite." - when damaging an Elite.
* "On the Elite!" - when damaging an Elite.
* "Soldier's hurt." - when damaging a Soldier.
* "Knock that thing off its Ghost!" - when engaging a [[Karo'wark-pattern Ghost|Ghost]].
* "Gonna stop that Ghost dead!" - when engaging a Ghost.
* "I'll crack that Wraith in half!" - when engaging a [[Kemu-pattern Wraith|Wraith]].
* "Fly on down, Banshee! I ain't movin'." - if he engages a [[D'nomlhe-pattern Banshee|Banshee]].
* "We don't deserve that ship!" - if he engages a Banshee or Phaeton.
* "Let's take that thing down!" - if he engages a Phaeton.
* "Phaeton's a nice ship! Hate to wreck it." - if he engages a Phaeton.

====Killing enemies====
"Let me turret, you suck at it."
* "Got one."
* "Knight down." - after killing a Knight.
* "Killed a Knight!" - after killing a Knight.
* "That was rather enjoyable!" - when assassinating an enemy.
* "Don't take this personal." - when assassinating an enemy.

====Picking up new weapons====
"Bam, said the lady." - This is a phrase voice actor Nathan Fillion is trying to promote, with the meaning of a general exclamation. It also makes an appearance in his TV show ''Castle''.
* "I've been looking for one of these."
* "Ready with the assault rifle." - when picking up an [[MA5D assault rifle|Assault Rifle]].
* "Battle rifle at the ready." - when picking up a battle rifle.
* "Taking a Hydra Launcher." - when picking up a [[MLRS-1 Hydra|Hydra Launcher]].
* "Plasma pistol. Just like [[Olympia Vale|Vale]]." - when picking up a [[Type-54 plasma pistol|plasma pistol]].

====Reloading/overheated weapons====
"Ooh, headshot."
* "Gun's overheated."
* "Reloading the Hydra." - when reloading a Hydra Launcher.
* "One sec, snipe's dry!" - when reloading a [[SRS99-S5 AM sniper rifle|sniper rifle]].

====Receiving enemy fire====
"Let me turret, you suck at it, don't get mad, we all know it."
* "I'm targeted!"
* "Taking damage."
* "I'm getting hit!"
* "Taking fire."
* "Hostile fire from the stairs!"
* "From that barricade. Return fire!"
* "Jackal targeting me!" - if a Jackal hits him.
* "This Hunter does not like me." - if a Hunter hits him.
* "Soldier's targeting me!" - if a Soldier hits him.
* "Soldier got me good!" - if a Soldier hits him.
* "Taking turret fire!" - if a turret hits him.
* "Somebody stop that turret!" - if a turret hits him.
* "Taking damage from our own vehicle!" - if an enemy Warthog hits him.
* "Ghost has me targeted!" - if a Ghost hits him.
* "Got a Ghost on me!" - if a Ghost hits him.
* "Wraith's got my number!" - if a Wraith hits him.
* "Phaeton on me!" - if a Phaeton hits him.
* "Taking Phaeton fire!" - if a Phaeton hits him.
* "I know what I'm doing!" - if he takes a lot of damage.
* "Takes more than that to drop an ODST!" - if he takes a lot of damage.
* "I'm stuck! Move away from me!" - if stuck with a [[Anskum-pattern plasma grenade|plasma grenade]].

====Receiving friendly fire====
* "Calm it down, Spartan!"
* "Easy, Spartan!"
* "Quit screwing around!"
* "Hey! What'd I do?"
* "Whoa! Check your targets!"
* "Watch the friendly fire!"
* "Come on, Locke! Watch it!" - if Jameson Locke hits him.
* "Friendly here, Locke!" - if Locke hits him.
* "Vale! We talked about this!" - if Olympia Vale hits him.
* "I'm one of the good guys, Vale!" - if Vale hits him.
* "Easy, Tanaka! Starting to take this personal!" - if [[Holly Tanaka]] hits him.
* "Friendly Mongoose here!" - if he takes friendly fire while on a Mongoose.

====When downed====
"Smile you son of a bitch!"
* "Hit! Hit! I'm down!"
* "Hit hard! I'm down!"
* "I'm fine! I'm fine! I- I- I'm down."
* "I'm down!"
* "I'm down! Help!"
* "System failure!"

====If still downed====
"Whoops, Dropped your Brains!"
* "Armor stalled out."
* "I'm in rough shape over here!"
* "Systems dark."
* "I need some support!"

====Requesting assistance====
"Nice catch! With your face."
* "Armor's jammed, I'm down!"
* "Need some help here!"
* "I'm down!"
* "Somebody help that Spartan!" - if another Spartan is down and requests assistance.
* "Hey! Get that Spartan some help!" - if another Spartan is down and requests assistance.

====Reviving teammates====
"You must be the stupidest [[Jiralhanae|apes]] in the whole damn 'verse!" - ''Firefly'' reference. ''Firefly'' characters refer to the universe as the 'verse.
* "No worries, Locke. I got you." - when reviving Locke.
* "On your feet, Vale." - when reviving Vale.
* "Let's go, Vale! Still plenty of guys we ain't shot yet!" - when reviving Vale.
* "Quit messing around, Tanaka!" - when reviving Tanaka.

====After being revived====
"Special delivery from kick your ass express!"
* "Okay, I'm back. Thanks!"
* "Steady and ready. Thanks!"

====If a teammate dies====
"Flung a [[Frag Grenade|pineapple]] in there!"
* "We lost Locke! Get safe!" - if Locke dies.
* "Locke's out! Hold your positions!" - if Locke dies.
* "We lost Vale! Hold positions!" - if Vale dies.
* "We lost Tanaka! Hold together!" - if Tanaka dies.
* "Tanaka's out! Regroup and hold." - if Tanaka dies.

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