Editing Catherine Halsey/Quotes

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==''[[Halo: The Fall of Reach]]''==
==''[[Halo: The Fall of Reach]]''==
===Chapter 1===
===Chapter 1===
*"We must be near Eridanus." - Halsey's first words to Keyes after exiting her cryotube.
*"We must be near Eridanus." Halsey's first words to Keyes after exiting her cryotube.
*"I’m fine, Lieutenant. Get cleaned up and dressed. Hurry. We have important work to do.” - After Keyes offers his help in getting dressed and to work.
*"I’m fine, Lieutenant. Get cleaned up and dressed. Hurry. We have important work to do.” - After Keyes her help in getting dressed and to work.
*“Welcome, Lieutenant. Please have a seat at the communication station and monitor the channels when we enter normal space. If there’s so much as a squeak on nonstandard frequencies, I want to know instantly.”
*“Welcome, Lieutenant. Please have a seat at the communication station and monitor the channels when we enter normal space. If there’s so much as a squeak on nonstandard frequencies, I want to know instantly.”
* “Toran? Give me astrogation maps of the system. Are there any planets currently aligned with our entry trajectory and Eridanus Two? I want to pick up a gravitational boost so we can move in-system ASAP. And can we have some music? Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto Number Three, I think. And start a preburn warm-up cycle for the fusion engines. And stop spinning theHan ’s central carousel section. We may need the power.” - To the ''Han'''s AI [[Toran]].
* “Toran? Give me astrogation maps of the system. Are there any planets currently aligned with our entry trajectory and Eridanus Two? I want to pick up a gravitational boost so we can move in-system ASAP. And can we have some music? Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto Number Three, I think. And start a preburn warm-up cycle for the fusion engines. And stop spinning theHan ’s central carousel section. We may need the power.” - To the ''Han'''s AI [[Toran]].
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*“A six-year-old male, to be precise. It may help if you think of this purely as a UNSC-funded physiological study. Which is precisely what you are to tell anyone who asks. Is that understood, Lieutenant?”
*“A six-year-old male, to be precise. It may help if you think of this purely as a UNSC-funded physiological study. Which is precisely what you are to tell anyone who asks. Is that understood, Lieutenant?”
*"I hate cryo sleep. It leaves one so cramped.”
*"I hate cryo sleep. It leaves one so cramped.”
*“Oh yes, I know how dangerous this system is. It has a colorful history: rebel insurrection in 2494, beaten down by the UNSC two years later at the cost of four destroyers. I don’t believe the Office of Naval Intelligence ever found their base in the asteroid field. And since there have been organized raids and scattered pirate activity nearby, one might conclude—as ONI clearly has—that the remnants of the original rebel faction are still active. Is that that[sic] what you were worried about?” - When Keyes protests that this system is dangerous for just the two of them.
*“Oh yes, I know how dangerous this system is. It has a colorful history: rebel insurrection in 2494, beaten down by the UNSC two years later at the cost of four destroyers. I don’t believe the Office of Naval Intelligence ever found their base in the asteroid field. And since there have been organized raids and scattered pirate activity nearby, one might conclude—as ONI clearly has—that the remnants of the original rebel faction are still active. Is that that what you were worried about?” - When Keyes protests that this system is dangerous for just the two of them.
*“Speaking of pirates, weren’t you supposed to be monitoring communication channels for illegal signals? Just in case someone takes undue interest in a lone, unescorted, diplomatic shuttle?”
*“Speaking of pirates, weren’t you supposed to be monitoring communication channels for illegal signals? Just in case someone takes undue interest in a lone, unescorted, diplomatic shuttle?”
*"Continue to monitor them, please."
*"Continue to monitor them, please."
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*“On my glasses, please, Déjà.” - Halsey's glasses scan her retinas to allow her access to classified documents.
*“On my glasses, please, Déjà.” - Halsey's glasses scan her retinas to allow her access to classified documents.
*She winced at the veiled rebuke in the Admiral’s communiqué. He had never approved of her decision to work with the Office of Naval Intelligence, and made his disappointment with his star pupil evident every time she visited ''Hopeful''. It was hard enough to justify the morality of the course she was about to embark upon. Jeromi’s disapproval only made her decision more difficult.
*She winced at the veiled rebuke in the Admiral’s communiqué. He had never approved of her decision to work with the Office of Naval Intelligence, and made his disappointment with his star pupil evident every time she visited ''Hopeful''. It was hard enough to justify the morality of the course she was about to embark upon. Jeromi’s disapproval only made her decision more difficult.
*“I have doubts, Déjà. I thought the reasons so compelling when we first started project SPARTAN. Now? I... I just don’t know.” - After seeing Jeromi's calculations for the [[SPARTAN-II augmentation procedures|augmentation surgery]]'s risks of failure.
*“I have doubts, Déjà. I thought the reasons so compelling when we first started project SPARTAN. Now? I . . . I just don’t know.” - After seeing Jeromi's calculations for the [[SPARTAN-II augmentation procedures|augmentation surgery]]'s risks of failure.
*“Only if they survive to fulfill that mission. We should delay the procedures. More research needs to be done. We could use the time to work on MJOLNIR. We need time to—” - After Déjà reminds her of the predicted climaxing of the [[Insurrection]].
*“Only if they survive to fulfill that mission. We should delay the procedures. More research needs to be done. We could use the time to work on MJOLNIR. We need time to—” - After Déjà reminds her of the predicted climaxing of the [[Insurrection]].
*“I hate this. And sometimes, Déjà, I hate you, too.”  - After Déjà warns that ONI might replace Halsey with someone with fewer moral qualms.
*“I hate this. And sometimes, Déjà, I hate you, too.”  - After Déjà warns that ONI might replace Halsey with someone with fewer moral qualms.
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*“He’s at point blank range! Even stun rounds can kill at that distance!” - When seeing John attack one of the Mark Is.
*“He’s at point blank range! Even stun rounds can kill at that distance!” - When seeing John attack one of the Mark Is.
*“Show me that again. You recorded all that, didn’t you?”
*“Show me that again. You recorded all that, didn’t you?”
*“They should not be performing so well. There must be unexplained synergistic effects brought on by the combined modifications. What are their reaction times?” - After Mendez tells her the Spartans run at an average of 55 mph.
*“They should not be performing so well. There must be unexplained synergistic effects brought on by the combined modifications. What are their reaction times?” - After Mendez tells her the Spartans run at an average of 55 mph.
*“Any physiological or mental instabilities?”
*“Any physiological or mental instabilities?”
*“They might as well have been killed. But can the Spartans kill, Chief? Kill on purpose? Are they ready for real combat?” - Regarding the trainers' inability to get out of their armor.
*“They might as well have been killed. But can the Spartans kill, Chief? Kill on purpose? Are they ready for real combat?” - Regarding the trainers' inability to get out of their armor.
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==''[[Halo: First Strike]]''==
==''[[Halo: First Strike]]''==
===Chapter 13===
*"Come in. And hurry. From the sounds of things upstairs we haven't much time." - After the remaining Spartan arrive at [[CASTLE Base]].
*"It's good to see you, Fred."
*She knew this annoyed them all—how she was always able to tell who they were despite the MJOLNIR armor. She had grown up with them, knew their every gesture and their individual walks. She could have never called them by their number designations.
*"We have access to Aqua, Scarlet, and Lavender Levels," she told them. "Follow me to the medical wing." She proceeded down a concrete hallway with a high arched ceiling, recessed lights, and security cameras. "I know the Covenant entered the Epsilon Eridani system at approximately oh-five-hundred hours. ONI Section Three staff evacuated this facility at oh-five-thirty hours. I assume you're not here to let me know it's safe to come out?"
*"I see. And Captain Keyes? John?" - After Fred tells her that the Covenant have overwhelmed all their defenses.
*"I'm sure they accomplished their mission and escaped. John has never lost." - After Fred tells they've lost contact with Keyes and John.
*"Granted. I don't stand on ceremony, particularly given the circumstances. Speak your mind." - When Fred asks permission to speak freely.
*"Curious," Dr. Halsey said. "They've never taken an interest in any human or human technologies—" - After Fred points out that the Covenant have unusually left the north pole of Reach alone.
*" 'I shall do no harm.' " - The password to CASTLE's medical wing.
*"Very good. Continue to track seismic activity overhead. Interface with the Spartans' biomonitors and patch the output to the display on bay three." - To Kalmiya.
*"Give me a spotlight here, prepare a sterilization field, and lower the ambient lighting by forty percent. And a little Mahler, please. Symphony number two."
*"Fred, you have a torn Achilles tendon and three cracked ribs. Both kidneys have moderate contusions. ...you're fine."
*"William, you have a cracked tibia and some internal bleeding. Get some biofoam into that wound and avoid strenuous motions for the next day."
*"You two are in the best shape. I want you to go to Level Aqua, Section Lambda, and retrieve a few things."
*Dr. Halsey was only a civilian, but the Spartans had always accepted her authority. Perhaps because she had acted as an equal among the Fleet Admirals and Generals who were constantly trying to co-opt her work. Or maybe it was more than that. She wondered if the Spartans viewed her as some sort of mother figure. As much as this notion amused her, she doubted that they viewed anyone outside their team as family. Not even her.
*"New weapons arrived for field-testing last week, as well as parts for the MJOLNIR Mark Five armor system. We'll swap them out for your damaged components. Kalmiya, show them the way, please, and give them access to the restricted areas."
*"Vinh, you have a torn deltoid muscle, three broken fingers, and a herniated disk. Isaac, internal contusions and both shoulders have been dislocated and reinserted incorrectly, which is pinching off the blood vessels. I'll get you both fixed up in a moment, but first I want you to survey the route we took here and suggest further perimeter defenses."
*"As I said, they evacuated. On the table, please. I'm going to perform some minor repairs." - After Kelly asks where the rest of CASTLE's personnel are.
*"I volunteered to be the fail-safe option. In the lower levels of these caverns are enough high explosives to level the facility—in case we were ever overrun by the enemy. I'm here to make sure no one gets access to our technology." - Explaining why she remained behind.
*"Kalmiya, prep the flash clone facility and retrieve Kelly's DNA sequence from the archives. I'd like to get a new liver and right lung started for her.
*"You're fine for now. I just want to get replacements made for you, in case we're down here for a long time." - Halsey's lies to Kelly about her health to keep her calm.
*Dr. Halsey wondered if she did—if Kelly understood that getting shot and burned and having your internal organs traumatized wasn't supposed to happen to you every day... unless you were a Spartan. She wished the war were over. She wished her Spartans had some measure of peace.
*"Rest. Down. Doctor's orders."
*"Let's have it, Kalmiya."
*"[[Araqiel]]? That's Ackerson's watchdog, isn't it?" - After Kalmiya tells her that his routing code was detected in Kelly's medical file.
*"Can you trace the request?"
*"They can come and arrest me, then. Do as I have instructed, Kalmiya. Override your ethics center subroutine four-alpha. Nullification code: 'Whateverittakes.' " - After Kalmiya warns that breaking into the file is punishable as [[treason]].
*"This data cluster here. Spike that and backfill with a neutralizing pulse."
*"Araqiel. Did your master leave you behind when he was reassigned? Don't you have anything better to do than steal data from my SPARTAN program?"
*"I'm the only authority left here, Araqiel. For a 'smart AT you are extremely thick."
*"These commands were invented, refined, and then discarded and forgotten long before even the first functional dumb AI went online. I learned them when I was fifteen, working on my second doctoral thesis." - When Araqiel doesn't recognize the line commands she's brought up.
*"Antiquated? Obsolete? Really? Let's test your hypothesis, Araqiel. I supervised the creation of the template for every third-generation smart AI on this planet. I know everything there is to know about you, including your borderline disregard for human life. Maybe that's why you and Ackerson always got along so well."
*"To answer your original question, this is the nexus of your being. Your code directory, the center through which all impulses in your mind flow. And this is the code that activates your personal fail-safe. It generates a pulse beam of high-frequency UV light in your Riemann cycling-thought matrix, clearing your high thought functions. It will effectively erase you."
*"A waste of memory crystal." - After deleting Araqiel.
*"Kalmiya, please retrieve the data file and show me the contents of Colonel Ackerson's directory."
*"They are not implanted in every AI." - After Kalmiya asks if every AI has a fail-safe like Araqiel.
*Kalmiya would undoubtedly stress-analyze her vocal patterns, so she told her the truth. It was always a game of chess with smart AIs—move and countermove. It was a constant challenge to earn and keep their respect. That's why she preferred their company to humans—they were so deliciously complex.
*"Filter by proper names. Let's not waste our time with Ackerson's petty blackmails. Also remove any files dated before the SPARTAN-IIs went online, and any not accessed more than a dozen times. I want to see what black ops topped his list." - After accessing Ackerson's files.
*"What the hell was he up to?" - After seeing he has records on every SPARTAN-II.
*"That is only a fragment. It had been erased, but I managed to reconstruct it from trace ionization in the memory crystal."
*"I'll have to deal with this later. Let's see what else the good Colonel was up to." - After spotting the word [[Franklin Mendez|CPOMZ]].
*"I'll be God damned." - After examining the star chart Ackerson deciphered.
*"What am I looking at, Kalmiya?"
*"I wonder if they used the natural passages to help build the mines, and later this facility? No... if it was as simple as that, why would Ackerson be interested? And why then classify this data as level X-ray? How does this connect to the alien artifact on Cote d'Azur?"
*"Yes, yes. I'll consider that later. Right now we should concentrate—"
*"They're coming. Get back to the lab ASAP. I might have a way out!"
===Chapter 14===
*"I'm fine. Really." - After the Spartans find her on the ground after a support beam collapsed.
*"Down. We have to go lower."
*"Down the elevator shaft in Section Sigma. We'll seal it behind us. We can't let them follow."
*"Those satchels, over there. Medical supplies. Food and water. We'll need them, too."
*"Just a few more things. We can't let them get into ONI's records. Begin Operation White Glove. Irradiate all computer memory crystal. Code file access Beta-Foxtrot-99874."
*"Not all AIs have the fail-safe option, my dear Kalmiya... just the ones that matter." - After ordering Kalmiya to delete herself.
*"The pleasure has been mine, Kalmiya. Fail-safe override access: 'Ragnarok.' Give us a three-minute countdown."
*"I've activated the explosives cache under this base, which will level the complex. We have to get below, to the original titanium mine tunnels."
*"There should be an air vent. There. "It leads to the old mine tunnels, and more, I hope."
*"There's more to this place. This is only the beginning. We have to—"
===Chapter 15===
*"The most important discovery of the millennium." - When asked what she expects to find in the tunnels
* "I'm a scientist, not a soothsayer." - When further asked what that discovery is.
*"Yes. Don't move, Fred. And don't touch anything. Excellent work. Kelly, Isaac, Vinh, Will— meet me at Fred's location." - After Fred informs Halsey that he may have found the artifact site.
*"Yes. Yes, this must be it—what Ackerson was searching for. And most likely what they are looking for, too, I imagine."
*"Hurry. I fear we've set something in motion, and our visitors upstairs might know it, too."
*"Semisolid holography. No visible emitters. Interesting. We should investigate this later. If there's time."
*"I don't like it. The Covenant aren't known for giving up on anything they start. We'd better continue." - After the sound of the Covenant's digging ceases.
*"If only we had the time." - After seeing Forerunner tiles with writing on them.
*"There must be another way." - When finding they can't walk any closer to the artifact due to the spatial distortion.
*"We must take this with us. Study it. Or destroy it if necessary to keep the Covenant from getting it."
*"Is it safe now?"
*"No time for debate. Neutrino radiation will penetrate the rock between us and the surface." - After the crystal gives off a burst of radiation from being held.
===Chapter 20===
*"Admiral Whitcomb, a pleasure to see you again. My thanks for the rescue. It was far timelier than you could imagine."
*Or is it you I have to thank for this daring operation, John?"
===Chapter 22===
*"The crystal. They're after the crystal."
*"She's alive ... barely. She needs help." - After Kelly is struck by a Hunter's plasma blast.
*"How very odd." - When seeing the crystal floats rather than lying on the ground.
*"Gravity. This thing warped space when we first approached. It apparently has an effect on artificial gravity fields as well. I can't wait to get this into a lab."
===Chapter 23===
*"Yes and no. We jumped. But not to the Slipspace we know." - When Haverson asks if they've jumped into slipspace.
*"Whatever it is, it warps space. When we first approached it in the great room, space curled around the crystal. And again in the grav beam, it dispersed that field potential."
*"Normally, they can't. If they can fire, then logically, we're not in Slipspace. And wherever we are, the rules have changed." - When seeing Covenant ships firing in slipspace.
*"No, Sergeant. We're all in the same mess." - When Johnson declares the Covenant's own plasma will be destroying them.
*"I'd guess the alien artifact we've brought with us into Slipspace has expanded the region. Physicists believe Slipstream space is a highly compressed version of normal space, layered over and under itself, like a ball of yarn. Now, imagine that our ball of yarn is looped and knotted. These threads are not solid, however; plasma, light, and matter jump from one thread to another given the slightest quantum fluctuation."
* "Because of the mass of this ship. Imagine a rumpled sheet that represents this space. If you set a heavy mass upon that sheet, it draws it taut, smooths it out."- When asked why the ship too isn't tangled up.
*"Don't do that! A drop back to normal space has us facing a dozen or more cruisers. And if you destroy the crystal, the expanded Slipspace bubble we're in would instantly collapse. Every separate mass in the bubble will compact into a single mass. We wouldn't survive the transition." - When Lockear suggests destroying the crystal.
===Chapter 27===
*"I see you are ignoring sound medical advice by moving before you have fully healed."
*"John—I've never known you to tell an outright lie. I'm picking up telemetry from your armor, right now." She swiveled one of the monitors on her chair so he could see erratic biosigns pulsing on the screen. "What with the burns, contusions, fractures, and internal bleeding, you should be in shock. The only sleep you've gotten in a week was unconsciousness brought on by your wounds. And you say you're 'fine'?"
*"Very well. I suppose you know your limitations better than anyone else." She turned the display back around. "I wanted to speak about your report on the alien construct—Halo. I've pieced together a bit of the story based on Admiral Whitcomb's recounting of your adventures, Cortana's debriefing, and the mission logs of Locklear, Johnson... and the curious partial mission log of one PFC Wallace Jenkins."
*"There are inconsistencies that I must resolve before we get back to Earth." She pushed her glasses higher onto the bridge of her nose. "One of them is Sergeant Johnson. Please step closer, John. I want you to see this with me."
*"The Sergeant survived. The only human to have direct exposure to the Flood meta-organism and walk away."
*"That's the simple part. See, here? He was diagnosed with Boren's Syndrome."
*"I'm not surprised. It's caused by exposure to high-yield plasma. Like the burst released by a Covenant plasma grenade. We don't see many cases—people usually die from the direct effects of those weapons long before these secondary symptoms manifest.
*"Apparently, the Sergeant captured a crate of plasma grenades from the Covenant during the Siege of Paris IV He used them all—received a commendation for bravery ... and a twelve-hundred-rad cumulative dose of radiation as an unanticipated bonus."
*"Boren's Syndrome is characterized by migraines, amnesia, and brain tumors... and without the proper treatment, death. It disrupts the electrical signals in a person's nervous system."
*"Yes, but it requires thirty weeks of intensive chemotherapy. Which brings me to this. The Sergeant did not wait thirty weeks to get back and fight."
*"I've deconvoluted the biosigns of the soldiers overtaken by the Flood. The parasite interfaces with a host by forcing a resonant frequency match to each host's neural system."
*"Correct. Further blood tests show his system bearing traces of Flood DNA—very much dead and noninfectious, but some gene fragments are intact. I believe this is proof of a failed attempt to possess him. It also appears to have imparted him with some curious regenerative abilities, although I cannot yet fully confirm this side effect."
*"Discovering how he survived is not what I wanted to discuss. It's what happens ''next'' to Sergeant Avery Johnson."
*"I've prepared two separate reports on this for ONI Section Three. The first has all relevant data on my analysis and the possible technology to counter an initial Flood infestation. The second includes the source material: Private Jenkins's and Sergeant Johnson's mission logs and the Sergeant's medical files. I leave it up to you which to deliver to Lieutenant Haverson."
*"For a long time I had thought that we had to sacrifice a few for the good of the entire human race. I have killed and maimed and caused a great deal of suffering to many people—all in the name of self-preservation. But now I'm not sure that philosophy has worked out too well. I should have been trying to save every single human life—no matter what it cost."
*"If you give ONI the first report, they may be able to find a countermeasure for the Flood. Maybe. They would have a slightly better chance, however, if you give them the second report."
*"Which will murder Sergeant Johnson. ONI will not be satisfied to take a sample of blood. They will dissect him to find out how he resisted the Flood. It will be a billion-to-one shot that they'll ever replicate his unique medical conditions—but they'll do it anyway. They will kill him because the trade-off is worth it to them. Is it worth it to you, John?"
*"One last lesson. I'm trying to teach you something it's taken me all my life to realize. I'm giving you the chance to make the decision that I thought I couldn't make."
*"I'm sorry. Linda is almost prepped for surgery, and I have several things I must accomplish before then. You should go."
*She hoped she saw John again before she did what she had to do, but she might not. Would the thought she had planted within him take hold? The gesture might be the only thing she could do to atone for what she'd done to him and the other Spartans.
*"Lock the door. Boost counter-intrusion measures to level seven."
*"Give me access to your core coordinates four-four-seven."
*"I'm tired of sacrificing others for the 'greater good,' It never stops, Cortana ... and we're running out of people to sacrifice."
*"I'm erasing your files on this matter. I'm sorry, Cortana, but with this, I cannot trust even you."
*"Cortana, give me an update on your core memory."
*"I'm afraid that's all we dare risk. The Halo and Covenant AI data could become corrupted if I do more. And there is no place safe enough to store that information."
*"Are you done with the temporal analysis of these logs?"
*"I'm disappointed, Cortana. That's a guess... and an incorrect one at that." - After Cortana speculates why the timestamps of the past events are off by three weeks.
*"Do you have any data from your subsequent gravity-influenced translation to correlate?"
*"As I suspected. Plot the temporal irregularities on a space-time surface. Then call up my file on the spatial distortion generated by the alien artifact."
*"That thing not only bends space, but bends time as well."
*"Don't think of it as physical distance. You and John were on an event path intersecting the crystal. You had to be there at that place and time to recover us and remove the crystal—time and space warped to make that event occur."
*"And it fits the known data. I see now why the Covenant are so interested in this object. They mustn't be allowed to get their hands on it. Not them, and certainly not Section Three, either." - After Cortana retorts that Halsey's using circular logic.
*"Give me an update on SPARTAN-058's condition, Cortana."
*"Very good. Prep and move the flash-cloned liver and kidneys from storage and ready surgical bay three."
*"No KIAs? Sam is listed as missing in action. Why would that be? He died in 2525."
*"Spartans never die? If only that were true."
* There was so much to do and so little time left for her, the Spartans, and the human race. She could do something, though. She'd save them one person at a time, starting with Linda, then Kelly, and then a handful of very important others. Of course, it meant betraying everyone who trusted her—but if that was the only way Dr. Halsey could save herself, and her soul, then she'd do it.
===Chapter 30===
*"It's perfectly safe as long as we're in normal space." - Referring to the Forerunner crystal.
*"Lie down please, Kelly. Just a few more injections and we're done with your burn therapy."
*"Keep doing your physical therapy, and the dermacortic steroids will remove most of the scarring and restore your full mobility within another week."
*"No, Kelly. You're not going on the Chief's mission. You're going on mine."
*"Locate Corporal Locklear and have him report immediately, please."
*"Thank you, Cortana. That will be all. ...take good care of them all for me."
*"Whatever you're doing this is more important. I need your help getting SPARTAN-087 to the launch bay."
*"She's fine, but I have to transfer her to the asteroid base. They have a piece of equipment necessary to complete her treatment."
*"She's fine. Just sedated. This procedure is... unpleasant, even for a Spartan."
*"This is what the Covenant so desperately want. They tore up Reach to get it. They followed us into Slipspace. And Polaski died protecting this thing."
*"Keep it safe. Guard it with your life, because if the Covenant ever get it, they'll be able to jump through Slipspace a hundred times faster than they can now. Do you understand?"
*" 'My' Spartans could be ordered to hand it over to Lieutenant Haverson. And he'd risk getting it back to ONI Section Three—even if he had to gamble that the Covenant might get it." - When asked why Halsey doesn't ask one of her Spartans to protect the crystal.
*"Almost. But the moment you jump, this crystal emits radiation like a signal flare. The Covenant will find this ship ... and maybe this time they'll win the battle in Slipspace."
*"So I know you'll do whatever it takes to prevent this object from falling into enemy hands."
*"Not even Cortana could crack their crypto, indeed." - Referring back to Whitcomb's comment that Chiroptera ships are impossible to hack.

==''[[Halo: Reach]]''==
==''[[Halo: Reach]]''==
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*"Are you threatening me, Commander?"  
*"Are you threatening me, Commander?"  
*"That... will be all, Jorge."
*"That... will be all, Jorge."
===[[The Package]]===
===[[The Package (level)|The Package]]===
*"Apologies for the unusual security measures, Commander, but the stakes demand it."  
*"Apologies for the unusual security measures, Commander, but the stakes demand it."  
*"Yes, well, as they say...news of my death has been greatly exaggerated. I only wish the same could be said of the rest of Noble Team."  
*"Yes, well, as they say...news of my death has been greatly exaggerated. I only wish the same could be said of the rest of Noble Team."  
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*"Knowledge. A birthright from an ancient civilization. This AI is its custodian, and she has chosen you as her couriers."  
*"Knowledge. A birthright from an ancient civilization. This AI is its custodian, and she has chosen you as her couriers."  
*"By this AI, yes. Her measure of you carries as much weight as my own..."  
*"By this AI, yes. Her measure of you carries as much weight as my own..."  
*"...Perhaps more. You are to take her to the UNSC ship-breaking yards in Asźod. There, you will find a Halcyon-class cruiser waiting to get her off-planet."
*"...Perhaps more. You are to take her to the UNSC ship-breaking yards in Aszod. There, you will find a Halcyon-class cruiser waiting to get her off-planet."
*"Do you? Mankind is outmatched. When Reach falls - and it will fall - our annihilation is all but certain. Unless...we can glean from this artifact a defense against the Covenant. A game-changer. On the level of the conical bullet in the nineteenth century, or faster-than-light travel in the twenty-third."  
*"Do you? Mankind is outmatched. When Reach falls - and it will fall - our annihilation is all but certain. Unless...we can glean from this artifact a defense against the Covenant. A game-changer. On the level of the conical bullet in the nineteenth century, or faster-than-light travel in the twenty-third."  
*"An apt question, if there were somewhere else to place our hope. There is not."  
*"An apt question, if there were somewhere else to place our hope. There is not."  
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===[[Lone Wolf]]===
===[[Lone Wolf]]===
*"It didn't take long for Reach to fall. Our enemy was ruthless. Efficient. But they weren't nearly fast enough. For you had already passed the torch. And because of you, we found Halo, unlocked its secrets, shattered our enemy's resolve. Our victory - your victory - was so close... I wish you could have lived to see it. But you belong to Reach. Your body, your armor - all burned and turned to glass. Everything...except your courage. That, you gave to us. And with it, we can rebuild."
*"It didn't take long for Reach to fall. Our enemy was ruthless. Efficient. But they weren't nearly fast enough. For you had already passed the torch. And because of you, we found Halo, unlocked its secrets, shattered our enemy's resolve. Our victory - your victory - was so close... I wish you could have lived to see it. But you belong to Reach. Your body, your armor - all burned and turned to glass. Everything...except your courage. That, you gave to us. And with it, we can rebuild."
===[[Halo: Reach ViDoc: A Spartan Will Rise|ViDoc: A Spartan Will Rise]]===
*"We knew this day would come. They have found our fortress among the stars. The Covenant are on Reach. They will burn this planet, kill millions, and when Reach falls - and fall it will - there will be nothing left to stand between them and Earth. Yet, even in our darkest hour, hope remains. Now, who will protect it? Show me Noble Team."
*"Carter, Noble One. Born leader. He turned Noble into more than just a collection of SPARTANs. They will need him now more than ever."
*"Kat, Noble Two. She ''is'' brilliant. There are no technical hurdles she can't overcome. But her curiosity borders on insubordination."
*"Jun, Noble Three. As a sniper, his skills are unmatched. On this mission, distance may be a luxury he can't afford."
*"Emile, Noble Four. Is he bold enough? Without question. But we need courage and patience in equal measure. We may require a more ''delicate'' approach."
*"Jorge, Noble Five. It's good to see him home again. But the Fall of Reach will weigh heavily upon him, and this mission will test every last ounce of his strength."
*"Noble Six. The team's most recent addition. My, my. So much [[Office of Naval Intelligence|black ink]]. Six has made entire militia groups disappear. Curious. Hyper-lethal. There's only one other SPARTAN with that rating."
*"Yes, Noble Team will do. Yet only one of them can carry our last hope. Only one will hold our fate in their hands."
*"So, you've made your choice? Yes, well... great minds ''do'' think alike."

==''[[Halo 4]]''==
==''[[Halo 4]]''==
*"You already know everything." - When Halsey's interrogator orders her to tell him about the SPARTAN-II children.
*"You already know everything." - When Halsey's interrogator orders her to tell him about the SPARTAN-II children.
*"Children's minds are more easily accepting of indoctrination, their bodies more adaptable to augmentation. The result was the ultimate soldier. And because of our success, when the Covenant invaded, we were ready."
*"Children's minds are more easily accepting of indoctrination, their bodies more adaptable to augmentation. The result was the ultimate soldier. And because of our success, when the Covenant invaded, we were ready."
Line 419: Line 257:
*"His file reads 'missing in action'." - When told Master Chief is dead.
*"His file reads 'missing in action'." - When told Master Chief is dead.
*"Your mistake is seeing Spartans as military hardware. My Spartans are humanity's next step, our destiny as a species. Do not underestimate them. But most of all, do not underestimate... ''him''."
*"Your mistake is seeing Spartans as military hardware. My Spartans are humanity's next step, our destiny as a species. Do not underestimate them. But most of all, do not underestimate... ''him''."
====[[Requiem (level)|Requiem]]====
===''[[Spartan Ops]]''/''Halo: Infinity''===
*(''Terminal'') "The interesting factor here isn't that H-1 disabled the viral termination code I implanted in her matrix. These metrics imply its success wasn't just unlikely, but that even the accepted seven-year life cycle estimates may not apply. Thus far, I've determined that the unique circumstances of her creation have triggered what I can only refer to as a recessive variant in the AI seed. As her architect, I'm currently at a loss as to the origin of this rogue element. Very...curious."
====[[Composer (level)|Composer]]====
*"I'm not walking around the ship I built with my hands cuffed." - When brought aboard the {{UNSCship|Infinity}} under arrest.
*(''Terminal'') "Catherine Halsey, personal observations - December 15, [[2554]]. While the survey crews examining [[Installation 03|Gamma Halo]] may be what pass for experts at ONI now, they are woefully out of their league for a task of this scale. There has been one startling discovery, however. One of the teams stumbled upon [[Composer|a device]] remarkably similar to the AI Matrix Compiler currently in use by the UNSC. Seeing as how I designed that particular compiler, this finding, needless to say, has piqued my curiosity."
===[[Spartan Ops]]/''Halo: Infinity''===
*"I'm not walking around the ship I built with my hands cuffed." - When brought aboard the {{UNSCShip|Infinity}} under arrest.
*"Show me [[Requiem slipspace artifacts|the artifact]]."
*"Show me [[Requiem slipspace artifacts|the artifact]]."
*"I'm ''not'' Henry Glassman, Captain." - When Lasky expresses caution about her touching it.
*"I'm ''not'' Henry Glassman, Captain." - When Lasky expresses caution about her touching it.
Line 434: Line 268:
*"You came here to study the planet. Instead, ''something'' on the planet is studying you."
*"You came here to study the planet. Instead, ''something'' on the planet is studying you."

=====[[Catherine/Spartan Mountain|Spartan Mountain]]=====
=====[[S1/Catherine/Spartan Mountain|Spartan Mountain]]=====
*"Yes. Have [[Fireteam Crimson|they]] reached the location of interest?" - When asked to study the structure at [[Two Giants]].
*"Yes. Have [[Fireteam Crimson|they]] reached the location of interest?" - When asked to study the structure at [[Two Giants]].
*"Their armor sees enough. I'm watching the environment scans."
*"Their armor sees enough. I'm watching the environment scans."
Line 441: Line 275:
*"Oh my! I'll need some of Roland's cycles for translating, but it looks like navigation data. Communications protocols. This is going to take some time to sort through." - After the tower fires a signal into the sky.
*"Oh my! I'll need some of Roland's cycles for translating, but it looks like navigation data. Communications protocols. This is going to take some time to sort through." - After the tower fires a signal into the sky.

====''[[Didact's Hand]]''====
====''[[S1/Didact's Hand]]''====
*"You knock at least. Most people don't." - When [[Gabriel Thorne]] greets her at her cell.
*"You knock at least. Most people don't." - When [[Gabriel Thorne]] greets her at her cell.
*"I'm afraid it's all still ''quite'' classified." - When Thorne asks about the SPARTAN-II Program.
*"I'm afraid it's all still ''quite'' classified." - When Thorne asks about the SPARTAN-II Program.
Line 452: Line 286:
*"Prometheus stole fire from the gods, and gave it to humanity. I'm simply curious what gifts, if any, the Promethean lifeforms have to offer."
*"Prometheus stole fire from the gods, and gave it to humanity. I'm simply curious what gifts, if any, the Promethean lifeforms have to offer."

=====''[[Memento Mori]]''=====
====''[[S1/Memento Mori]]''====
*"Taking a reading. Oh my..." - When examining the [[Didact's Gift]].
*"Taking a reading. Oh my..." - When examining the [[Didact's Gift]].
*"A moment please. Intriguing."
*"A moment please. Intriguing."
Line 459: Line 293:
*"Not pictures...memories. An alien A.I. full of human memories."
*"Not pictures...memories. An alien A.I. full of human memories."
*"You knew this, didn't you, Captain Lasky?"
*"You knew this, didn't you, Captain Lasky?"
*"That is not ancient. That is [[New Phoenix Incident|the attack on Earth from six months ago]]." - When Lasky says he's aware that Promethean Knights were made from ancient humans.
*"That is not ancient. That is [[Battle of Earth (2557)|the attack on Earth from six months ago]]." - When Lasky says he's aware that Promethean Knights were made from ancient humans.
*"I suspect we misunderstood the artifact's true purpose." - After seeing an image of the translocation artifact in New Phoenix.
*"I suspect we misunderstood the artifact's true purpose." - After seeing an image of the translocation artifact in New Phoenix.
*"Enough has been kept from me. I've decided to start questioning all my prior assumptions."
*"Enough has been kept from me. I've decided to start questioning all my prior assumptions."
*"I suspect that's a lie, Captain." - When Lasky denies lying to her about the Prometheans.
*"I suspect that's a lie, Captain." - When Lasky denies lying to her about the Prometheans.

*"Life is too short, I will never learn all that exist in our tiny galaxy let alone the rest of the universe. And I so desperately want to know...everything. But the UNSC acts like children at play in a sandbox. Mistaking its edges for the limits of the world."
*"Life is too short, I will never learn all that exist in our tiny galaxy let alone the rest of the universe. And I so desperately want to know...everything. But the UNSC acts like children at play in a sandbox. Mistaking its edges for the limits of the world."
*"Why? I shared no information. The intelligence already knew my name, my task, and offered data that might advance our research by years. This is a research mission after all...even if you treat it like a live fire war game." - When Palmer taunts that the UNSC might jail her for good now.
*"Why? I shared no information. The intelligence already knew my name, my task, and offered data that might advance our research by years. This is a research mission after all...even if you treat it like a live fire war game." - When Palmer taunts that the UNSC might jail her for good now.

====''[[Invasion (Spartan Ops)|Invasion]]''====
*"Yes, his hospitality speaks wonders." - When Roland tells her Captain Lasky put a lot of faith in her.
*"Yes, his hospitality speaks wonders." - When Roland tells her Captain Lasky put a lot of faith in her.
*"What is hidden can be useful." - When Roland asks what keeping secrets ever gained her.
*"What is hidden can be useful." - When Roland asks what keeping secrets ever gained her.
Line 482: Line 316:
*"John's alive! He was here, on this ship. Nobody told me he was alive!" - To Lasky, when he arrests her.
*"John's alive! He was here, on this ship. Nobody told me he was alive!" - To Lasky, when he arrests her.

*"Captain, the Prometheans-" - During the Prometheans' attack on ''Infinity''.
*"Captain, the Prometheans-" - During the Prometheans' attack on ''Infinity''.
*"There's still a great many things that we don't know about slipspace." - When Palmer expresses denial that slipspace could be anchoring their ship.
*"There's still a great many things that we don't know about slipspace." - When Palmer expresses denial that slipspace could be anchoring their ship.
*"I'm sorry, Captain!" - When a Promethean Knight kidnaps her.
*"I'm sorry, Captain!" - When a Promethean Knight kidnaps her.
*"I think it is power you seek." - When meeting Jul 'Mdama in person.
*"I think it is power you seek." - When meeting Jul 'Mdama in person.
*"Knowledge '''is''' power."
*"Knowledge is power."
*"...''Glassman'' did this?" - When examining the partially activated shrine.
*"...''Glassman'' did this?" - When examining the partially activated shrine.
*"I wouldn't be so sure. The protective shield is emanating from the structure itself. And if I'm right-" - When Jul declares Glassman created its shield to deceive him.
*"I wouldn't be so sure. The protective shield is emanating from the structure itself. And if I'm right-" - When Jul declares Glassman created its shield to deceive him.
*"-access requires a more human touch." - After the shrine activates.
*"-access requires a more human touch." - After the shrine activates.

*"You...You are [[Librarian]]. Wife of [[Didact]]. There is [[Jul 'Mdama|a Covenant cultist leader]] outside. He thinks you have something valuable." - When meeting the Librarian inside the shrine.
*"You...You are [[Librarian]]. Wife of [[Didact]]. There is [[Jul 'Mdama|a Covenant cultist leader]] outside. He thinks you have something valuable." - When meeting the Librarian inside the shrine.
*"Why give this to me?" - When the Librarian gives her the [[Janus Key]].
*"Why give this to me?" - When the Librarian gives her the [[Janus Key]].
*"Thorne, take the key!" - When Gabriel Thorne arrives to rescue her.
*"Thorne, take the key!" - When Gabriel Thorne arrives to rescue her.

====''[[Exodus (Spartan Ops)|Exodus]]''====
*"That was before I knew my compatriots were a hit squad, not a rescue team." - When 'Mdama rebukes her for throwing half of the key to the Spartans.
*"That was before I knew my compatriots were a hit squad, not a rescue team." - When 'Mdama rebukes her for throwing half of the key to the Spartans.
*"Not that I fared much better in your care." - Referring to her amputated arm.
*"Not that I fared much better in your care." - Referring to her amputated arm.
Line 503: Line 337:
*"That's easy, Jul. I want revenge." - When Jul asks Halsey what she wants him to give her.
*"That's easy, Jul. I want revenge." - When Jul asks Halsey what she wants him to give her.

==''[[Halo: Escalation]]''==
===Issue 13===
*"The key to our future lies in our past. Luckily, those who came before us--the ones we call Forerunners--have provided us a passport into this previous impenetrable world. The remnants of their civilization are not mere monuments to the greatest intelligence to ever inhabit the universe. They are gifts. Objects of astounding complexity and elegant simplicity. Unlocking the potential of these artifacts could change our conception of life itself."
*"And though I may indulge in a certain awe when considering the limitless possibilities of tomorrow's world, I harbor no illusions as to our current reality. I've seen far too much of what is has to offer. The aggregation of power for its own sake. Inane superstition coupled with a self-fulfilling prophecy of annihilation. Our confrontation with this animal brutality left us with very few options."
*"It's become quite... fashionable to condemn the unsavory origins of my now-notorious SPARTAN-II project. But without that program - and the contribution of [[John-117|one Spartan in particular]] - humanity would've been completely wiped from existence. The hypocrites who run the UNSC ''know'' this. Their reliance on [[SPARTAN-III program|poor copies]] [[SPARTAN-IV program|of my work]] is ''proof'' of its value."
*"As proud as I am of that contribution, I now know it was only a step toward something much ''larger''. An opportunity I never even imagined... Until I came face to face with one of the ancients. A Forerunner known as [[Librarian]]. She knew my name and spoke of my destiny... an impending journey to a place called the [[Absolute Record]]. Waiting for me there--a map, unlike any other, providing the real-time location of ''every'' piece of Forerunner technology hidden throughout the universe. Then she entrusted me with the [[Janus Key]] - the artifact that unlocks the Record. The artifact that grants access to all others."
*"At the moment, I'm experiencing a slight ''delay'' in my journey to the Record. For that, I have only myself to blame. Yes, the circumstances were extreme, but my actions were rash. I made the error of mistaking an enemy for an ally. I no longer think in such simplistic terms. Now there is only the ''objective'': Reuniting the Key. Fulfilling the Librarian's instructions."
*"I was once asked what I wanted out of life, and I replied: 'To know everything'. Looking back, it's always seemed a rather dramatic emotional response. But as I stand here now, after everything I've suffered... I think it's a perfect answer."
*"This artifact you extracted from Requiem has proven itself to be of great value, Jul. It's enabled me to communicate directly with the ''Infinity'''s Forerunner components and scramble the ship's slipspace coordinates."
*"We had to make a bold move against the UNSC. It was the only way to draw ''Infinity'' close enough for me to establish the initial link between the artifact and those engines. A sacrifice more than justified by our current position."
*"Now we don't have to chance a direct attack on ''Infinity''. We'll simply wait for them to take their half of the Key ''off'' the ship, and deliver it directly to ''us''." - Halsey explains her plan to strand the ''Infinity'' to Jul 'Mdama.
===Issue 14===
*"Glassman's taking the bait. The decoy artifact we cobbled together certainly served its purpose."
*"What have you done?! I told you to wait until the artifact was off the ship!"
===Issue 16===
*'''Halsey''': "Where are you taking me? Did [[Serin Osman|Queen Osman]] change her mind again, realize she needs slave labor for another project?"
*'''Palmer''': "First, I work for the UNSC, ''not'' Osman. Second, keep your mouth shut. I'm tempted enough as it is to toss you down a gorge."
*'''Halsey''': "You already took my ''arm''. That wasn't good enough for you?"
*'''Palmer''': "After your ''defection'', public execution might not even cut it."
*'''Halsey''': "It was hardly a defection. I simply embraced the party that wasn't actively trying to ''murder'' me. Under the circumstances, I'd expect you to do the same."
*'''Palmer''': "It's one rationalization after another with you. You're a traitor and a war criminal. That's all there is to it."
*'''Halsey''': "It's awfully ''convenient'' for you to think of me that way - isn't it, Palmer? You can't be that naive. You really think I could have pulled off everything I've been accused of without the full support of ONI? Of the entire UNSC? Consider the resources. The budgets. You think those decisions were made ''unilaterally''? Whether it was a signed form or a wink — they approved it all."
*'''Palmer''': "This armor — this ''job'' — has been ''soiled'' because of ''you''!"
*'''Halsey''': "''Soiled''? I'm the only reason that armor even ''exists''! You can't have it both ways, Commander. Unless, of course, you find the perfect ''scapegoat''. Then spend years rewriting history. Which brings us full circle, back to your ''master'', Osman."
*'''Palmer''': "I told you, she's ''not'' my— Hey!"
:—An argument between Palmer and Halsey before the latter escapes on [[Aktis IV]]
==''[[Halo 5: Guardians]]''==
===[[Osiris (level)|Osiris]]===
*"Spartan [[Jameson Locke|Locke]]. I have spent enough years with ONI to know the truth. Once this is over, after all I have done... they'll order you... to kill us both."
*"Hmm, there are several. Would you like to discuss the finer points of casual reconciliation?"
*"So you have learned something from me."
*"And I can. However, I did not claim to be able to access it instantaneously."
*"Mmmm, seems your fingers are in open rebellion, Hand."
*"This location does not serve my needs. When she makes another transmission, I must triangulate—"
*"It took you long enough."
====Mission Intel====
*"The signal is consistent with previous, I hesitate to call them, messages; that implies communication. This is more like, echolocation. A signal bouncing off Forerunner objects. Mapping! Searching for something. But what? What could she think to find?"
*"We have penetrated the structure that was a focal point for the last signal. I have yet to gain access to anything informative. Jul's people are more concerned with ceremony than allowing me to do my work."
*"Attained scans of new Forerunner glyphs. One is completely new. Running the other through the system revealed it contains a similar design to an ancient Sangheili symbol. This symbol referred to a demon who sleeps in the ground and must not wake. How this relates to the signal I am unsure."
*"All of the readings I would expect from a Forerunner structure of this scale are erratic at best. I am beginning to wonder if the signal is in fact bouncing off these locations as I theorized or if she is trying to access them directly, and failing."
===[[Blue Team (level)|Blue Team]]===
*"Captain Lasky, I sent you my position three weeks ago! I told you this was happening!"
*"What has she done? How far has it already gone?"
*"I tried to warn you this was happening! Cortana is no longer an asset, Captain. She is a danger. She has accessed the Forerunner Domain, a galaxy-spanning network that allows her to control whatever devices caused this damage."
*"What? No. John must not speak to her."
*"You let him go?"
*"John is not equipped emotionally to deal with her as a threat-"
*"But not this one. Not yet. [[Sunaion]]. A pre-Covenant religious site on [[Sanghelios]]."
===[[Swords of Sanghelios (level)|Swords of Sanghelios]]===
*"I'll have a briefing for you by the time we reach Sanghelios."
*"It's Cortana. She touched every networked device in the camp. She knows the Guardian is here."
*"Locke, I have a briefing prepared. Given Cortana's show of power, I am reluctant to discuss it over open channels."
*"Over here, Osiris. I have located a means to activate the Guardian."
*"This is a Constructor, a Forerunner tool I can use to interface with the Guardian. Constructors were ubiquitous in Forerunner facilities. These hills are riddled with support stations for the Sanghelios Guardian. Palmer has the coordinates to one such station. Finding a Constructor there should be simple."
====Mission Intel====
*"Catherine Halsey, status update. I'm playing along with your protocol here, Thel. If the Four's bring me an active Constructor, I can interface with the Guardian. It will receive Cortana's signal the moment it activates and initiates slipspace, but I think I can make sure it leaves the sea before it jumps. I'll get it in the skies over Sunaion, like you asked. In return, send me some assistants with brains in their heads. And loosen this damn security! I'm not going anywhere."
===[[Before the Storm]]===
*"Spartans, the Constructor seems to working as planned, but it could take some time. Palmer was looking for you."
*"Osiris? Come look at this! I'm using this structure to upload the recording from Meridian into the Constructor. Make sure you're ready to go when I give the signal."
*"Get comfortable. It could be hours before- I take it back! It's headed for Sunaion! It's moving toward the Guardian!"
*"You know what I did to create the Spartans. All in the name of the greater good."
*"Cortana is built from a matrix of my own mind. The Domain gives her incredible power."
*"Spartan Locke! Stop her. But please. Bring John home to me."
====Mission Intel====
*"You talk a great deal about how little you need me, Thel. That you could take Sunaion with or without the Guardian, that uniting this whole planet is within your grasp. Go ahead, be as stubborn as you like. But do not ignore the past, and do not forget who I represent. You talk constantly of respect. It's time you showed some. Consider this my final mandatory status update."
*"It took you long enough."
==''[[Halo Infinite]]''==
===[[Foundation (Halo Infinite)|Foundation]]===
*"Today I was called [[SPARTAN-II program|an emotionless automaton]]. They saw faces. Seventy-five healthy subjects. Hand picked by me. Perfect for the program."
*"They will not all survive. I understand that and have made peace with it. Mostly. There is [[John-117|one subject]] that I find myself hoping does live through this. He is perfectly suited for [[Human-Covenant War|what is coming]]."
*"You are here because you were chosen. [[Covenant|Our enemie]]s are getting smarter and more numerous every day. [[Cortana|What I am about to show you]] will help turn the tide of war. I have been working to harness the strategic power of a ship-borne AI onto the battlefield. Are you ready?" - To John-117
*"Together, you become our newfound hope. Together you become our key to humanity's survival. She will do anything necessary to make sure that your mission is accomplished. Even if that means sacrificing herself - or you - to accomplish it."
===[[Repository (Halo Infinite level)|Repository]]===
*"If you say so. I prefer logical. I do what it takes to ensure our survival. We can debate the ethics should it fail." - To Jacob Keyes, who told her her action is unethical.
*"Is there a better candidate?" - When Keyes points out that she cloned herself.
==Quotes about Halsey==
===''Halo: First Strike''===
*"Doctor Halsey and her Spartans deserve the utmost respect, Colonel. And if you wish to keep your newly acquired position on the [[UNSC Security Council|Security Council]], you will show them that respect, or I will personally kick you from here to Melbourne. Those 'freaks' have more confirmed kills than any three divisions of ODSTs and have garnered every major citation the UNSC awards. Those 'freaks' have personally saved my life twice, as well as the lives of most of the senior staff here at HighCom. Keep your bigotry in check, Colonel. Do you understand?" - [[Fleet Admiral]] [[Terrence Hood]] to [[Colonel]] [[James Ackerson]] after the latter makes particularly spiteful comments about the SPARTAN-IIs.
===''Halo: Ghosts of Onyx''===
*"And for God's sake, Catherine Halsey must never know. Her bleeding-heart sympathies for the Spartans have won her too many admirers at CENTCOM. If that woman wasn't so vital to the war we would have had her retired decades ago." - [[Vice Admiral]] [[Margaret Parangosky]] concerning the secrecy of the [[SPARTAN-III program]].
===''Halo Wars''===
*"Why mention Halsey here? She hated me and I hated her." - [[Ellen Anders]]
===''Halo Infinite''===
*"Halsey only tells people what they need to know." - John-117

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