Editing Axon Clips Chapter 9

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*[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/surveillance_archive/week9_subject3.wav Audio Compilation 9min 34sec]
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/offline.wav offline]
(some typing, Kamal goes offline)<br />
Kamal/Offline: Heh, looks like the mask is working. I'm offline, but as far as my data profile in New Jersey knows, I'll be living my normal life.<br />
Sophia: You even know how we're going to get there?<br />
Kamal: I was going to figure that out next. Hang on...<br />
Sophia: The best bet's the packbus. There a 6:00 pickup in the abandoned lot behind the monorail station.<br />
Kamal: What do you mean 'we'?<br />
Sophia: Here, give me some of those chips. I'll cash them out. And bring some with you, because sometimes people take them.<br />
Kamal: What do you mean 'we'?<br />
Sophia: What, you would prefer I turn myself in at one of the camps?<br />
Kamal: Coral...<br />
Sophia: There's no Coral to deport me to Kamal. It's a refugee camp for me now.<br />
Kamal: ...I, I thought you were going to marry Aiden?<br />
Sophia: Yeah, I know you did.<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/packbus.wav packbus]
Kamal: Sophie, you can't come--<br />
Sophia: --The packbus has a driver and a couple passengers on the grid. They fill the rest <br />of the seats with refuse. A couple of blue chips should get us as far as Reno.
Kamal: Is Aiden still in jail?<br />
Sophia: I'm going to try to bail him out one more time this afternoon, then meet you at <br />the station at 5:30 for the 6:00 bus.
Kamal: No, you're not listening to me. You can't--<br />
Sophia: --Watch out getting to the pickup, because gangs sometimes hang around <br />watching for loners to mug, or worse...
Kamal: Or worse?<br />
Sophia: Teenage girls especially.<br />
Kamal: How do you know all this stuff?<br />
Sophia: I told you once Kamal, I've been poor.<br />
Kamal: I thought... didn't you come here like me, with a scholarship?<br />
Sophia: Well there was this aunt and uncle, supposed to look after me... it didn't work <br />out.
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/burned_out_apartment.wav) burned_out_apartment]
Kamal: Did your parents know?<br />
Sophia: I spent a year in camps, another year after that squatting... I found this burned <br />out apartment, but by a miracle it still had running water and that was the key.
Kamal: I didn't know.<br />
Sophia: Yeah. Only certain kinds of jobs you can get if you can't get cleaned up.<br />
Kamal: Two years... and then?<br />
Sophia: I met Aiden.<br />
Kamal: Sophie, you can't come with me. It would be too dangerous, and--<br />
Sophia: --Oh sure, and who's going to look after you after you're offline? You?<br />
Kamal: I won't let you go back to the camps.<br />
Sophia: You don't know which restaurants compost, and what day they put their old <br />vegetables out back. You don't know which bathrooms are neutral and which are <br />gang turf...
Kamal: You have to marry Aiden, dammit!
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/refuse_girl.wav refuse_girl]
Kamal: Ya, ok. There was something I <br />never expected to hear myself say.
(laughs)<br />
Sophia: You're eager to get rid of me. Heh, not so pretty now that you know I'm just <br />another refuse girl.
Kamal: You've got to do it Sophia. It's just a piece of paper. Marry Aiden and you're a <br />citizen.
Sophia: I don't love him.<br />
Kamal: This isn't about love. We aren't teenagers, Sophia, even if I sometimes act like <br />one. This is the real world.
Sophia: I know you're trying to be nice to me...<br />
Kamal: It's not working?<br />
Sophia: It... I'll go bail out Aiden, you make your arrangements, we'll meet behind the factory by the monorail station. I'll be there by 5:30 to catch the 6:00 bus.<br />
Kamal: You can't throw your life away like this just... just to make me happy.<br />
Sophia: 5:30 Kamal. Don't be late.<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/immigration.wav immigration]
Liaison: Ms.Basarian<br />
Sophia: I'm here to post bail for... you're not a Berkeley cop. You're immigration.<br />
Liaison: Ms.Basarian, I am the liaison, working with the police on this matter. Sorry to make you wait sweetie. Can you please just step back this way?<br />
Sophia: (nervously) I-I'm sorry I can't stay. I have to go meet someone in a little while.<br />
Liaison: That wouldn't be your friend, uh, Dr.Zaman?<br />
Sophia: Kamal?<br />
Liaison: Yes. Kamal. You know, we'd like to talk to him. Come with me, this will just take a moment.<br />
Sophia: Why do you want to talk to Kamal? Aiden didn't do his papers.<br />
Liaison: Ms.Basarian - Sophia --<br />
Sophia: Miss Bosseron. It's fine.<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/tooth_fairy.wav tooth_fairy]
Liaison: We think Dr.Zaman may have done some, uh, moonlighting, for your boyfriend.<br />
Sophia: No, no, I don't think so. Kamal's a medical student.<br />
Liaison: (closes door and takes a seat) You know, there are a number of special dispensation visas-- for refugees - they're a difficult thing to come by, but um... someone who helps an investigation could certainly qualify.<br />
Sophia: A visa?<br />
Liaison: Mhm.<br />
Sophia: To stay here.<br />
Liaison: That's right.<br />
Sophia: (giggles) So what are you now, the tooth fairy?<br />
Liaison: Pardon me?<br />
Sophia: No, Santa Claus! The one who hands out presents. Yeah I get them all mixed <br />up... and then the Easter bunny - what's with that?
Liaison: Huh, Aiden said you'd play stupid.<br />
Sophia: Oh, it's like that.<br />
Liaison: Yeah, it's like that.<br />

[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/real_trusting.wav real_trusting]  
==Kamal: "The Devil"==
*[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/surveillance_archive/week9_subject3.wav Audio Compilation 9min 34sec]

Sophia: So what happened? Aiden forget to pay you this month?<br />
Liaison: Oh, let's just cut the crap ok? Get to the part where you tell me where Kamal has <br />gone, and where he stashes his chips.
Sophia: Ummmm... I told you I don't know.<br />
Liaison: Hm. Sophie. Did you enjoy prison the last time you were in? Oh yeah. I looked into that too. My sources tell me it hasn't gotten any nicer inside.<br />
'''(some typing, [[Kamal Zaman|Kamal]] goes offline)'''<br />'''Kamal/Offline''': Heh, looks like the mask is working. I'm offline, but as far as my data profile in [[Wikipedia:New Jersey|New Jersey]] knows, I'll be living my normal life.<br />
Sophia: (chuckles) I'm headed for refugee camp. You think prison is a threat?<br />
'''[[Sophia Bossedon|Sophia]]''': You even know how we're going to get there?<br />
Liaison: *sigh* This is going to be tough on Aiden. He was counting on you.<br />
'''Kamal''': I was going to figure that out next. Hang on...<br />
Sophia: Aiden's real trusting that way.<br />
'''Sophia''': The best bet's the [[packbus]]. There a 6:00 pickup in the abandoned lot behind the monorail station.<br />
'''Kamal''': What do you mean 'we'?<br />
'''Sophia''': Here, give me some of those chips. I'll cash them out. And bring some with you, because sometimes people take them.<br />
'''Kamal''': What do you mean 'we'?<br />
'''Sophia''': What, you would prefer I turn myself in at one of the camps?<br />
'''Kamal''': [[Coral]]...<br />
'''Sophia''': There's no Coral to deport me to Kamal. It's a refugee camp for me now.<br />
'''Kamal''': ...I, I thought you were going to marry [[Aiden Maki|Aiden]]?<br />
'''Sophia''': Yeah, I know you did.<br />

[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/that_dress.wav that_dress]
'''Kamal''': Sophie, you can't come--<br />
'''Sophia''': --The packbus has a driver and a couple passengers on the grid. They fill the rest of the seats with refues. A couple of blue chips should get us as far as Reno.<br />
'''Kamal''': Is Aiden still in jail?<br />
'''Sophia''': I'm going to try to bail him out one more time this afternoon, then meet you at the station at 5:30 for the 6:00 bus.<br />
'''Kamal''': No, you're not listening to me. You can't--<br />
'''Sophia''': --Watch out getting to the pickup, because gangs sometimes hang around watching for loners to mug, or worse...<br />
'''Kamal''': Or worse?<br />
'''Sophia''': Teenage girls, especially.<br />
'''Kamal''': How do you know all this stuff?<br />
'''Sophia''': I told you once Kamal, I've been poor.<br />
'''Kamal''': I thought... didn't you come here like me, with a scholarship?<br />
'''Sophia''': Well there was this aunt and uncle, supposed to look after me... it didn't work out.

===Burned out apartment===
Liaison: And you don't know where doctor Zaman is huh? Maybe if you slept <br />on that. Here. You know, in a cell.
{{Listen|title=Burned out apartment
Sophia: Hey, it's got a roof. I've slept in worse places.<br />
Liaison: Ah, Sophia. Sophie, Sophie, Sophie... You know, there is nothing between you and the big bad world but that dress and my good will. So...<br />
Sophia: I do like this dress.<br />
'''Kamal''': Did your parents know?<br />
Liaison: So tell me, does it really matter what happens to one more colonial and his money, Sophia? Tell you what. Tell me where to find Kamal, and you and your boyfriend walk. Hold out on me, I send you back to the camps. And, I will make it my business to see you never get out. <br />
'''Sophia''': I spent a year in camps, another year after that squatting... I found this burned out apartment, but by a miracle it still had running water and that was the key.<br />
'''Kamal''': I didn't know.<br />
'''Sophia''': Yeah. Only certain kinds of jobs you can get if you can't get cleaned up.<br />
'''Kamal''': Two years... and then?<br />
'''Sophia''': I met Aiden.<br />
'''Kamal''': Sophie, you can't come with me. It would be too dangerousd--<br />
'''Sophia''': --Oh sure, and who's going to look after you after you're offline? You?<br />
'''Kamal''': I won't let you go back to the camps.<br />
'''Sophia''': You don't know which restaurants compost, and what day they put their old vegetables out back. You don't know which bathrooms are neutral and which are gang turf...<br />
'''Kamal''': You have to marry Aiden, dammit!

===Refuse girl===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/the_devil.wav the_devil]
{{Listen|title=Refuse girl
'''Kamal''': Ya, okay. There was something I never expected to hear myself say.(laughs)<br />
'''Sophia''': You're eager to get rid of me. Heh, not so pretty now that you know I'm just another refuse girl.<br />
'''Kamal''': You've got to do it Sophia. It's just a piece of paper. Marry Aiden and you're a citizen.<br />
'''Sophia''': I don't love him.<br />
'''Kamal''': This isn't about love. We aren't teenagers, Sophia, even if I sometimes act like one. This is the real world.<br />
'''Sophia''': I know you're trying to be nice to me...<br />
'''Kamal''': It's not working?<br />
'''Sophia''': It... I'll go bail out Aiden, you make your arrangements, we'll meet behind the factory by the monorail station. I'll be there by 5:30 to catch the 6:00 bus.<br />
'''Kamal''': You can't throw your life away like this just... just to make me happy.<br />
'''Sophia''': 5:30 Kamal. Don't be late.<br />

Liaison: The choice really so hard? Hm?
Sophia: I used to have this friend... I met her in jail. She was from Coral too. She said, all immigration cops were the devil. But you aren't the devil.<br />
Liaison: Hm. Gosh. Thanks.<br />
Sophia: You're just the guy that runs into the quickie store to get the devil a box of breath mints. (chuckles)<br />
'''Liaison''': Ms.Basarian<br />
(chatter on)<br />
'''Sophia''': I'm here to post bail for... you're not a Berkeley cop. You're immigration.<br />
Liaison: Send a patrollman to my office, would you please? I have some garbage I need to throw away.<br />
'''Liaison''': Ms.Basarian, I am the liaison working with the police on this matter. Sorry to make you wait sweetie.<br />
Can you please just step back this way?<br />
'''Sophia''': (nervously) I-I'm sorry I can't stay. I have to go meet someone in a little while.<br />
'''Liaison''': That wouldn't be your friend, uh, Dr. Zaman?<br />
'''Sophia''': Kamal?<br />
'''Liaison''': Yes. Kamal. You know, we'd like to talk to him. Come with me, this will just take a moment.<br />
'''Sophia''': Why do you want to talk to Kamal? Aiden didn't do his papers.<br />
'''Liaison''': Ms.Basarian - Sophia --<br />
'''Sophia''': Miss Bosseron.. is fine.<br />

===Tooth fairy===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/lucky_guess.wav lucky_guess]
{{Listen|title=Tooth fairy
'''Liaison''': We think Dr.Zaman may have done some, uh, moonlighting, for your boyfriend.<br />
'''Sophia''': No, no, I don't think so. Kamal's a medical student.<br />
'''Liaison''': (closes door and takes a seat) You know, there are a number of special dispensation visas—for refugees - they're a difficult thing to come by, but um... someone who helps an investigation could certainly qualify.<br />
'''Sophia''': A visa?<br />
'''Liaison''': Mhm.<br />
'''Sophia''': To stay here.<br />
'''Liaison''': That's right.<br />
'''Sophia''': (giggles) So what are you now, the tooth fairy?<br />
'''Liaison''': Pardon me?<br />
'''Sophia''': No, Santa Claus! The one who hands out presents. Yeah I get them all mixed up... and then the Easter bunny - what's with that?<br />
'''Liaison''': Huh, Aiden said you'd play stupid.<br />
'''Sophia''': Oh, it's like that.<br />
'''Liaison''': Yeah, it's like that.<br />

===Real trusting===
Eleanor: Mom, can I have an ice cream bar on the way home?<br />
{{Listen|title=Real trusting
Mother: No, it'll make you sick. You can have a freezy.<br />
Kamal: Excuse me, can you tell me the time?<br />
Mother: It's 2 Minutes late, maybe you got busted.<br />
'''Sophia''': So what happened? Aiden forget to pay you this month?<br />
Kamal: This friend is supposed to be meeting me here.<br />
'''Liaison''': Oh, let's just cut the crap okay? Get to the part where you tell me where Kamal has gone, and where he stashes his chips.<br />
Mother: She'd better come quick.<br />
'''Sophia''': Ummmm... I told you I don't know.<br />
Kamal: How did you know my friend was a girl?<br />
'''Liaison''': Hm. Sophie. Did you enjoy prison the last time you were in? Hm? Oh yeah. I looked into that too. My sources tell me it hasn't gotten any nicer inside.<br />
Mother: Lucky guess.<br />
'''Sophia''': (chuckles) I'm headed for refugee camp. You think prison is a threat?<br />
Kamal: You like freezies?<br />
'''Liaison''': *sigh* This is going to be tough on Aiden. He was counting on you.<br />
Eleanor: I like ice cream bars. But I'm not allowed.<br />
'''Sophia''': Aiden's real trusting that way.<br />
Kamal: How come?<br />
Mother: Doctor said she had food intolerances, said to avoid dairy weeds... doesn't matter what she eats or doesn't eat, she still gets sick.<br />
Kamal: They tested her?<br />
Mother: Too expensive, I couldn't do that. We waited 4 hours, and Eleanor had a tummy ache the whole time and the doctor saw us for 5 minutes.<br />
Eleanor: I cried and I cried because my stomach hurt so bad.<br />
Kamal: That doesn't sound right.<br />

===That dress===
{{Listen|title=That dress
'''Liaison''': And you don't know where Dr. Zaman is huh? Maybe if you slept on that. Here. You know, in a cell.<br />
'''Sophia''': Hey, it's got a roof. I've slept in worse places.<br />
'''Liaison''': Ah, Sophia. Sophie, Sophie, Sophie... You know, there is nothing between you and the big bad world but that dress and my good will. So...<br />
'''Sophia''': I do like this dress.<br />
'''Liaison''': So tell me, does it really matter what happens to one more colonial and his money, Sophia?
Tell you what. Tell me where to find Kamal, and you and your boyfriend walk. Hold out on me, I send you back to the camps. And, I will make it my business to see you never get out. <br />

===The devil===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/tadpoles.wav tadpoles]
{{Listen|title=The devil
'''Liaison''': Is the choice really so hard? Hm?<br />
'''Sophia''': I used to have this friend... I met her in jail. She was from Coral too. She said, all immigration cops were the devil. But you aren't the devil.<br />
'''Liaison''': Hm. Gosh. Thanks.<br />
'''Sophia''': You're just the guy that runs into the quickie store to get the devil a box of breath mints.<br />
(chuckles)(chatter on)<br />
'''Liaison''': Send a patrolman to my office, would you please? I have some garbage I need to throw away.<br />

===Lucky guess===
Mother: What, you're a doctor?<br />
{{Listen|title=Lucky guess
Kamal: No, but.. uh... I used to work in a hospital. How long has she had trouble?<br />
Eleanor: I got it from Eccatrina.<br />
Mother: Eccatrina used to watch her, back when I had a job.<br />
'''[[Eleanor]]''': Mom, can I have an ice cream bar on the way home?<br />
Kamal: Wait, there's my friend... ...no, that's not her.<br />
'''Mother''': No, it'll make you sick. You can have a freezy.<br />
Mother: That's... a guy.<br />
'''Kamal''': Excuse me, can you tell me the time?<br />
Kamal: Oh. Oh... (ponders) She caught food intolerances from someone? You can't do that.<br />
'''Mother''': It's 2 Minutes late, maybe he got busted.<br />
Eleanor: Eccatrina got sick and went to the hospital.<br />
'''Kamal''': This friend is supposed to be meeting me here.<br />
Mother: We don't know what happened to her.<br />
'''Mother''': She'd better come quick.<br />
Eleanor: I miss her. Staying with her was fun. One time, we went out to her cousins farm for the weekend.<br />
'''Kamal''': How did you know my friend was a girl?<br />
Mother: Eccatrina had a lot of... cousins. All of them guys. She was young and pretty, <br />you know.
'''Mother''': Lucky guess.<br />
Eleanor: We milked a cow and we went in a pond, and we had tadpoles in a jar, but <br />mom said I couldn't bring them home.
'''Kamal''': You like freezies?<br />
Kamal: Does she throw up?<br />
'''Eleanor''': I like ice cream bars. But I'm not allowed.<br />
Mother: No, she gets diarhea, runs a fever, she's lost weight.<br />
'''Kamal''': How come?<br />
Kamal: That's not food intolerance. Look, go back to the clinic, tell them... tell them she was exposed to TB.<br />
'''Mother''': Doctor said she had food intolerances, said to avoid dairy, wheat... doesn't matter what she eats or doesn't eat, she still gets sick.<br />
'''Kamal''': They tested her?<br />
'''Mother''': Too expensive, I couldn't do that. We waited 4 hours, and Eleanor had a tummy ache the whole time and the doctor saw us for 5 minutes.<br />
'''Eleanor''': I cried and I cried because my stomach hurt so bad.<br />
'''Kamal''': That doesn't sound right.<br />

[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/good_for_nothing.wav good_for_nothing]
'''Mother''': What, you're a doctor?<br />
'''Kamal''': No, but.. uh... I used to work in a hospital. How long has she had trouble?<br />
'''Eleanor''': I got it from Eccatrina.<br />
'''Mother''': Eccatrina used to watch her, back when I had a job.<br />
'''Kamal''': Wait, there's my friend... ...no, that's not her.<br />
'''Mother''': That's... a guy.<br />
'''Kamal''': Oh. Oh... (ponders) She caught food intolerances from someone? You can't do that.<br />
'''Eleanor''': Eccatrina got sick and went to the hospital.<br />
'''Mother''': We don't know what happened to her.<br />
'''Eleanor''': I miss her. Staying with her was fun. One time, we went out to her cousin's farm for the weekend.<br />
'''Mother''': Eccatrina had a lot of... "cousins". All of them guys. She was young and pretty, you know.<br />
'''Eleanor''': We milked a cow and we went in a pond, and we had tadpoles in a jar, but mom said I couldn't bring them home.<br />
'''Kamal''': Does she throw up?<br />
'''Mother''': No, she gets diarrhea, runs a fever, she's lost weight.<br />
'''Kamal''': That's not food intolerance. Look, go back to the clinic, tell them... tell them she was exposed to TB.<br />

===Good for nothing===
Mother: TB?<br />
{{Listen|title=Good for nothing
Kamal: Yes. Tell them your neighbour had intestinal TB - not the kind in your lungs. Public health law says they have to test your kid if they've been exposed.
Mother: You're sure.<br />
Kamal: I'm sure. And tell them about the fever. I used to work in a hospital.<br />
'''Mother''': TB?!<br />
Mother: Gee, thanks, thank you so much. Look, what's your next stop?<br />
'''Kamal''': Yes. Tell them your neighbor had intestinal TB - not the kind in your lungs. Public health law says they have to test your kid if she's been exposed.<br />
Kamal: Uh, I don't really know. My friend was kind of in charge of that. I'm headed east, all the way to the east coast.<br />
'''Mother''': You're sure.<br />
Mother: Here comes the bus. Look, my sister Cammie lives in Reno. We're here to pick up her good for nothing son. You take this bus back to Reno, and Cammie will put you up for the night.<br />
'''Kamal''': I'm sure. And tell them about the fever. I used to work in a hospital.<br />
Kamal: You don't even know me.<br />
'''Mother''': Gee, thanks, thank you so much. Look, what's your next stop?<br />
Mother: Here, I'll write down Cammie's name and address, and I'll let her know you're coming.<br />
'''Kamal''': Uh, I don't really know. My friend was kind of in charge of that.  
I'm headed east, all the way to the east coast.<br />
'''Mother''': Here comes the bus. Look, my sister [[Cammie]] lives in Reno. We're here to pick up her good-for-nothing son. You take this bus back to Reno, and Cammie will put you up for the night.<br />
'''Kamal''': You don't even know me.<br />
'''Mother''': Here, I'll write down Cammie's name and address, and I'll let her know you're coming.<br />
(gives him the note)<br />
(gives him the note)<br />
'''Kamal''': Why are you doing this?<br />
Kamal: Why are you doing this?<br />
'''Mother''': I never knew I could make them test her. The stomach thing I've... been so worried.<br />
Mother: I never knew I could make them test her. The stomach thing I've... been so worried.<br />
'''Kamal''': It's nothing. And I'm not a doctor. But, she should get a test. <br />
Kamal: It's nothing. And I'm not a doctor. But, she should get a test. <br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/all_aboard.wav all_aboard]

===All aboard===
Kamal:What time is it?<br />
{{Listen|title=All aboard
Mother: Quarter past 6.<br />
Kamal: She said she'd be here at 5:30.<br />
Mother: Is your friend young and pretty?<br />
'''Kamal''':What time is it?<br />
Kamal: Yeah...?<br />
'''Mother''': Quarter past 6.<br />
Mother: They have a lot of choices, these pretty ones.<br />
'''Kamal''': She said she'd be here at 5:30.<br />
Kamal: Well, there's this ex-boyfriend. She was just going to stop by and see him.<br />
'''Mother''': Is your friend young and pretty?<br />
Packbus-Op: Reno!<br />
'''Kamal''': Yeah...?<br />
Kamal: I told her she should stay with him, I told her it was it crazy to come with me.<br />
'''Mother''': They have a lot of choices, the pretty ones.<br />
Packbus-Op: All aboard who's coming aboard! Everybody up! (to Kamal) You riding, <br />son?
'''Kamal''': Well, there's this ex-boyfriend. She was just going to stop by and see him.<br />
Kamal: Just a second.<br />
'''Packbus-Op''': Reno!<br />
Mother: She's not coming, kiddo.<br />
'''Kamal''': I told her she should stay with him, I told her it was it crazy to come with me.<br />
Kamal: I told her not to come with me... but... she said, she told me.<br />
'''Packbus-Op''': All aboard who's coming aboard! Everybody up! (to Kamal) You riding, son?<br />
Mother: She's not coming.<br />
'''Kamal''': Just a second.<br />
Kamal: Yeah. I know.<br />
'''Mother''': She's not coming, kiddo.<br />
'''Kamal''': I told her not to come with me... but... she said, she told me.<br />
'''Mother''': She's not coming.<br />
'''Kamal''': Yeah. I know.<br />

==Jan: "Crystal Security"==
*[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/surveillance_archive/week9_subject2.wav Audio Compilation 9min 35sec]
*[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/surveillance_archive/week9_subject2.wav Audio Compilation 9min 35sec]
===Wait outside===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/wait_outside.wav wait_outside]  
{{Listen|title=Wait outside
[[Durga|'''Durga''']]'''<nowiki>:</nowiki>''' Test, test, test. Can you all hear me? Jan?<br />
'''[[Janissary James|Jan]]''': Check.<br />
'''[[Gladys Wilson|Gladys]]''': I'm here.<br />
'''[[Gilly]]''': Whatever.<br />
'''Durga''': Alright. [[Monster Ann|Monster Ann's]] place is an orphan system. No signals in, everything
hardwired internally. The minute you hit the building, you won't be able to hear me. Jan, the schematic Jersey sent...<br />
'''Jan''': Got it.<br />
'''Durga''': ...should show you exactly where to clip me into the internal systems.<br />
'''Jan''': Okay, so we go in through the warehouse at the back of the building.<br />
'''Gladys''': Check.<br />
'''Jan''': And there will be a passbox by the foreman's desk.<br />
'''Gladys''': Jan should wait outside.<br />
'''Jan''': No. This is my operation.<br />
'''Gladys''': She's a liability.<br />
'''Jan''': It's my op.<br />
'''Gladys''': Yes sir, ma'am!

===Crystal Security===
Durga: Test, test, test. Can you all hear me? Jan?<br />
{{Listen|title=Crystal Security
Jan: Check.<br />
Gilly: I'm here.<br />
Gladys: Whatever.<br />
'''Gladys''': Jan, don't enter a room until your buddy has called it clear.<br />
Durga: Alright. Monster Ann's place is an orphan system. No signals in, everything <br />hardwired internally. The minute you hit the building, you won't be able to hear me. Jan, the schematic Jersey sent...<br />
'''Jan''': Who am I with?<br />
Jan: Got it.<br />
'''Gilly/Gladys''': Me.<br />
Durga: ...should show you exactly where to clip me into the internal systems.<br />
'''Gilly''': You're going with me.<br />
Jan: Ok, so we go in through the warehouse at the back of the building.<br />
'''Gladys''': Gilly... I think you might be a little emotionally compromised, if you get my drift.<br />
Gladys: Check.<br />
'''Gilly''': If she goes in, she goes with me.<br />
Jan: And there will be a passbox by the foreman's desk.<br />
'''Gladys''': Oh uh, cop coming.<br />
Gladys: Jan should wait outside.<br />
'''Jan''': It's okay, just leave the talking to me.<br />
Jan: No. This is my operation.<br />
Gladys: She's a liability.<br />
Jan: It's my op.<br />
Gladys: Yes sir, ma'am!
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/crystal_security.wav crystal_security]
Gladys: Jan, don't enter a room until your buddy has called it clear.<br />
Jan: Who am I with?<br />
Gilly/Gladys: Me.<br />
Gilly: You're going with me.<br />
Gladys: Gilly... I think you might be a little emotionally compromised, if you get my drift.<br />
Gilly: If she goes in, she goes with me.<br />
Gladys: Oh uh, cop coming.<br />
Jan: It's ok, just leave the talking to me.<br />
(officer pulls up in vehicle)<br />
(officer pulls up in vehicle)<br />
'''Jan''': Officer, thanks for coming.<br />
Jan: Officer, thanks for coming.<br />
"[[unidentified Bergen County police officer|'''Stupid Cop''']]": Funny coincidence. Monster Ann's place is at the end of this block.  
'Stupid Cop': Funny coincidence. Monster Ann's place is at the end of this block. <br />Crystal Security Fence & Gate.
[[Crystal Security|Crystal Security Fence & Gate]].<br />
Jan: Yeah. So there won't be a disturbance there today, ok? No shots will be fired...<br />
'''Jan''': Yeah. So there won't be a disturbance there today, okay? No shots will be fired...<br />

===Twenty minutes===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/twenty_minutes.wav twenty_minutes]
{{Listen|title=Twenty minutes
'Stupid Cop': Neighbours call?<br />
Jan: No.<br />
''''Stupid Cop'''': The neighbours call?<br />
'Stupid Cop': Jeezus. Pretty slick. You sure this is what your father would have wanted?<br />
'''Durga''': The call won't get through.<br />
Jan: He doesn't get a vote any more.<br />
''''Stupid Cop'''': Jeezus. Pretty slick. You sure this is what [[James James|your father]] would have wanted?<br />
'Stupid Cop': Janissary...<br />
'''Jan''': He doesn't get a vote any more.<br />
Jan: You owe me.<br />
''''Stupid Cop'''': Janissary...<br />
'Stupid Cop': I don't want a pile of bodies at the end of the day, Jan. I especially don't <br />want one of them to be yours. I'll give you 20 minutes, walk(?) through that door
'''Jan''': You owe me.<br />
Jan: Yeah, 20 minutes.<br />
''''Stupid Cop'''': I don't want a pile of bodies at the end of the day, Jan. I especially don't want one of them to be yours. I'll give you 20 minutes, walkaway girl.<br />
'Stupid Cop': 19 minutes and 55 seconds.<br />
'''Jan''': Yeah, 20 minutes.<br />
Jan: Ah, dammit!<br />
''''Stupid Cop'''': 19 minutes and 55 seconds.<br />
'''Jan''': Ah, dammit!<br />
(starts running)<br />
(starts running)<br />
''''Stupid Cop'''': After that I'm coming in with a whole bunch of cops--<br />
'Stupid Cop': After that I'm coming in with a whole bunch of cops--<br />
'''Jan''': Yeah, yeah, yeah!<br />
Jan: Yeah, yeah, yeah<br />

===Save your prayers===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/save_your_prayers.wav save_your_prayers]
{{Listen|title=Save your prayers
'''(entering building)'''<br />
'''Gladys''': Loading bay secure. I'm gonna head up to the second floor.<br />
'''Jan''': Be careful.<br />
'''Gladys''': Haha, save your prayers for the other guys, hun!<br />
'''Gilly''': Jan, I've got the passbox over here.<br />
'''Jan''': Coming! (runs) Okay. Uh, Jersey showed me how to do this.<br />
(patches Durga to the box)<br />
'''Durga''': It's a little cramped in here, and swarms of security bots.<br />
'''Jan''': Durga, will you be--<br />
'''Durga''': --what? No, I killed them all.<br />

===Pretty sure===
(entering building)<br />
{{Listen|title=Pretty sure
Gladys: Loading base secure. I'm gonna head up to the second floor.<br />
Jan: Be careful.<br />
Gladys: Haha, save your prayers for the other guys, hun!<br />
'''Jan''': Whoah! Um, okay. There should be some relays.<br />
Gilly: Jan, I've got the passbox over here.<br />
'''Durga''': I'll get them as I wet the system. (wetting) Okay I'm in. You're under 16 minutes, Jan. Go.
Jan: Coming! (runs) Ok. Uh, Jersey showed me how to do this. (patches Durga to the <br />box)
Durga: It's a little cramped in here, and swarms of security bots.<br />
Jan: Durga, will you be--<br />
Durga: --what? No, I killed them all.<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/pretty_sure.wav pretty_sure]
Jan: Whoah! Um, ok. There should be some relays.<br />
Durga: I'll get them as I wet the system. (wetting) Ok I'm in. You're under 16 minutes, <br />Jan. Go.
(running)<br />
(running)<br />
'''Jan''': Clear.<br />
Jan: Clear.<br />
(explosion, gunshots)<br />
(explosion, gunshots)<br />
'''Thug''': Hey!<br />
Thug: Hey!<br />
(Gilly dodges gunfire, throws grenade, explosion)<br />
(Gilly dodges gunfire, throws grenade, explosion)<br />
'''Gilly''': Boy I like these conc grenades. They're quiet.<br />
Gilly: Boy I like these conc grenades. They're quiet.<br />
'''Jan''': Jeezus!<br />
Jan: Jeezus!<br />
(more gunfire, window shatters)<br />
(more gunfire, window shatters)<br />
'''Gilly''': Dammit, stay away from the windows!<br />
Gilly: Dammit, stay away from the windows!<br />
'''Jan''': Okay!<br />
Jan: Okay!<br />
'''Gilly''': I know your daddy taught you better than that. What is wrong with you?<br />
Gilly: I know your daddy taught you better than that. What is wrong with you?<br />
'''Jan''': Is the guy dead?<br />
Jan: Is the guy dead?<br />
'''Gilly''': ...yup. (gunshot) Pretty sure.<br />
Gilly: ...yup. (gunshot) Pretty sure.<br />

[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/the_nice_grenades.wav ]  
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/the_nice_grenades.wav the_nice_grenades]  
===The nice grenades===
{{Listen|title=The nice grenades
Jan: Gilly, I want Thin, but killing these other people, it's just not--<br />
Gilly: Oh ok! Next time I'll use the nice grenades.<br />
Jan: Thin killed my dad. And he hurt me. Besides--<br />
'''Jan''': Gilly, I want [[Thin Kinkle|Thin]], but killing these other people, it's just not--<br />
Gilly: Ok ok! Change the mission parameters in mid-stride. Makes you like every other <br />general.
'''Gilly''': Oh okay! Next time I'll use the nice grenades.<br />
Jan: It's my op.<br />
'''Jan''': Thin killed my dad. And he hurt me. Besides--<br />
Gilly: Yes, mother. (muffled gunshots) Hm, I guess Gladys found someone.<br />
'''Gilly''': Okay okay! Change the mission parameters in mid-stride. Makes you like every other general.<br />
'''Jan''': It's my op.<br />
'''Gilly''': Yes, mother. (muffled gunshots) Hm, I guess Gladys found someone.<br />
(chatter on)<br />
(chatter on)<br />
'''Jan''': Gladys. Gladys, no killing these guys, okay?<br />
Jan: Gladys. Gladys, no killing these guys, ok?<br />
'''Gladys''': What—you've got to be kidding... no killing?<br />
Gladys: What--you've got to be kidding... no killing?<br />
'''Jan''': They're just pawns, wing them.<br />
Jan: They're just pawns, wing them.<br />
'''Gladys''': *sigh* Okidoke.<br />
Gladys: *sigh* Okidoke.<br />
(gunshots and screams of pain)<br />
(gunshots and screams of pain)<br />

===One Two Four===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/one_two_four.wav one_two_four]
{{Listen|title=One Two Four
(chatter off)<br />
(chatter off)<br />
'''Gilly''': (whispers) Hey, tonight Jan, after we're done here, are we still allowed to eat meat? Or would that be like, mean?(gunshots)<br />
Gilly: (whispers) Hey, tonight Jan, after we're done here, are we still allowed to eat <br />meat? Or would that be like, mean?
'''Gilly''': Get through - I'll take him out.<br />
(gunshots)<br />
'''Jan''': Wait! No grenades!<br />
Gilly: Get through - I'll take him out.<br />
'''Gilly''': Jeezus! White(?) grenades. (shouts) Hey! Bad guy! I'm about to toss in a grenade. Personally, I don't see the percentage in letting you surrender, but the CO's soft that way! You want to live? Crawl out of here before I get to 5! One... Two... FOUR!<br />
Jan: Wait! No grenades!<br />
'''Eric''': Wait! I'm coming!<br />
Gilly: Jeezus! White(?) grenades. (shouts) Hey! Bad guy! I'm about to toss in a grenade. <br />Personally, I don't see the percentage in letting you surrender, but the CO's soft that way! You want to live? Crawl out of here before I get to 5! One... Two... Four! --<br />
'''Gilly''': Weapons down. Hands on your head. (to Jan) ''You'' tie him up.<br />
Eric: Wait! I'm coming!<br />
Gilly: Weapons down. Hands on your head. (to Jan) You tie him up.<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/this_prisoner_thing.wav this_prisoner_thing]

===This prisoner thing===
{{Listen|title=This prisoner thing
(Jan starts taping, Eric whimpers)<br />
(Jan starts taping, Eric whimpers)<br />
'''Jan''': Hold still...<br />
Jan: Hold still...<br />
(chatter on)<br />
(chatter on)<br />
'''Gladys''': (on chatter) Second level secure. I'll just sweep the roof then rejoin you gals.<br />
Gladys: (on chatter) Second level secure. I'll just sweep the roof then rejoin you gals.<br />
'''Jan''': You're the best, Gladys...!<br />
Jan: You're the best, Gladys...<br />
'''Gilly''': One point oh.<br />
Gilly: One point oh.<br />
'''Gladys''': (chuckles) Yeah, one point oh!<br />
Gladys: (chuckles) Yeah, one point oh!<br />
(chatter off)<br />
(chatter off)<br />
'''Gilly''': You know, this prisoner thing isn't going to work.<br />
Gilly: You know, this prisoner thing isn't going to work.<br />
'''Jan''': What's your name?<br />
Jan: What's your name?<br />
'''[[Eric]]''': Eric.<br />
Eric: Eric.<br />
'''Gilly''': We're not set up for prisoners. (cocks gun)<br />
Gilly: We're not set up for prisoners (cocks gun)<br />
'''Eric''': Nono! You said you wouldn't kill me!<br />
Eric: Nono! You said you wouldn't kill me!<br />
'''Jan''': We're not going to kill him.<br />
Jan: We're not going to kill him.<br />
'''Gilly''': Now or later, kiddo. He's gonna fry with the rest of us when the [[Covenant Empire|Covenant]] shows up.<br />
Gilly: Now or later, kiddo. He's gonna fry with the rest of us when the Covenant shows <br />up.
'''Jan''': Hey, Eric, you want to join up?<br />
Jan: Hey, Eric, you want to join up?  

[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/intercom.wav intercom]
Jan: Do you want to join the navy? Girls dig a <br />guy in uniform.
Gilly: Let's just kill him.<br />
'''Jan''': Do you want to join the navy? Girls dig a guy in uniform.<br />
Eric: I'll enlist! Oh god, I'll enlist!<br />
'''Gilly''': Let's just kill him.<br />
Gilly: I hate when they pee their pants...<br />
'''Eric''': I'll enlist! Oh god, I'll enlist!<br />
Jan: Oh...<br />
'''Gilly''': I hate when they pee their pants...<br />
Durga: Eric?<br />
'''Jan''': Oh...<br />
Eric: Why is the intercom talking to me?<br />
'''Durga''': Eric?<br />
Durga: Congratulations, you just enlisted. You muster at 0400 hours tomorrow morning <br />at the Newark recruiting center. Got that?
'''Eric''': Why is the intercom talking to me?<br />
Gilly: There's still time to kill him.<br />
'''Durga''': Congratulations, you just enlisted. You muster at 0400 hours tomorrow morning at the [[Wikipedia:Newark|Newark]] recruiting center. Got that?<br />
Eric: I'll be there! I'll be there!<br />
'''Gilly''': There's still time to kill him.<br />
'''Eric''': I'll be there! I'll be there!<br />
(chatter on)<br />
(chatter on)<br />
'''Gladys''': Roof checks out. Building is se-cure and I'm coming back.<br />
Gladys: Roof checks out. Building is se-cure and I'm coming back.<br />
(chatter off)<br />
(chatter off)<br />
'''Durga''': Alright, I'm seeing everyone neutralized except Thin and Monster Ann. They're down in the basement.<br />
Durga: Alright, I'm seeing everyone neutralized except Thin and Monster Ann. They're <br />down in the basement.
'''Gilly''': Crap, I hate basements.<br />
Gilly: Crap, I hate basements.<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/in_cold_water.wav in_cold_water]

===In cold water===
Gladys: Hey, did you gals miss me? (laughs)<br />
{{Listen|title=In cold water
Jan: Oh..my..god, you're covered in--<br />
Gladys: --It stains, yeah I know. But as long as I can rinse these camos off in cold water <br />before they dry, they're gonna come right out.
'''Gladys''': Hey hey! Did you gals miss me? (laughs)<br />
'''Jan''': Oh..my..god, you're covered in--<br />
'''Gladys''': --It stains, yeah I know. But as long as I can rinse these camos off in cold water before they dry, they're gonna come right out.<br />
(Gilly laughs, Jan's speechless)<br />
(Gilly laughs, Jan's speechless)<br />
'''Gladys''': I'm serious.<br />
Gladys: I'm serious.<br />
'''Jan''': Shh.<br />
Jan: Shh<br />
'''Gilly''': Oh, okay.<br />
Gilly: Oh, ok<br />
'''Durga''': Okay Jan, alarms and comms are still down, no backup coming in.<br />
Durga: Ok Jan, alarms and comms are still down, no backup coming in.<br />
'''Jan''': How much of my 20 minutes is left?<br />
Jan: How much of my 20 minutes is left?<br />
'''Durga''': 3 minutes, 12 seconds.<br />
Durga: 3 minutes, 12 seconds.
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/kill_zone.wav kill_zone]
Durga: According to building schematics, this flight of stairs leads down to a landing with a heavy door. Beyond that, a u-turn and another set of steps.<br />
Jan: Does that landing sound like--<br />
Gladys: --a killzone to me? Yeah...<br />
Jan: So how to get to them without going through the killzone. Wait... wait, Thin and <br />Monster Ann should be right underneath us.
Gladys: Where are you going with this, hun?<br />
Jan: Ok, we've got to take our grenades and pile them in the middle of the room.<br />
Giddy: Oh, that's...<br />
Jan: We go through the floor...<br />
Giddy: Smart...<br />
Jan: It worked for Thin. Gladys, help me grab that filing cabinet.<br />
Gladys: Okidoke.<br />

[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/run_with_scissors.wav run_with_scissors]
'''Durga''': According to building schematics, this flight of stairs leads down to a landing with a heavy door. Beyond that, a u-turn and another set of steps.<br />
'''Jan''': Does that landing sound like--<br />
'''Gladys''': --a killzone to me? Yeah...<br />
'''Jan''': So how to get to them without going through the killzone. Wait... wait, Thin and Monster Ann should be right underneath us.<br />
'''Gladys''': Where are you going with this, hun?<br />
'''Jan''': Okay, we've got to take our grenades and pile them in the middle of the room.<br />
'''Gilly''': Oh, that's...<br />
'''Jan''': We go through the floor...<br />
'''Gilly''': Smart...<br />
'''Jan''': It worked for Thin. Gladys, help me grab that filing cabinet.<br />
'''Gladys''': Okidoke.<br />

===Run with scissors===
{{Listen|title=Run with scissors
(filing cabinet being moved)<br />
(filing cabinet being moved)<br />
'''Jan:''' Pull out the drawers, prop it open side down over the grenades.<br />
Jan: Pull out the drawers, prop it open side down over the grenades.<br />
'''Gilly: '''...Shape the charge... nice...<br />
Gilly: ...Shape the charge... nice...<br />
'''Gladys: '''We can straddle that big old desk over the filing cabinet.<br />
Gladys: We can straddle that gold desk over the filing cabinet<br />
'''Gilly:''' Pretty slick, slick!<br />
Gilly: Pretty slick, slick!<br />
'''Jan:''' You know, my daddy always wanted me to play with matches.<br />
Jan: You know, my daddy always wanted me to play with matches.<br />
'''Gladys:''' If there's one thing that man could do, it was blow things up.<br />
Gladys: If there's one thing that man could do, it was blow things up.<br />
(desk piece falls into place)<br />
(desk piece falls into place)<br />
'''Jan:''' *phew*<br />
Jan: *phew*<br />
'''Gilly:''' I bet you run with scissors pretty good too...<br />
Gilly: I bet you run with scissors pretty good too...<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/proud.wav proud]

(rustling)<br />
(rustling)<br />
'''Jan:''' Prop the cabinet up with the chair leg so we can pitch one grenade in to set the others off.
Jan: Prop the cabinet up with the chair leg so we can pitch one grenade in to set the <br />others off.
(rustling)<br />
(rustling)<br />
'''Gladys:''' Okay! Clear the room!<br />
Gladys: Ok! Clear the room!<br />
'''Jan:''' Fire in the hole!<br />
Jan: Fire in the hole!<br />
(Jan throws the grenade, ensuing explosions)<br />
(Jan throws the grenade, ensuing explosions)<br />
'''Gladys: '''Whoo! Yeah!<br />
Gladys: Whoo! Yeah!<br />
'''Gilly:''' You do know how to make a mother proud.<br />
Gilly: You do know how to make a mother proud.<br />

===Going down===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/going_down.wav going_down]
{{Listen|title=Going down
Jan: I'm going down. (jumps)<br />
Gilly: Come on Gladys...<br />
'''Jan:''' I'm going down. (jumps)<br />
'''Gilly: '''Come on Gladys...<br />
(Gladys and Gilly jump into the dust filled room)<br />
(Gladys and Gilly jump into the dust filled room)<br />
'''Gladys:''' Gotcha covered.<br />
Gladys: Gotcha covered.<br />
'''Thin: '''Babysitter! Oh, man.<br />
Thin: Babysitter! Oh, man.<br />
'''Jan:''' Surprise.<br />
Jan: Surprise.<br />
'''Thin:''' Bigger dog after all, princess. Now you stand with gun drawn, and your crew around you? Hey I taught you good...<br />
Thin: Bigger dog after all, princess. Now you stand with gun drawn, and your crew <br />around you? Hey I taught you good...
'''Jan:''' You taught me nothing!<br />
Jan: You taught me nothing!<br />
'''Thin: '''Hey, this must be your mom, babysitter. I knew you didn't get your looks from your dad!<br />
Thin: Hey, this must be your mom, babysitter. I knew you didn't get your looks from your dad!<br />
'''Jan:''' You bastard. (cocks gun)<br />
Jan: You bastard. (loads guns)<br />

[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/babysitter.wav babysitter]
'''Monster Ann:''' Take him... He pay the price for what he done.<br />
'''Thin:''' You trying to sell me out to save your skin, Ann?!<br />
'''Jan:''' Gladys?<br />
'''Gladys:''' We're here, kiddo.<br />
'''Jan:''' ...I don't know what to do.<br />
'''Monster Ann: '''Kill Thin... let Monster Ann go... I'll make it worth your while...<br />
'''Jan: '''I just... don't know.<br />
'''Gilly:''' Jan, this isn't who you are.<br />
'''Jan:''' (painfully) He...shot...him... He shot him like a dog!<br />
'''Gilly:''' Jim didn't want this for you.<br />
'''Thin: '''You're still not pulling the trigger, babysitter... <br />

Monster Ann: Take him... He'll pay the price for what he done<br />
Thin: You trying to sell me out to save your skin, Ann?!<br />
Jan: Gladys?<br />
Gladys: We're here, kiddo.<br />
'''Thin:''' A lot I could still teach you, you know it!<br />
Jan: ...I don't know what to do.<br />
'''Jan: '''What kind of daughter am I?!<br />
Monster Ann: Kill Thin... let Monster Ann go... I'll make it worth your while...<br />
'''Gilly:''' The best, Jan.<br />
Jan: I just... don't know.<br />
Gilly: Jan, this isn't who you are.<br />
Jan: (painfully) He...shot...him... He shot him like a dog!<br />
Gilly: Jim didn't want this for you.<br />
Thin: You're still not pulling the trigger, babysitter... <br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/bedtime.wav bedtime]
Thin: A lot I could still teach you. You know it!<br />
Jan: What kind of daughter am I?!<br />
Gilly: The best, Jan.<br />
(crying)<br />
(crying)<br />
'''Thin: '''Heh.<br />
Thin: Heh.<br />
'''Gilly:''' Your father was so proud of you. And he would never want you to turn into... one of us.<br />
Gilly: Your father was so proud of you. And he would never want you to turn into... one <br />of us.
'''Thin:''' Hey, hey, hey they're talking truth, babysitter.<br />
Thin: Hey, hey, hey they're talking truth, babysitter.<br />
'''Jan: '''Shut up!!<br />
Jan: Shut up!!<br />
'''Gilly: '''I've never been much of a mother for you, Jan. I never got to bandage up a scraped knee, never had to read you a story at bed time, never had to brush your hair... (cocks gun) but I can do this...<br />
Gilly: I've never been much of a mother for you, Jan. I never got to bandage up a scraped <br />knee, never had to read you a story at bed time, never had to brush your hair... (loads gun) but I can do this...<br />
'''Thin:''' No...!<br />
Thin: No...!<br />
(gunshot)<br />
(gunshot)<br />
'''Monster Ann:''' Agh!<br />
Monster Ann: Agh!<br />
(gunshot, both fall to the floor)<br />
(gunshot, both fall to the floor)<br />

==Jersey: "Seven Years"==
*[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/surveillance_archive/week9_subject1.wav Audio Compilation 4min 02sec]
*[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/surveillance_archive/week9_subject1.wav Audio Compilation 4min 02sec]
===Arguing about grenades===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/arguing_about_grenades.wav arguing_about_grenades]  
{{Listen|title=Arguing about grenades
'''(Radio):''' Bringing the new total number of fighters captured in [[Ethiopia]] to 200,000. (in background) Others report the system is (?) ...<br />
'''[[Jersey Morelli|Jersey]]:''' Durga! Durga? What the hell is happening with Jan?<br />
'''Durga:''' She and Gilly are arguing about grenades.<br />
'''Jersey:''' Durga!<br />
'''Durga:''' Jersey, I take care of my people.<br />
'''Jersey: '''Okay...<br />
'''Durga: '''Jersey? There's something I need to tell you.<br />
'''Jersey: '''Now? With all the grenades and whatever?<br />
'''Durga: '''Yes, now. You know, we've talked about the part of me that does stuff that I don't know about... <br />
'''Jersey:''' Yeah, the left hand someone helped you find out about. The one spying on the guy that just got killed? [[Herzog]].<br />
'''Durga:''' Right.<br />
'''Jersey: '''Well we gotta do something about that other guy, [[Standish]].<br />
'''Durga:''' I know.<br />
'''Jersey: '''And that thing at [[Chawla Base]], the [[deep-space artifact|countdown thing]]!<br />
'''Durga:''' I know!<br />
'''Jersey:''' Durga... I wish I hadn't heard about any of this...<br />
'''Durga:''' I know...<br />

(Radio) Bringing the new (?) of fighters captured in Ethiopia to 200,000. (in background) <br />Others report the system is (?) ...
Jersey: Durga! Durga? What the hell is happening with Jan?<br />
Durga: She and Gilly are arguing about grenades.<br />
Jersey: Durga!<br />
'''Jersey: '''Are we going to have to try to save the world from that... from whatever Standish is hiding there?<br />
Durga: Jersey, I take care of my people.<br />
'''Durga:''' It's beginning to look that way, isn't it?<br />
Jersey: Ok...<br />
Durga: Jersey? There's something I need to tell you.<br />
Jersey: Now? With all the grenades and whatever?<br />
Durga: Yes, now. You know, we've talked about the part of me that does stuff that I don't know about... <br />
Jersey: Yeah, the left hand someone helped you find out about. The one spying on the guy that just got killed? Herzog.<br />
Durga: Right.<br />
Jersey: Well we gotta do something about that other guy, Standish.<br />
Durga: I know.<br />
Jersey: And that thing at Chawla base, the countdown thing!<br />
Durga: I know!<br />
Jersey: Durga... I wish I hadn't heard about any of this...<br />
Durga: I know...<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/dreams.wav dreams]
Jersey: Are we going to have to try to save the world from that... from whatever <br />Standish is hiding there?
Durga: It's beginning to look that way, isn't it?<br />
(music selection is altered)<br />
(music selection is altered)<br />
'''Durga: '''Anyway, there's this thing I need to tell you.<br />
Durga: Anyway, there's this thing I need to tell you.<br />
'''Jersey:''' Yeah?<br />
Jersey: Yeah?<br />
'''Durga:''' I'm having... they're kind of like dreams.<br />
Durga: I'm having... they're kind of like dreams.<br />
'''Jersey: '''Dreams? Durga, you don't like sleep do you?<br />
Jersey: Dreams? Durga, you don't like sleep do you?<br />
(Durga's vocal slowly alters)<br />
(Durga's vocal slowly alters)<br />
'''Durga:''' No, but, you know how when you wake up, you can remember that you were dreaming? And there's this feeling associated with the dream?<br />
Durga: No, but, you know how when you wake up, you can remember that you were <br />dreaming? And there's this feeling associated with the dream?
'''Jersey:''' Yeah, I guess.<br />
Jersey: Yeah, I guess.<br />
'''Durga:''' I have that, I have these feelings.<br />
Durga: I have that, I have these feelings.<br />

===Big stone building===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/big_stone_building.wav big_stone_building]
{{Listen|title=Big stone building
Jersey: Wait, what kind of feelings? Like nightmares?<br />
'''Jersey:''' Wait, what kind of feelings? Like nightmares?<br />
(Durga's vocal slowly normalizes)<br />
(Durga's vocal slowly normalizes)<br />
'''Durga:''' Like half memories... Of this big stone building, with a lot of rooms, and, I run around and hide, and send messages to people. I'm a little girl.<br />
Durga: Like half memories... Of this big stone building, with a lot of rooms, and, I run <br />around and hide, and send messages to people. I'm a little girl.
'''Jersey: '''Well, maybe they're memories of when you were a little girl.<br />
Jersey: Well, maybe they're memories of when you were a little girl.<br />
'''Durga: '''Maybe. I don't think so. I mean I doubt I grew up in a castle. I'm telling you this because... Jersey, I think I'm old.<br />
Durga: Maybe. I don't think so. I mean I doubt I grew up in a castle. I'm telling you this <br />because... Jersey, I think I'm old.
'''Jersey:''' Nah! You don't look a day over 25! And I'm not just saying that.<br />
Jersey: Nah! You don't look a day over 25! And I'm not just saying that.<br />
'''Durga:''' Jersey... Smart [[Artificial intelligence|AIs]] - we don't live forever.<br />
Durga: Jersey... Smart AIs - we don't live forever.<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/only_seven.wav only_seven]
Jersey: I thought AIs lasted for -- well, until someone shut them down.<br />
Durga: Dumb AIs do. Smart AIs, we grow and grow in complexity until we become too <br />complex. It's called rampancy.
Jersey: W-wait, what are you saying? You think--<br />
Durga: --No. Not yet. But, the dream memories are not a good sign.<br />
Jersey: Man. How long do smart AIs live before this rampancy thing?<br />
Durga: 7 years.<br />
Jersey: Only 7 ??<br />
Durga: Yeah, pretty much.<br />
Jersey: But, but... then what happens?<br />
Durga: They shut us down. Or, we go crazy.<br />

===Only 7?!===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/had_to_tell_you.wav had_to_tell_you]  
{{Listen|title=Only 7?!
'''Jersey:''' I thought AIs lasted for—well, until someone shut them down.<br />
'''Durga: '''Dumb AIs do. Smart AIs, we grow and grow in complexity until we become too complex. It's called rampancy.<br />
'''Jersey: '''W-wait, what are you saying? You think--<br />
'''Durga:''' --No. Not yet. But, the dream memories are not a good sign.<br />
'''Jersey: '''Man. How long do smart AIs usually live before this rampancy thing?<br />
'''Durga:''' [[Seven|7]] years.<br />
'''Jersey:''' Only 7?!<br />
'''Durga:''' Yeah, pretty much.<br />
'''Jersey:''' But, but... then what happens?<br />
'''Durga: '''They shut us down. Or, we go crazy.<br />

===Had to tell you===
Jersey: Well then, you're ok then right? I mean you're not crazy. Annoying <br />maybe, but not crazy.
{{Listen|title=Had to tell you
Durga: Jan's going to try and blow a hole in the floor so she can get through to where Thin Kinkle and Monster Ann are hiding.<br />
Jersey: Dammit! You're doing this thing, telling me all this stuff - 7 years, this Kinkle <br />guy talking to his boss--
Durga: --that's what it's like when you're me. I monitor lots of things going on at the same time.<br />
'''Jersey: '''Well then, you're okay then right? I mean you're not crazy. Annoying maybe, but not crazy.<br />
Jersey: You think you have to distract me! Like, giving a little kid a toy.<br />
'''Durga:''' Jan's going to try and blow a hole in the floor so she can get through to where Thin Kinkle and Monster Ann are hiding.<br />
Durga: No! Well, yes. I did want to distract you.<br />
'''Jersey:''' Dammit! You're doing this thing, telling me all this stuff - 7 years, this Kinkle guy talking to his boss--<br />
Jersey: (slams table) I'm not a kid!<br />
'''Durga:''' --that's what it's like when you're me. I monitor lots of things going on at the same time.<br />
Durga: Yes, but it's hard to just sit when you can't do anything.<br />
'''Jersey:''' You think you have to distract me! Like, giving a little kid a toy.<br />
Jersey: What about all that 7 year stuff?<br />
'''Durga: '''No! Well, yes. I did want to distract you.<br />
Durga: That's true.<br />
'''Jersey: '''(slams table) I'm not a kid!<br />
Jersey: Why tell me now?<br />
'''Durga:''' Yes, but it's hard to just sit when you can't do anything.<br />
Durga: Because, I want you to know. I need you to know.<br />
'''Jersey: '''What about all that 7 year stuff?<br />
Jersey: But, if they took Yasmine when she was 6, then 8 years of Spartan training, Kamal's 18, she dies... how old is Kamal?<br />
'''Durga: '''That's true.<br />
Durga: 25.<br />
'''Jersey:''' Why tell me now?<br />
Jersey: Durga!!<br />
'''Durga: '''Because, I want you to know. I need you to know.<br />
Durga: I had to tell you.<br />
'''Jersey: '''But, if they took Yasmine when she was 6, then 8 years of Spartan training, Kamal's 18, she dies... how old is Kamal?<br />
Jersey: Oh my God!<br />
'''Durga:''' 25.<br />
Durga: I had to tell you because if I am going rampant, you've got to tell the navy. <br />
'''Jersey:''' Durga!!<br />
'''Durga:''' I had to tell you.<br />
'''Jersey:''' Oh my God!<br />
'''Durga:''' I had to tell you because if I am going rampant, you've got to tell the navy. <br />

===Sick cat===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/sick_cat.wav sick_cat]
{{Listen|title=Sick cat
'''Durga:''' They'll have to shut me down...<br />
'''Jersey:''' I will not shut you down!<br />
'''Durga:''' ...but you can't let me know.<br />
'''Jersey:''' (ponders) So... let me get this straight. You think you're fine...<br />
'''Durga:''' Yes.<br />
'''Jersey:''' But you're having these weird dream memories, and that's--<br />
'''Durga: '''--bad.<br />
'''Jersey: '''Okay, and if I think you're not fine, I'm supposed to tell the navy, but without you ever guessing what I'm up to?<br />
'''Durga:''' So far so good.<br />
'''Jersey:''' So they can put you down like someone's sick cat.<br />
'''Durga:''' Right.<br />
'''Jersey:''' (smirks) Not happening.<br />
'''Durga: '''Jersey!<br />
'''Jersey:''' Go rampant for all I care! I'm not calling anyone!<br />
'''Durga:''' You have to Jersey!<br />
'''Jersey: '''I take care of my people too.<br />

==Rani: "Clam Chowder"==
Durga:They'll have to shut me down.
Jersey: I will not shut you down!<br />
Durga: But you can't let me know.<br />
Jersey: (ponders) So... let me get this straight. You think you're fine...<br />
Durga: Yes.<br />
Jersey: But you're having these weird dream memories, and that's--<br />
Durga: --bad.<br />
Jersey: Ok, and if I think you're not fine, I'm supposed to tell the navy, but without you <br />ever guessing what I'm up to?
Durga: So far so good.<br />
Jersey: So they can put you down like someone's sick cat.<br />
Durga: Right.<br />
Jersey: (smirks) Not happening.<br />
Durga: Jersey!<br />
Jersey: Go rampant for all I care! I'm not calling anyone!<br />
Durga: You have to Jersey!<br />
Jersey: I take care of my people too.<br />
*[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/surveillance_archive/week9_subject4.wav Audio Compilation 9min 33sec]
*[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/surveillance_archive/week9_subject4.wav Audio Compilation 9min 33sec]
===Green badge===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/green_badge.wav green_badge]
{{Listen|title=Green badge
Rani: Ahem. Excuse me, I have to deliver something to a Civilian Spec 6? An R. Carmi? Magnetometry?<br />
Secretary: I'm sorry, but buildings 40 through 44 are restricted to blue and above only. <br />Your green badge does not give you access.
'''[[Rani Sobeck|Rani]]:''' Ahem. Excuse me, I have to deliver something to a Civilian Spec 6? An [[R. Carmi]]? Magnetometry?<br />
Rani: I know, but my superior had an urgent request for this analysis. Could I just go put <br />it on the desk? I have this note from Ms.Lawson.
'''Secretary:''' I'm sorry, but buildings 40 through 44 are restricted to blue and above only. Your green badge does not give you access.<br />
Secretary: I don't know. ...Lawson? Lawson sent you over?<br />
'''Rani:''' I know, but my superior had an urgent request for this analysis. Could I just go put it on the desk? I have this note from [[Lawson|Ms. Lawson]].<br />
Rani: Yes.<br />
'''Secretary:''' I don't know. ...Lawson? Lawson sent you over?<br />
Secretary: Alright, just go drop it on the desk.<br />
'''Rani:''' Yes.<br />
Rani: Thank you so much. (breath of relief)<br />
'''Secretary: '''Alright, just go drop it on the desk.<br />
'''Rani:''' Thank you so much. (breath of relief)<br />
(heads to the office, opens door)<br />
(heads to the office, opens door)<br />
[[Standish|'''Standish''']]'''<nowiki>:</nowiki>''' Hello. You're Rani Sobek.<br />
Standish: Hello. You're Rani Sobek.<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/wrong_office.wav wrong_office]

===Wrong office===
Rani: I'm sorry, I was looking for the desk of Tech Specialist Carmi. I must have the wrong office.<br />
{{Listen|title=Wrong office
Standish: You have the right office, it's just that Tech Specialist Carmi isn't here right now.<br />
Rani: Oh, I'm sorry, I'll just take this back downstairs.<br />
Standish: Um, let me see it please.<br />
'''Rani:''' I'm sorry, I was looking for the desk of Tech Specialist Carmi. I must have the wrong office.<br />
Rani: I'm sorry, it's Eyes Only, Major. Uh... a black badge? Who are you?<br />
'''Standish: '''You have the right office, it's just that Tech Specialist Carmi isn't here right now.<br />
Standish: My name is Standish, Section 3. I've been waiting for you.<br />
'''Rani: '''Oh, I'm sorry, I'll just take this back downstairs.<br />
'''Standish: '''Um, let me see it please.<br />
'''Rani:''' I'm sorry, it's Eyes Only, Major. Uh... a black badge? Who are you?<br />
'''Standish:''' My name is Standish, Section 3. I've been waiting for you.<br />
(door closes)<br />
(door closes)<br />

===Excellent excuse===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/excellent_excuse.wav excellent_excuse]
{{Listen|title=Excellent excuse
Standish: Give me the package. Ah... nice bit of analysis.<br />
Rani: Thank you, sir.<br />
'''Standish:''' Give me the package. Ah... nice bit of analysis.<br />
Standish: But hardly urgent.<br />
'''Rani: '''Thank you, sir.<br />
Rani: No, sir.<br />
'''Standish:''' But hardly urgent.<br />
Standish: But, an excellent excuse to come and check Tech Carmi's office, since your own investigation tells you Tech Carmi is the lead tech on a very secret project. Which, of course, she is not.<br />
'''Rani:''' No, sir.<br />
Rani: This is a trap.<br />
'''Standish: '''But, an excellent excuse to come and check Tech Carmi's office, since your own investigation tells you Tech Carmi is the lead tech on a very secret project. Which, of course, she is not.<br />
Standish: This is a trap, sir.<br />
'''Rani: '''This is a trap.<br />
Rani: Sir, fire me if you like, but you need to know I think that artifact is a decay timer. It's a countdown, sir, and it's running right now.<br />
'''Standish: '''This is a trap, sir.<br />
Standish: Oh, well, there is no artifact, Miss Sobek.<br />
'''Rani:''' Sir, fire me if you like, but you need to know I think that artifact is a decay timer. It's a countdown, sir, and it's running right now.<br />
Rani: But, I.. *sigh*  
'''Standish:''' Oh, well, there is no artifact, Miss Sobek.<br />
'''Rani:''' But, I.. *sigh* <br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/wartime_treason.wav wartime_treason]

===Wartime treason===
Rani: I assume I am fired? Or do you want me to resign?<br />
{{Listen|title=Wartime treason
Standish: I'm afraid espionage is not a firing offense. It's treason, Ms. Sobek.<br />
Rani: Treason?!<br />
Standish: Yes, do you know the penalty for wartime treason is permanent induced coma, <br />Ms. Sobek? Yes, well I see you now grasp the gravity of the situation.<br />
'''Rani:''' I assume I am fired? Or do you want me to resign?<br />
Rani: But, I-I didn't...I haven't done anything!<br />
'''Standish:''' I'm afraid espionage is not a firing offense. It's treason, Ms. Sobek.<br />
Standish: I imagine it would be hard on your parents, Rani, watching you get the injection.<br />
'''Rani: '''Treason?!<br />
Rani: Oh my god.<br />
'''Standish:''' Yes, do you know the penalty for wartime treason is permanent induced coma, Ms. Sobek? Yes, well I see you now grasp the gravity of the situation.<br />
Standish: You know, they broadcast the injections. Not all of them, but treason, always. You didn't think about that when Herzog approached you, did you?<br />
'''Rani:''' But, I-I didn't...I haven't done anything!<br />
Rani: (stutters) Don--I..<br />
'''Standish:''' I imagine it would be hard on your parents, Rani, watching you get the injection.<br />
Standish: You didn't think what your father would say to the neighbors the next morning <br />when everyone was replaying the clips...
'''Rani: '''Oh my god.<br />
Rani: Stop it! Just stop it!<br />
'''Standish: '''You know, they broadcast the injections. Not all of them, but treason, always. You didn't think about that when Herzog approached you, did you?<br />
Standish: You are not in a position to be giving orders, Miss Sobek.<br />
'''Rani:''' (stutters) Don—I..<br />
'''Standish: '''You didn't think what your father would say to the neighbors the next morning when everyone was replaying the clips...<br />
'''Rani: '''Stop it! Just stop it!<br />
'''Standish:''' You are not in a position to be giving orders, Miss Sobek.<br />

[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/stupid.wav stupid]
'''Rani:''' Okay, maybe I was stupid. I was stupid. But I was never - I never meant to be a traitor, and you know it. You know it!<br />
'''Standish:''' Luckily for you, the Admiral and I are willing to believe you are as stupid as you claim.<br />
'''Rani: '''Thank you... sir.<br />
'''Standish:''' Now, if it makes you feel any better, you are hardly the first young person naive enough to be drawn into Herzog's paranoid delusions.<br />
'''Rani:''' Delusions? He's crazy?<br />
'''Standish:''' Quite crazy. He has avoided mandated therapy in the past.<br />
'''Rani: '''Eccentric maybe, but crazy?<br />
'''Standish: '''A few days ago, thankfully, he finally received the treatment he should have gotten a long time ago. <br />

Rani: Ok, maybe I was stupid. I was stupid. But I was never - I never meant to be a traitor, and you know it. You know it!<br />
Standish: Luckily for you, the Admiral and I are willing to believe you are as stupid as you claim.<br />
Rani: Thank you... sir.<br />
Standish: Now, if it makes you feel any better, you are hardly the first young person naive enough to be drawn into Herzog's paranoid delusions.<br />
'''Standish:''' Would you like to see his Navy dossier, Analyst Sobek?<br />
Rani: Delusions? He's crazy?<br />
'''Rani:''' No, sir.<br />
Standish: Quite crazy. He has avoided mandated therapy in the past.<br />
'''Standish:''' *sigh* Nobody wants to hang pretty, young girls, Analyst Sobek. Consider yourself warned and reprimanded and get the hell out of this part of the base, alright? You don't have clearance to be here.<br />
Rani: Eccentric maybe, but crazy?<br />
'''Rani: '''Thank you, sir.<br />
Standish: A few days ago, thankfully, he finally received the treatment he should have gotten a long time ago. <br />
'''Standish:''' Oh, and uh, two pieces of advice before you go, Miss Sobek.<br />
'''Rani: '''Yes, sir?<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/haircut.wav haircut]
'''Standish:''' The first is, stop trying so hard to be smart. Maybe it worked great back in [[Wikipedia:Kentucky|Kentucky]], but out here in the real world, it just makes you look dumb.<br />
'''Rani: '''Yes, sir. And, the second thing, sir?<br />
Standish: Would you like to see his Navy dossier, Analyst Sobek?<br />
'''Standish: '''Get a haircut and some decent clothes.<br />
Rani: No, sir.<br />
'''Rani: '''Thank you, sir.<br />
Standish: *sigh* Nobody wants to hang pretty, young girls, Analyst Sobek. Consider <br />yourself warned and reprimanded and get the hell out of this part of the base, alright? You don't have clearance to be here.<br />
Rani: Thank you, sir.<br />
Standish: Oh, and uh, two pieces of advice before you go, Miss Sobek.<br />
Rani: Yes, sir?<br />
Standish: The first is, stop trying so hard to be smart. Maybe it worked great back in <br />Kentucky, but out here in the real world, it just makes you look dumb.
Rani: Yes, sir. And, the second thing, sir?<br />
Standish: Get a haircut and some decent clothes.<br />
Rani: Thank you, sir.<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/personal_calls.wav personal_calls]

===Personal calls===
{{Listen|title=Personal calls
(chatter beep)<br />
(chatter beep)<br />
'''Rani:''' Oh, not now, Sarah-John. I can't... Oh, dammit.<br />
Rani: Oh, not now, Sarah-John. I can't... Oh, dammit.<br />
(chatter on)<br />
(chatter on)<br />
[[Sarah-John Pope|'''Sarah''']]'''<nowiki>:</nowiki>'''(on chatter) Rani!<br />
Sarah: (on chatter) Rani!<br />
'''Rani: '''Sarah-John, I told you I can't take all these personal calls at the office.<br />
Rani: Sarah-John, I told you I can't take all these personal calls at the office.<br />
'''Sarah: '''Oh, I'm sorry, I thought—You're at the office?<br />
Sarah: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought-- You're at the office?<br />
'''Rani: '''I'm in a meeting... In the cafeteria.<br />
Rani: I'm in a meeting... In the cafeteria.<br />
'''Sarah:''' In the cafeteria?<br />
Sarah: In the cafeteria?<br />
'''Rani:''' Sarah-John, you can't just keep calling me like we were still working at [[Pammy's]] together. I don't live in Kentucky anymore, I live in the real world now.<br />
Rani: Sarah-John, you can't just keep calling me like we were still working at Pammy's <br />together. I don't live in Kentucky anymore, I live in the real world now.
'''Sarah: '''Okay, you just... you just call me sometime, wh-when it's convenient.<br />
Sarah: Ok, you just... you just call me sometime, wh-when it's convenient.<br />
'''Rani: '''Oh, Sarah-John, I didn't mean it like that. I-I just have to be... I have to learn to be more professional.<br />
Rani: Oh, Sarah-John, I didn't mean it like that. I-I just have to be... I have to learn to be <br />more professional.
'''Sarah:''' I understand.<br />
Sarah: I understand.<br />
'''[[Unidentified waitress|Waitress]]:''' Alright, kid, you ready to order?<br />
Waitress: Alright, kid, you ready to order?<br />
'''Sarah: '''(overhearing) I'll talk to you some other time, Rani - when you aren't so ''busy''.<br />
Sarah: (overhearing) I'll talk to you some other time, Rani - when you aren't so busy.<br />
'''Rani: '''Sarah-John, wait.<br />
Rani: Sarah-John, wait.<br />
(chatter off)<br />
(chatter off)<br />
'''Rani: '''Dammit.<br />
Rani: Dammit.<br />
'''Waitress: '''You gonna order or not? Some of us have to work.<br />
Waitress: You gonna order or not? Some of us have to work.<br />
'''Rani:''' (fighting tears) I just wanted a slice of pie.<br />
Rani: (fighting tears) I just wanted a slice of pie.<br />

===Clam chowder===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/clam_chowder.wav clam_chowder]
{{Listen|title=Clam chowder
'''Rani: '''I didn't order this.<br />
'''Waitress: '''You got something against [[list of food and drinks|clam chowder]]?<br />
'''Rani: '''No, I love clam chowder.<br />
'''Waitress: '''A slice of pie? What kind of meal is that? Eat your soup.<br />
'''Rani: '''But I can't afford--<br />
'''Waitress:''' --No charge. Bottom of the kettle, leftover from lunch, they were just gonna throw it away.<br />
'''Rani: '''But I--<br />
'''Waitress: '''--Oh yeah, here's some crackers.<br />
'''Rani: '''Are you being nice to me?<br />
'''Waitress: '''They were gonna throw it out.<br />
'''Rani: '''You are. You are being nice to me.<br />
'''Waitress: '''How's the chowder? Try it.<br />
'''Rani:''' Oh...<br />
'''Waitress:''' They were gonna throw it out.<br />
'''Rani:''' It's really good. Thank you so mu--<br />
'''Waitress:''' Eh, don't start that again.<br />
'''Rani: '''Yes, ma'am. I mean, I'll try not to, ma'am.<br />
'''Waitress:''' I got customers.<br />

===Eight months pregnant===
Rani: I didn't order this.<br />
{{Listen|title=Eight months pregnant
Waitress: You got something against clam chowder?<br />
Rani: No, I love clam chowder.<br />
Waitress: Pie? What kind of meal is that? Eat your soup.<br />
'''Waitress:''' Done with that bowl yet?<br />
Rani: But I can't afford--<br />
'''Rani: '''Oh, yes ma'am. Thank you again, so much.<br />
Waitress: --No charge. Bottom of the kettle, leftover from lunch, they were just gonna throw it away.<br />
'''Waitress:''' I was about your age when [[Ray (UNSC officer)|my husband]] died.<br />
Rani: But I--<br />
'''Rani: '''I-I'm sorry?<br />
Waitress: --Oh yeah, here's some crackers.<br />
'''Waitress:''' They came to my door to give me the news, these two Navy guys in full fancy dress uniforms. Covies got the whole ship, 130 men lost. I was eight months pregnant and fat as a horse.<br />
Rani: Are you being nice to me?<br />
'''Rani:''' Oh my god! I'm so sorry.<br />
Waitress: They were gonna throw it out.<br />
'''Waitress: '''Waddled out of my apartment and walked the streets for hours, just at random, you know. Not going anywhere. Like my whole life hadn't even started and it was already over. No job, no money, no husband - nothing. <br />
Rani: You are. You are being nice to me.<br />
Waitress: How's the chowder? Try it.<br />
Rani: Oh...<br />
Waitress: They were gonna throw it out.<br />
Rani: It's really good. Thank you so mu--<br />
Waitress: Eh, don't start that again.<br />
Rani: Yes, ma'am. I mean, I'll try not to, ma'am.<br />
Waitress: I got customers.<br />

===Waiting tables===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/eight_months_pregnant.wav eight_months_pregnant]
{{Listen|title=Waiting tables
Waitress: Done with that bowl yet?<br />
Rani: Oh, yes ma'am. Thank you again, so much.<br />
'''Rani:''' What did you do?<br />
Waitress: I was about your age when my husband died.<br />
'''Waitress:''' That day, somebody did something nice for me. Made a difference. I remember that.<br />
Rani: I-I'm sorry?<br />
'''Rani: '''Oh my god... I-I am nothing like that. I don't deserve you... I'm just a stupid college kid screwing up my job.<br />
Waitress: They came to my door to give me the news, these two Navy guys in full fancy dress uniforms. Covies got the whole ship, 130 men lost. I was eight months pregnant and fat as a horse.<br />
'''Waitress:''' It's not a contest, kid.<br />
Rani: Oh my god! I'm so sorry.<br />
'''Rani:''' Right. You're right.<br />
Waitress: Waddled out of my apartment and walked the streets for hours, just at random, you know. Not going anywhere. Like my whole life hadn't even started and it was already over. No job, no money, no husband - nothing. <br />
'''Waitress: '''And remember, if you get fired, there's always waiting tables.<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/waiting_tables.wav waiting_tables]
Rani: What did you do?<br />
Waitress: That day, somebody did something nice for me. Made a difference. I <br />remember that.
Rani: Oh my god... I-I am nothing like that. I don't deserve you... I'm just a stupid <br />college kid screwing up my job.
Waitress: It's not a contest, kid.<br />
Rani: Right. You're right.<br />
Waitress: And remember, if you get fired, there's always waiting tables.<br />
(laughs)<br />
(laughs)<br />
'''Customer: '''Can I have my check, please?<br />
Customer: Can I have my check, please?<br />
'''Waitress: '''You know, no special training required, the most portable job in the galaxy. Everybody's got to eat, and everybody hates to cook. As long as you have people skills.<br />
Waitress: You know, no special training required, the most portable job in the galaxy. <br />Everybody's got to eat, and everybody hates to cook. As long as you have people skills.<br />
'''Customer:''' Excuse me, can I have my check please?<br />
Customer: Excuse me, can I have my check please?<br />
'''Waitress:''' Would you mind shutting the hell up, you fat cow? Can't you see I'm helping another customer?
Waitress: Would you mind shutting the hell up, you fat cow? Can't you see I'm helping <br />another customer?
'''Customer:''' O--okay, uh, I'm sorry...<br />
Customer: O--ok, uh, I'm sorry...<br />
'''Waitress: '''Talk about rude! Some people.<br />
Waitress: Talk about rude! Some people.
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/kitchen_smells.wav kitchen_smells]
Waitress: Anyway, like I said, if you've got a <br />few people skills and you don't mind the kitchen smells, it's a good job.
Rani: Can I ask what it was? The nice thing someone did?<br />
Waitress: Promised me a job for after the kid was born. This job here, actually. Eight <br />months pregnant, you know. Came through that door and spent my last credit on a slice of key-lime pie.<br />
Rani: That is a good story.<br />
Waitress: Yeah.<br />
Rani: Do you ever have one of those days where you just want to give up?<br />
Waitress: Oh, well, Doesn't everybody?

===Kitchen smells===
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/plasma_torpedo.wav plasma_torpedo]
{{Listen|title=Kitchen smells
'''Waitress: '''Anyway, like I said, if you've got a few people skills and you don't mind the kitchen smells, it's a good job.<br />
'''Rani: '''Can I ask what it was? The nice thing someone did?<br />
'''Waitress: '''Promised me a job for after the kid was born. This job here, actually. Eight months pregnant, you know. Came through that door and spent my last credit on a slice of key-lime pie.<br />
'''Rani: '''That is a good story.<br />
'''Waitress: '''Yeah.<br />
'''Rani:''' Do you ever have one of those days where you just want to give up?<br />
'''Waitress:''' Oh, well, doesn't everybody?

===Plasma torpedo===
Waitress:But Ray - that's my husband - the Covies took his ship out with a plasma torpedo, I heard the transmissions. There's almost sixty seconds from impact to when they're through the hull plating. You listen to the recordings, you can hear them on the bridge saying goodbye. Yeah, I think about that a lot, that sixty seconds... what he was thinking.<br />
{{Listen|title=Plasma torpedo
Rani: I can't even imagine.<br />
Waitress: Now I've got a boy at home who wants to be a Marine when he grows up. Guess it just doesn't seem like the right time to give up. Seems like it's not about how you feel these days, it's about what you have to do.<br />
Rani: Yeah. Yeah!<br />  
'''Waitress:''' But Ray - that's my husband - the Covies took his ship out with a plasma torpedo, I heard the transmissions. There's almost sixty seconds from impact to when they're through the hull plating. You listen to the recordings, you can hear them on the bridge saying goodbye. Yeah, I think about that a lot, that sixty seconds... what he was thinking.<br />
'''Rani:''' I can't even imagine.<br />
'''Waitress: '''Now I've got a boy at home who wants to be a [[UNSC Marine Corps|Marine]] when he grows up. Guess it just doesn't seem like the right time to give up. Seems like it's not about how you feel these days, it's about what you have to do.<br />
'''Rani: '''Yeah. Yeah!<br />

==Herzog: "You're all I've Got"==
*[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/surveillance_archive/week9_subject5.wav Audio Compilation 1min 36sec]
*[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/surveillance_archive/week9_subject5.wav Audio Compilation 1min 36sec]
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/carmi.wav carmi]
(chatter on)<br />
(chatter on)<br />
'''Herzog: '''Rani, it's Herzog.<br />
Herzog: Rani, it's Herzog.<br />
'''Rani:''' (on chatter) What do you want?<br />
Rani: (on chatter) What do you want?<br />
'''Herzog:''' I spoke to your tech a couple of weeks ago.<br />
Herzog: I spoke to your tech a couple of weeks ago.<br />
'''Rani:''' My tech?<br />
Rani: My tech?<br />
'''Herzog: '''Tech Specialist Carmi. You wonder why she wasn't in her office?<br />
Herzog: Tech Specialist Carmi. You wonder why she wasn't in her office?<br />
'''Rani: '''Ya, she's on maternity leave.<br />
Rani: Ya, she's on maternity leave.<br />
'''Herzog: '''She's never going to be a mother, Rani, but before she disappeared, I got to talk to her.<br />
Herzog: She's never going to be a mother, Rani, but before she disappeared, I got to talk to her.<br />
'''Rani: '''Disappeared?<br />
Rani: Disappeared?<br />
'''Herzog: '''You were right about the artifact, it's counting down.<br />
Herzog: You were right about the artifact, it's counting down.<br />
'''Rani:''' What happened to her?<br />
Rani: What happened to her?<br />
'''Herzog:''' It doesn't matter, what matters is the artifact.<br />
Herzog: It doesn't matter, what matters is the artifact.<br />
'''Rani: '''Look, I-I can't... Standish is watching me.<br />
Rani: Look, I-I can't... Standish is watching me.<br />
'''Herzog: '''Rani, you have to. What's going to happen when the device goes off?<br />
Herzog: Rani, you have to. What's going to happen when the device goes off?<br />
'''Rani: '''Nobody knows.<br />
Rani: Nobody knows.<br />
[http://transmit.ilovebees.com/outbound/breathing_room.wav breathing_room]

===Breathing room===
Herzog: When it was activated, it sent a huge ripple through the slipstream. When it goes off, at the very least it's probably going to cause a disruption that the Covenant will notice.<br />
{{Listen|title=Breathing room
Rani: I can't! You have to get someone else to do it. Do it yourself.<br />
Herzog: I'm sorry, I can't. Standish thinks I'm dead right now. I should be dead right now.<br />
Rani: What?<br />
'''Herzog: '''When it was activated, it sent a huge ripple through the slipstream. When it goes off, at the very least it's probably going to cause a disruption that the Covenant will notice.<br />
Herzog: Standish arranged an accident. It's just luck that the car hit the water and skipped the way it did, allowing the safety system to do it's job.<br />
'''Rani:''' I can't! You have to get someone else to do it. Do it yourself.<br />
Rani: No...!<br />
'''Herzog: '''I'm sorry, I can't. Standish thinks I'm dead right now. I should be dead right now.<br />
Herzog: I'm ok. Compression fracture, and a couple of vertebra, broken ribs, a broken arm, but all things that will heal. And it's lucky that wh--<br />
'''Rani: '''What?<br />
Rani: --Lucky?<br />
'''Herzog:''' Standish arranged an accident. It's just luck that the car hit the water and skipped the way it did, allowing the safety system to do its job.<br />
Herzog: As long as Standish thinks I'm dead, I've got a little breathing room. But Rani, you're all I've got.<br />
'''Rani: '''No...!<br />
Rani: *sigh*<br />
'''Herzog:''' I'm okay. Compression fracture, and a couple of vertebra, broken ribs, a broken arm, but all things that will heal. And it's lucky that wh--<br />
'''Rani: '''--Lucky?<br />
'''Herzog:''' As long as Standish thinks I'm dead, I've got a little breathing room. But Rani, you're all I've got.<br />
'''Rani: '''*sigh*<br />
(chatter off)<br />
(chatter off)<br />

[[Category:I Love Bees]]
[[Category:I Love Bees]]

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